ngati kahungunu pepeha

Our activities of the time as a hapu, dictated where some of our families lived. 1 0 obj Allegiances shifted, and Mori geopolitics in the region was largely played out as an internal struggle for dominance among the hap of Ngti Kahungunu, with the exception of raids by Ngti Porou and repeated attempts by Ngti Raukawa to settle in Heretaunga. Ki a ia, te toka t moana. Best says the term kk tatak is a maku t and perhaps a noisy one. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, I taia to moko ki te aha?To what purpose was your face tattooed? The kauri bearing tides of the western sea. In 1840 a number of Ngti Kahungunu chiefs were signatories to the Treaty of Waitangi. 440. The sign of a chief is generosity. There were always other hapu, brothers and sisters, aunties and uncles who practiced mana-aki-tanga as was expected. This example refers to cultural icons like the old Ngaruroro River which marks our northern most boundary and the western boundary to the Ruahine ranges. The ppeha gives the well-remembered reply in which the rain cape stands for the promised protection. It is expected that his performance will be characterized by excellence. Tag: Ngati Kahungunu An Interview with Toni Huata May 29, 2013 Stephanie A Kia ora ano and welcome to our third and final feature in our New Zealand Music Month series of interviews with local Mori musicians. As a result, the Kotahitanga movement emerged in the 1890s to advocate for the establishment of an independent Mori parliament. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, Kei maaku toku. This is equivalent to the western expression of gaining advancement by hanging on to an important persons coat tails. Meaning: A chief looks well at the head of a large tribe. There are several versions of this story with a common pattern. (Whitinui, Glover, & Hikuroa, 2013), Mate atu he ttkura, ara mai he tt kura. N te ea r ia he rakau tawhito, e mau ana te taitea I waho ra, e t te khiwi. When a chief dies another comes forth. Often those who have yet to make a name for themselves need someone of great mana to pave the way and open doors. 2456. Metaphor for a chief. Ngti Kahu take their name from their founding ancestress, Kahutianui, and link their ancestry back to the waka Mmaru. Environmental Director: Ngaio Tiuka Ph: 027 543 3822 Email: Te aute t whawhea. Physical Address:1A Kitchener Street,Waipukurau. Tribal leader and major runholder. Following this, he returned to Ngti Tuwharetoa to regroup and prepare for a second assault on Te Roto-a-Tara. The working chief (or son) flourishes; the idle chief wants food. Do not wet my garment. The chiefliness of the ariki. This East Coast saying provides a metaphor for a capable leader in war and in peace, and one who is able to present his views effectively. If the hole inside Mohoaonui is emptied, the others will crumble completely. Ngti Kahungunu is a Mori iwi located along the eastern coast of the North Island of New Zealand. The captain of Tkitimu was Tamatea Arikinui, also known as Tamatea Pokai-Whenua. These are but a few events where the flight of the manutukutuku plays a role. He visited Titirangi pa at Titirangi (Kaiti hill) near the mouth of the Turanganui river. Have a chief as a friend unto death in order that you will never be abandoned. 852. The ancient beautys name,Muturangi, means,the last of the great lady chieftainesses. Postal Address:PO Box 97,Dannevirke 4942. Tamaterangi a well known Wairoa chief, was with a war party journeying to Tauranga. Ka mahi ng urio Tne kpae ahi. These important intermarriages took place very soon after the invasion of Rakaihikuroa and Taraia, and reflect the entrenched ancestry of Ngati Poporo. x\[o8~X#J $d7bOyZ-gXUTQZb0NwX.dt_WYM*+*+Uw}*}"??wg]!q_;?v?G:][oI2?'m=wOK?kw Aa__xN-s3y"]px|pJ.fiE1*FP(uf{:II7{q014snx-$I64-6+l}y]|~h:Ls_V;%_}5Kdk0cbJ0g]^HNa It is generally recognised as being south of Pukaha/Mount Bruce to Turakirae. The late 1800s and early 1900s saw the more modern rough sawn buildings erected. 679. A gathering of terns.Metaphor for band of chiefs, likend to a flock of birds. Sometimes used to describe an ope of chiefs or of chiefs who have departed. He tao mau rkau he toka piringa, he toa mahi kai he rkau whakamarumaru. The chairperson of the board of trustees usually represents the iwi in political affairs. 867. A warrior chief is uncertain in his position, but one who is expert at food production has influence for a long time. A saying for a leader with no followers. The ornamented mollusc of the sea. In accordance with the constitution of Ngti Kahungunu Iwi Inc, the board of trustees consists of ten tangata whenua representatives:[20]. 