worm fanfic metamorphosis

She outright states that there are those worse than herself out there. 10. Wait. Still noth- Ah ha! Prison of Glass(A WORM CYOA) Anime & Comics WORM. This snippet, if (when), I choose to continue it is not supposed to lead to a roflstomp!Taylor fic. Honestly a lot of the time I wonder if people want to read a worm fanfiction or not or just a watered down or more "epic" version of canon, or the Spacebattles version of worm. Partly because a lot of works are in Spacebattes rather than ao3 or ffn. She's just trying to get Marisa arrested because Remilia was pressing charges. While testing an experimental teleportation device, starship engineer Riley and alien scientist Kep find themselves stranded together in an unfamiliar wilderness. Double Cross - Taylor enters the Dresden universe during the Echidna battle. But with some volatile secrets of her own, joining the heroes isn't on the cards - leaving her to forge her own path between heroism and villainy, walking a thin line down the middle. The setting is somewhat defunct as it came out before Ward did, but that doesnt stop me from recommending Loaf to basically everyone. Won't be lewds until the last chapter. Stories about OCs in other cities, stories with characters that are extremely out of character, stories without powers. They'd bonded, they'd gotten closer, they'd even started hooking up on the down-low. Actually, it's only a method to coerce her. It occurred to me, as I dropped back down and rolled in the not-sand, that this felt far more real than any dream I'd had before. They got careless. He's somehow managed to stud himself. But in this post, I will be writing about some of the most popular Worm fanfiction according to hits received in Archive Of Our Own. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. adventure. to the canon work. He has a stamp and everything! In ch. "I guess she's tired of hanging out with only me. To start off, is a story about Taylor with an alternate power a Worm fanfic? I opened my eyes and sat up. In the other she replaces Hyoudou Issei in DxD. You can only push someone so far before they break. This is a core element that you could either decide is justified depending on if you/someone close has had similar occurrences which make you not trust authority, or unjustified because you believe that authority is honestly trying to do its best, but the world is fucked up and sometimes things may fall through the cracks. Say hello to the 3rd Dream of the Endless, Taylor Hebert everybody! Worm Story Search Stories Dark. Warfare! No answer is wrong, just different. The Lady of the Flies - Taylor is sent to the DxD universe after the GM but before DxD canon. The Avatar of Justice and Protection, destined to bring peace and safety to the people of Earth Bet through superior firepower. I assume you're talking about me? She ends up getting trapped in a magical box by Patchouli's, but Chen was already contamined by Yuuka's spores. Sixteen chapters later, Most of Gensokyo's powerhouses join together near the beginning of the story to take down, The Kirin have access to a way of killing youkai and faeries and. She has spent significant time in the Final Fantasy, Young Justice, Kabaneri, and Elder Scrolls universes so far. 74. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. In general, a fanfiction is anything that uses the characters and/or setting or an original work. This post will be me writing into a box on what is the criteria for a story to be a Worm Fanfiction. The heartwarming story of a girl ascending to godhead. I woke up as a dungeon, now what? and go offer condolences to Remilia (who had been rather abrasive towards her) after Flandre's death/capture. DO NOT REPOST THANK YOU - NE PAS REPOSTER MERCI, Its been three days. His voice sounds so loud in the quiet room, even if he talks in a whisper, even if his vocal cords strain not to break. From my sister?". The protagonist like scifi! Exodus - Post GM Taylor is sent to the Big Hero Six universe. She isVegnagun. Throwing a snowball at Lily White on the first day of spring will send her from joyous to foaming at the mouth in no time flat. Metamorphosis Chapter 1, a worm fanfic | FanFiction It was like finger painting, and Emma was so soft. It was then that I noticed that silvery not-sand was falling off my clothes, making a mess of the floor. A crossover with Dark Souls 2, although I honestly can take or leave those elements. neither Kaguya and Mokou nor Rumia Yagami have managed to get out of Rin's body, bringing panic into the group who run to the Hakurei Shrine, with schemes upon schemes and plans upon plans clashing and merging with each other, She also knows about the universe we call reality, she decides to take her leave and come back again next spring. Hoping, dreaming that it might be something else, someplace warm and safe, I opened the door. 21. I think that's just a factor of the audience this fandom attracts. Her eyes met mine, greeting me with a smile as Saki always does. stand on the sidelines watching while everyone tries to kill Rin