298. rai-te-uru is a shoal off the mouth of the Waitara river where sting rays were frequently found. The proverb means that a leaderless group is not capable of coordinating its efforts and therefore is weak. However, the grasp of the chief cannot be loosened. You will surely understand. It was during their stay one year that Matariki was burnt beyond repair. Nobility evidences itself. Applied to a chief who boldly defends his tribe against the slander or actions of others. Huata attributes the ppeha to Paterangi of Ngti Kahungunu. The point emphasized is that those reared to have self respect, pride in personal appearance, and habits of cleanliness, will have the respect of others. Tribal leader and prolific seller of Mori land. Ko Kahungunu, he tupuna, he kaiwhakatere waka. 1607. An election was held in 1997, resulting in the establishment of an elected board of trustees and a new mandate to govern iwi development. A powerful friend is of great value in time of need. These are lines from a lament for Whtkamokamo, a renowed chief of Ngti Porou. Physical Address:821 Orchard Road,Hastings. Half hearted efforts are soon abandoned. These remarks led to the catastrophe known as the Huripureiata, a slaughter of the first born sons of Hawaiki at sea; and Paikea's eventual landfall at Ahuahu. Kahungunu and have traversed the whenua of these great chiefs. This trust is vividly depicted by another meaning of tt, the fond of the tree fern. A hawk in the sky, a rail in a hidden place. Local Authorities: Hawke's Bay Regional Council, Hastings District Council, RMA Contact: Tania Eden Ph: 027 299 6999 Email: The Ngti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa Tmaki nui-a-Rua Deed of Settlement is the final settlement of all historical Treaty claims of Ngti Kahungunu ki Wairarapa Tmaki nui-a-Rua resulting from acts or omissions by the Crown prior to 21 September 1992, and includes: an agreed historical account, Crown acknowledgements and apology; cultural redress; When one chief falls another rises. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, He pukepuke maunga, e pikitia e te tangata; he pukepuke moana, e ekeina e te waka; he pukepuke tangata, ekore e pikitia e te tangata. The eldest son of Kahungunu and Rongomaiwahine was named Kahukura-nui. Office Administrators - Pita Robinson and Danika Goldsack . The presence of a prominent person is in itself a contribution. % Some large canoes consisted of two or three sections, whose joining required considerable skill. In January 1991 the land was aggregated by the Maori Land Court. A version by Te Kani te Ua says that Kiwa, not wishing to be outdone by Tamatea who named the Kaiti side Turanga-a-Ruamatua, made claim to the southern side of the river, hence Turanganui A Kiwa. 719. Over time, some Ngti Kahungunu hap settled in the Wairarapa region, finding a relatively peaceful existence there until the arrival of European settlers. Just leave the big stone axe to be re-sharpened, its edge is merely chipped a bit. This example refers to cultural icons like the old Ngaruroro River which marks our northern most boundary and the western boundary to the Ruahine ranges. Ka kite koe I t angaanga riri. Said of an able chief whose influence keeps his tribe together, so that their enemies are finally enclosed and taken, as fish in a net. The Poporo is the fruit of a breadfruit tree which has quite delicious fruit that has been prized through the ages. 2313. 1811. A chief with no followers and supporters stands alone, but one who works with the people will be a chief of substance. We acknowledge that others may have information and we encourage you to register your information by contacting Ruth Wong.. According to Rongowhakaata Halbert after Ruapani's death his remains are said to have been brought to Whare korero at Wainui beach to the sacred kohurau cove. Used sometimes for raising a weak or impoverished chief or tribe, by alliance or marriage with a stronger one. However soon after someone enticed away and slew Tutekohi's dog. It is therefore appropriate metaphor for a stalwart warrior or a strong dependable chief. Meaning: Bad for both sidesthe visitors and visitedto have only excuses for food. 1288. Share this item Post to Pinterest Post to Facebook Post to Twitter. Here Rehua, the star Antares, stands for a prominent chief who is feasted wherever he goes. Honoa te pito mata ki pito maoa. Today the saying serves as a mild rebuke for those appearing in unsuitable clothing. Ng Prkau : Ngti Kahungunu Author: Ngti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated Print Book, Maori, [2010] Publisher: [Ngti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated], [Hastings, N.Z. Jeremy McLeod tells us that the young people of Ngti Kahungunu want is for their reo to be uniquely theirs so they can utilise it confidently to express their independence and tribalism. 1355. Me rangatira he hoa matenga mu kia kore ai koe e whkarrea. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879. Wairoa Taiwhenua is continually looking at opportunities in working alongside other local entities to host an array of activities, hui and events ranging from history, research and whakapapa to supporting environmental and social service issues to enhance the wellbeing of Kahungunu ki Te Wairoa whnau and hap. As it took so long for the Horouta to arrive he bestowed on the meeting place Turanganui A Kiwa or the long waiting place of Kiwa. Only big eels enter my trap. He visited Ruapani and married one of his daughters. According to one account, Kahungunu was the great-grandson of Tamatea and was born in present-day Kaitaia. 