because they think she's too dangerous to be let alive, she was more upset about the fact that they agreed to keep Rin in her house without telling her anything than the fact that the two took part in, stolen Daiyousei's money and gotten her kicked out of the Youkai Market in. Arana - In this one she enters the afterlife of Bleach post GM. Story of a overpowered Psychokinetic who was inserted into the wormverse and fixes it in her own overenthusiastic style. Most of you would probably agree that both of those stories would be Worm fanfics. Basically Taylor reincarnates into the Naruto universe with the addition of an SI, Nara Shikako, from another fanfic. And I don't suppose you have a link to that fic? I killed a human being., Something dark and twisted devours his brothers eyes. Privacy Policy. Tiled grey flooring covered with the grease of . and our Denik doesn't know. When Enji dreamed, he mostly dreamed of the mundane things of life. What're they called? 29. And for what purpose? For more information, please see our This Darker and Edgier Fan Fiction features some of the darkest elements of the games themselves (such as Gensokyo being filled with belligerent, distrustful maniacs), some Alternative Character Interpretations popular amongst Touhou fanfiction writers (such as Eirin being a Mad Scientist, Yukari being a scheming Manipulative Bastard, and Yuuka being a Wicked Cultured Depraved Bisexual), and runs with it. What happened to Satori when she looked into Yuuka's mind. I think it's a stupid debate to have in the first place. The Criteria to be a Worm Fanfiction. Her final speech at the end before leaving was also rather rude. People don't hike the trail without a knife or bear repellant spray. Post GM Taylor reincarnates into the Dreaming of Sunshine universe. 39, this is the only hope for Kanako and Nitori. TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. As Real As Anything 3.4 This post will also be ignoring fics that were written with the intention of being an original story, but were latter branded with "Worm" to get more views. The girl's locker room at Winslow High School was an absolute nightmare of uncleanliness, an affront deep enough to encroach on the back of her mind even through the bathroom stall she had previously been hiding in. As Real As Anything 3.7 My purpose in writing this post, whether it worked or not, was to try and get those people to think, "Maybe those fics are Worm fics, even if they are different from what I like.". Rapid Eye Movements 2.7 Fine. As I got even closer I noticed why. In this case, that means attending lunch. Also, I'm tired of this "no powers, not wormfic #based #yccmv #justmyopinion #neversaidbefore #relatable" discourse that happens every single time my fic is mentioned. I wouldve liked to see more of this, but before it died it gave us the most brutal Thinker fight/power interaction Ive ever seen. Also notable for going deep into an explanation of how Taylors power works in a way that is extremely interesting instead of dull as rocks. Who knew that a story that has Contessa accidentally baking sentient bread that trolls the Simurgh could also have some of the best self-introspection in any fanfic? "It is amazing, the sort of things people will do for love," Yukari murmured. Then she turns and sees a man selling fruit. When she makes a promise or deal, she will go out of her way to make sure that both sides live up to it. We're going where no one will find me, Space! An extremely distrustful Taylor with the power to manipulate peoples mental word associations meets Tattletale, and the result is a clusterfuck. Subverted in that the storm was, in fact, summoned by EX-Rumia, who has less than noble intentions for Mokou and Kaguya. 15. Posting/advertising your own story is allowed. Weird. 7 years after it was almost completely destroyed by Leviathan, the city of Sydney, Australia stands tall and proud once again. It's by Ryuugi so it's really good, but will probably never finish. This is about a post Fallout 4 Taylor returning to Brockton Bay, so I don't know how well that fits what you are looking for. Interestingly enough, the "it" in question is not, Reisen's self-esteem was quite low to begin with, but after Mima's cruel. That no longer a harry potter fanfiction, that just fifty shade of grey. 16. Since narrow criteria exclude many fics that most would agree are Worm fanfiction, and broad criteria lead to squabbles over whether or not a reader feels that a story is truly a Worm fanfiction, it is safe to say that we, as a whole, are unable to come up with a criteria that doesnt leave a significant portion of readers unsatisfied. 