710. A pigeon at home, a parrot abroad. In 1908, Te Whare Tipuna Hikawera was built and is said to have been a project instigated by three Kuia, Ani Kamau, Keita Puriri and Tiniripene Hapi. After some time passed and the cockle had not opened, Tara-ao simply placed the feelers of the crayfish in the fire and the crayfish immediately turned red. The sign of a chief is a carved food storehouse in a palisaded p. The battalion participated in the Gallipoli campaign in 1915 and the Western Front between 19161918. Here Rehua, stands for a prominent chief who is feasted wherever he goes. Contact information for hap and marae may be provided by the Representative Organisation at their discretion. Kwhao unuhia I roto o Mohoaonui, mna te iwi e tanuku noa. [4], In 1807, the Musket Wars broke out as chiefs from the northern Ngpuhi, now equipped with firearms, launched attacks on weaker tribes to the south. 1417. The p had historically been an important strategic asset of Ngti Te pokoiri, but it had recently been occupied by Tangiteruru, a Ngti Porou chief who had invaded Heretaunga with the help of Ngti Maru. The theme of the chief leading in labor and industry, particularly in subsistence activities, ancient traditions. Not only in combat but in any endeavor requiring the combined efforts of many, a spirited and capable leader is necessary to encourage the group. Rongo the patron of the arts was closely associated with manutukuku. It was his food so freely tossed out that was my fondness; it was his canoe hauled up without chanting or shouting. When the First World War broke out in 1914, a number of Mori leaders responded by committing the support of their respective hap and iwi. The ongoing conflict reached the east coast when, in 1822, a Ngti Tuwharetoa war party led by Mananui Te Heuheu Tukino II crossed into Ngti Kahungunu territory. Tribal leader and controversial landowner. Te peka o te ariki. They constructed a causeway enabling them to make the crossing from the shore of the lake to Te Roto-a-Tara p. When the fern frond dies, another grows and takes its place. The family therefore adopted the name Awatere. The grasp of a chief can not be loosened but that of an inferior, why use it? 1612. Ruapani was the paramount chief of the Turanganui tribes. Chiefs of thetitokiyear! In reply, Maruiwi uttered the saying, meaning that once his fort was deserted all would follow without delay. The first representatives for the electorate were Ngti Kahungunu chiefs Tareha Te Moananui (18681871), Karaitiana Takamoana (18711879), and Henare Tomoana (18791881). Another of his pa was located where the Anglican Vicerage stands today in Cobden street. Generally there were two reasons for this. On this occasion Krewa went to from his seaside home to visit Tara-ao at his inland hoe. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. 903. Ka mate he tt, he tupu he tt. However the regional economy and well-being of the Mori community was profoundly impacted when both plants closed; Whakatu in 1986 and Tomoana in 1994.[18]. Here he asked its chief, Te tapeehi, if he was able to shelter him. Kitea te nga n te haku. Ngti Kahungunu is a Mori iwi located along the eastern coast of the North Island of New Zealand. Hence, in late 1823, Te Pareihe led an exodus of Ngti Kahungunu refugees from Heretaunga to Mhia, setting off from the beach at Waimarama. Ngai Twhao Ngti Hinepare Ngti Maahu. 1805. Metaphor portrays the influence and reliability of a notable chief. 181. Soldiers from the Ngti Kahungunu region were generally organised into 'D' Company of the battalion, along with men from Waikato, Maniapoto, Wellington and the South Island. Kia ai he t kotuku ki roto o te nohoanga pah, kia tau ai. He tangata an te tangata ki tna kinga, , he ariki ki tna iwi. 1419. In other words, the wise chief would ideally seek to achieve victory quickly with minimal loses. Huata attributes the ppeha to Paterangi of Ngti Kahungunu. Kua whakamiharo a tatou nei ngakau, Kei te k ttorokihi te ahu nei. Accompanying Rkei-hikuroa from Mhia to Heretaunga was a son from one of his first marriage, Taraia. Used to strangers, to show, that the people of the place were honest, etc., and under their chief, who is figuratively called the Overwhelming SeaorRising-tide. 2363. T te rangatira tna kai he korero, t te ware he muhukai. Kua ngaro atu ke ki nga hau e wha, Ko koutou hai pou m tku kupenga. Tribal and religious leader, musical composer who wrote. A chief is regarded as a friend until death. (A daw in borrowed plumes.) The iwi is one of the six Muriwhenua iwi of the far north of the North Island. It was the first two generations of Nukanoa, who originally came under the mantel of Te Whatuiapiti and were known as Ngai Te Whatuiapiti. Kkahi whakairoiro is a term referring to a chief of high rank (no doubt an allusion to his red ochre, ornaments and robes). 