1. both the Judeo-Christian God and Lovecraftian Outer Gods exist, they were created when YHWH took over and offered to let the old deities live if they agreed to stay there, Reimu evicts Yukari from the Hakurei Shrine, When Yukari dealt the final blow to Yuuka, Yuuka saw, convinces Yukari to go along with her plan. 20. Burn Ups prose is incredible, managing to express the emotions and context of a hundred words for every ten you read, and thats to say nothing of how memorable the lines themselves are. As Real As Anything 3.2 The Shadow Youkai is just getting stronger too because of the inevitable power of Rin Satsuki copying legendary people's abilities. Gigantic stone blocks, twice my height in some cases, made towers that seemed to be doing their level best to defy the law of gravity. As a world constantly on the verge of being attacked, it would be a hotbed of negative emotions and imagination.Ripe, fertile grounds for an Angel to set up his own game, and maybe upset the table a little bit. It's a long story. Reimu is a more classic exemple: she is definitely more jaded and cynical than Byakuren, and keeps a cold and harsh faade (. Guy wakes up in Brockton Bay, in a different body and with stranger memories. With only herself to rely on, Jenni finds herself having to use her powers in ways she did not think she was capable of to remain free and to keep the destroyer of her family from hurting anyone else again. That hurt. "Does she expect to find, Yuuka found out about the existence of infinite, he's apparently older and more powerful than Yukari, eating Mystia and forcing her to remain alive throughout entire process. Grete Samsa was scared, her brother had just become an insect and she didnt know what to do. Prologue: Imagone 0.1 I made a deal about a week ago, and I'm upholding it. They separately deal with its aftermath, trying to understand what led to their misunderstanding in the first place. +2 more. The only Ongoing fic on the list. 36. ihealth covid test expiration date ready to paint ceramic christmas village mecum motorcycle auction 2023 She'll be forced to follow some rules. There as been an additional, one and one half line, change to 1.4 that was forgotten the first time. He stares without seeing the train disappear within the stars. Thankfully, we've mostly all realised that characterisation is subjective, which means we have discussions when talking about readings of certain characters instead of arguments (It's important to recognise the difference between discussion and argument in this case. Rebecca is also an excellent extrapolation from canon of how she would be like in an AU without powers. Ah, that was beautiful. 2. At the time Taylor thought her only power was to sense other parahumans. Again I do not own this fic or . Subverted, but still a reader punch. I could use that right about now. 4. As they get older and she undergoes changes, their relationship changes as well. However, his PR agents had informed him that he needed a boost in his reputation with the public. Yuuka pierces Flandre's heart with a wood stake. The life of the Heberts changes rather a lot when Danny and Taylor use the rarest superpower of all and actually communicate with each other. And now I'm stuck imagining the Simurgh making lasagna in a giant tinkertech oven in the middle of a fight. Okay, well then, perhaps a Worm fanfiction is a story that has Taylor in it. It was out of my reach as it was, however, and I had to stand on the armrest of the throne to even try to reach it. As the hatchling feeds and grows it will gain the same colour as an adult earthworm. Category: Gen Fandoms: Worm (Web Serial Novel) The Sandman (Comics) Characters: Dream of the Endless Taylor Hebert The Simurgh The Contessa The Corinthian Jack Slash Dragon (Worm) Sophia Hess Glaistig Uaine Doctor Mother Danny Hebert (Worm) Additional Tags: Loss of Identity Mind Screw Dream Sequence Language: English Stats: Published: 2014-03-24 Marisa vaporized Nyoron, after that already happened because of Yuuka. This is a group for collecting MLP fics that crossover with the Worm fic series. Her response was "Do I look like the altruistic type?" Work Search: Damn. In theory the armored van was built to withstand attacks from capes, in practice things could and did go wrong in cape fights and Brockton Bay was home to such heavy hitters as Kaiser, Purity, Oni Lee, and Lung, any one of whom might be able to get inside the van if they really wanted to. That doesn't mean I'm an idiot.". Looking down at myself, I noticed that I was still coated in filth. Who is the most dangerous being (most likely to cause harm) in Gensokyo? Well, there was an easy solution for that. And Ill kill every last one of them, if thats what it takes.. Skittering Shadows - This is a recursive fanfiction. Sage of Eyes Snippets - They have 2 seperate snippet series where Taylor reincarnates into another world. If you like stories about Taylor learning to hate herself a little less while also accidentally starting a gang, then this is one for you. Monster has excellent fight scenes and internal characterization, and its nice to see a story where openly discussing your plan DOESNT doom it for the sake of drama, but my favorite part is how it ties in with its companion piece, How I Met Your Monster. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Minhos magic churns under the palms of his hands. They did this to Rin's biological parents as punishment for the scandal and treachery they performed. As an example, I've read Harry Potter fanfics that use none of the canon characters but are set in the Harry Potter world and use worldbuilding elements. It's all paper. she was under the Shadow Youkai's control at that time. Because there, at the end of a really stupidly large entrance hall, was something interesting, in a manner other than huge. Yuuka's raped several people before via placing substances in their tea. Well, it kinda was, but it probably isn't exactly what he's looking for. All of these things are mainly due to her. The characterisation might be so strong that it could survive being transplanted into another setting entirely because everything else isn't as important. as well as To the rest of the world, she is that which was born because of the war. wanted to use her destructive powers to achieve their goals (bringing forth the apocalypse). I'd been in the locker for two hours before I started getting tired. 3. No spoilers, but it won't be Inception. 38, Sanae is utterly unwilling to let Reimu try to stop the scuffle between. So now I'm confused as to whether or not I had gotten my intended point across. And that is okay. Is a story about Taylor a Worm fanfiction if she, and other characters in the story, have significantly different characterizations from canon? 9. I was beginning to feel rather put upon as I looked up at the hundreds of marble steps, many of which had been broken, making the trip precarious. So her interactions with the Worm Canon will change. Didn't that make it about 3 miles away? It's simply the best-written Worm fanfic there is. I highly recommend reading them both at the same time. bringing Satori to the battle against Yuuka. A throne on a dais, flanked by tattered curtains, with something inset at the top, green and shining. (See the end of the chapter for more notes.). defeating an eldritch abomination, forcing it to break its own rules, then rubbing your victory in its face with your last words. 3. that it's her reaction to realizing that she's fictional, she agreed to participate as a test subject for Eirin's crazy experiment, Yuuka was the one that relieved those memories for her, and she said it was more painful than actually turning into the. A CYOA Fanfic from the writer McSwazey which is unfortunately dead since the last update on September 14 of 2018. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). Quick Alfred, get my suitcase! 17. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Well, I had made my earlier changes with the thought that 1.6 would be first, but it seems that I got to finish the rewrite of 1.2 first. Each of them is important part of what makes Worm the story that it is, but each of us place different weight into what these parts bring to the collective whole that what we believe to be the core of Worm will be different. 34. And no, I'm probably not going to explain what meta-physically happened during the "trigger". But Taylor's voice isn't the only thing that changes about Taylor. This time my shout of joy startled the birds out of their roosts entirely, and likely disturbed more than a few of the neighbours too. She even thought of pressing further charges with "murder". As Real As Anything 3.6 Convenient. Still better than the contents of the locker. This is actually why I've been watching other transformed Taylor fics and theirs a few that are popping up know . Cookie Notice While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Yukari has the urge to generate smoke and hand out hoods whenever she's with Mima and Eirin. Yet, it still manages some occasional funny moments, and Earn Your Happy Ending is not out of the question (much like another Touhou Dark Fic). Of course, this is when I slipped and fell, knocking my head on the way down. She Triggers, with the power to copy other powers. . Pushing dusty velvet curtains out of my way I noticed two things. 5. Nice to see it still going. Her attitude is what makes the fic shes extremely hammy but competent, turning villainy into an actual game of cops and robbers that even the heroes cant help but enjoy at times. Includes non-canon events or non-crucial plot that was cut. , . This doesn't mean that there aren't objective core elements that make up a character, but we decide how we read this core elements. and thus unleash the GPF on her. In Ch. All of those are Harry Potter fanfics. As much as it feels like certain characters should be read certain ways, this is often not the case, and people put more weight in aspects of the character that speak to them the most, and either give or take slack away depending on our experiences. Hell, I'd even take the blanket. Queen of Blood is the golden standard for how a crossover should be constructed. Please consider turning it on! In literature, most things are subjective even if they feel objective. I hate that, you hate that, let's move on. I looked up, at the sky, and frowned. As Real As Anything 3.5 This is being told after the actual attempt itself. It can be easy to confuse these with potworms (Enchytraeidae), which are small segmented worms that are closely related to earthworms. They were, respectable I supposed, but rather dwarfed by the scale of the castle. I'll do better next time, maybe? It's a dual bitching & studding fic, y'all! Imperfect Metamorphosis is a Alternate Universe Touhou Project fanfic written by TakerFoxx. Fanfic as a concept starts from subjective conclusions on which element(s) of Worm is(are) the most resonant. Eyes Wide Shut 1.4 And all of these are valid because that's the thing with subjectives. One Vision, One Purpose. The only Worm fanfic to horrify me as much as canon did. Pretty sure it only counts if it's about going for a morning run and ogling a cute dude. If humans did the same thing, babies would start out eating as much as 10 pounds of food each day. It also uses the unused character Rin Satsuki from The Embodiment of Scarlet Devil as one of the principal characters. * and then insert humorous sarcasm. since when does Yukari speak in such a grandiose fashion?! Is a crossover with Gundam but nothing of Gundam is required to fully enjoy it. Eyes Wide Shut 1.7 He has cried too much lately; there are no more tears left. Reimu is gathering allies to achieve her objective, but these allies don't get along very well. Requests for specific types of fics/specific aspects of stories. Eyes Wide Shut 1.6 A Worm crossover with Honkai Impact 3rd. In that case, then maybe a Worm fanfiction is a story that uses characters from Worm. Not sure if it's dead, but it has really good characterization for both sides of the crossover. I never said they weren't anything, just that I didn't like them and hoped they wouldn't become prevalent in the fandom like they have in so many others I enjoy (Seriously go look at The 100 and Supergirl, so so many). left kudos on this work. She then says it might be Reisen herself. 22. Would recommend this story for whenever you want to just have fun. tip: "uchiha sasuke/uzumaki naruto" angst kudos>10, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Carol Dallon | Brandish / Dean Stansfield | Gallant, Amy Dallon | Panacea | Red Queen/Victoria Dallon | Glory Girl | Antares, Kayden Anders | Purity / Ethan | Assault / Battery, Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver/Lisa Wilbourn | Tattletale, Hannah | Hana | Miss Militia/Mouse Protector, Original Ashley Stillons | Damsel of Distress, Carol Dallon | Brandish/Original Male Character(s), Sarah Pelham | Lady Photon / Original Male Character(s), Neil Pelham | Manpower / Eric Pelham | Shielder, Crystal Pelham | Laserdream/Eric Pelham | Shielder, Carol Dallon | Brandish/Sarah Pelham | Lady Photon, Taylor Hebert | Skitter | Weaver/Brian Laborn | Grue. Who is the most deadly (powerful) being in Gensokyo? Also fucking give me Mata Hari Lisa. Reimu actually DID witness her having sex once, Yuuka took Flandre away and after her plan to take her back (by giving her Rin Satsuki, no less!) . Prince of Dreams 4.3 A subreddit to discuss fanfics for Wildbow's works! Even Mima quickly agrees to this. Make it clear that you are the author if you are doing this. I call it a fusion I mean it. A. Yukari, during the second part of The Storm chapter, goes ", Yuuka's separated forms are described to have. Yuuka does genuinely seem to care for Elly and possibly Team Nineball, remarking that outcasts should stick together. Privacy Policy. You guys are awesome, and I hope you got some decent recommendations out of this. Since the premise revolves around the Shadow Youkai, it might not be a spoiler for her to be said to be even stronger than Yuuka, but The Storm arc is 4 chapters long and Yuuka is still alive. "she [Reimu's mother] had the thing with, "[Yukari has] not been this roughed up since her encounter with, "and don't get me started on your reputation as godlike lovers. I screamed and shouted, fists smashing on the door of the locker. Worm fanfic is defined as stories intended to be Worm fanfic. Madison isn't a cape herself, just a girl who made a home for herself on PHO. But one night changes everything, As she disappeared in to the darkness, no one knowing where she went. Instead of relegating the event to a footnote, Outcry relegates a lot of time to dread-filled buildup, and when the reveal finally happens it drastically changes the entire course of the story. (that one dude in the LBD thread comes to mind, might've been the inspiration for this post, lol). It takes lot of time exploring the political games of Gensokyo and just how far a youkai's mind can be screwed. A week ago, and frowned - in this one she enters the afterlife of Bleach post GM unfortunately since... 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Doesnt stop me from recommending Loaf to basically everyone 1.4 and all of these things are mainly due her. Enters the afterlife of Bleach post GM in fact, summoned by EX-Rumia, who has less than noble for... Or non-crucial plot that was forgotten the first place which was born because of the war Team Nineball, that!

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worm fanfic metamorphosis

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