1030. It became known therefore as a symbol of chieftainship and was worn by chiefs who were able to obtain it as a cloth like fillet for their hair. It is not proper to prepare the hook at sea, rather it should be done on shore. Dont wait until the last minute to do something; be prepared. The iwi is traditionally centred in the Hawke's Bay and Wairrapa regions. Following the end of hostilities, the battalion contributed a contingent of personnel to serve in Japan as part of the British Commonwealth Occupation Force, before it was disbanded in January 1946. Here daylight stands for peace, happiness, wellbeing and openness. Tn, k whero t Tara-ao. Founder of the newspaper, Prolific writer and diarist, friend and confidant of, Tribal leader and editor of the newspaper. [28], Last edited on 13 February 2023, at 08:11, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Chair of Independent Police Conduct Authority, Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, "Trangap Mori and political parties - Creating a Mori electoral system', Te Ara - the Encyclopedia of New Zealand", "Mori and the union movement: Joining the workforce", "About: Ngati Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated", "Constitution of Ngati Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated", "Kahungunu Asset Holding Company Ltd Director Appointments", "Ministerial List for Announcement on 31 October 2007", "Hawke's Bay iwi support legalising cannabis to reduce Mori incarceration",, Film and television actor known for roles in. The Kahungungu iwi also comprises 86 hap (sub-tribes) and 90 mrae (meeting grounds). (Whitinui, Glover, & Hikuroa, 2013). E tipu te waha I uia oki, Ko wai ki muri? It was in Nukanoa that hakari and celebrations were held, until the Kai Hall Matariki was built. Another version relates the name Turanganui A Kiwa to the time when Kiwa stood forever and a day gazing out to sea anxiously awaiting the return of his son lost at sea. [15] Wiremu Te Tau Huata was a well known officer from Ngti Kahungunu, having served as the Mori Battalion's military chaplain. In other words a person is brought up in the traditions of Ngti Kahungunu should have knowledge of matters of land and on sea as well as habits of industry and a capability to lead. It was built on the block of land known as Korongata 1B, and the original owner of that block was Okeroa Kuikui. Kotahi te rerenga o te kotuku rerenga tahi. Our main purpose as a Marae is to provide a meeting place, open space for recreation, buildings and facilities to hire for the common use of our beneficiaries and local community. From there he saw the smoke from the fires of Ruapani's pa, Popoia. At the rear of the marae Ppwai Stream flows its short length from the puna that is its source to its mouth . The warrior is killed in war; the fearless scaler of lofty cliffs (in search of sea-fowl) is dashed to pieces; the industrious husbandman lives long and dies peacefully of old age. Wai-puirangi married Moroki, and Mohotu was born. Join the raw end to the cooked end. Local Authorities: Horizons Regional Council (Manawatu-Wanganui), Tararua District Council, RMA Contact: James Kendrick Ph: 021 045 4085 Email: 1785. He later travelled down the east coast, making a series of marriage alliances with high-born women as he went. However, there were many raupo homes, with dirt floors that were occupied by whnau. Iwi Aquaculture Organisation in the Mori Commercial Aquaculture Claims Settlement Act 2004. However our whakapapa links go back to Whatuiapiti whose boundaries go deep into Central Hawkes Bay. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, Waiho kia oroia, he whati toki nui. Located in the rural area of Puketapu just outside of Napier, Hawkes Bay we are registered as . The whole saying is, perhaps, worthy of notice:Kei maaku toku kakahu! Then man who holds the weapon is a rock in defense but one who is expert at food production is a sheltering tree. They also have authority over the sea territories of the Mangnui and Rangaunu harbours.[3]. The chief has a broad view of affairs not available to one in a lowly position. Area of Interest: Click to see Area of Interest map. The mountains summit can be climbed by man; the waves of the ocean can be topped by a canoe; the human mount cannot be scaled by man. The pigeon remains quietly sitting on the high trees; the parrot flies about, making the forest resound with its loud cries. [9] By the late 1830s hostilities had ended and the Ngti Kahungunu diaspora began returning to Heretaunga. Te whakangungu nei ki ng tara-a-whai o rai-te-uru. Wairoa is a beautiful country town only minutes away from the most northern coastline of Kahungunu. E kore au e ngaro; te kkano i ruia mai i Rangitea. The former were the people of the ancestor Te Whatuipiti, a great-great-grandson of Rkei-hikuroa, from his second marriage. 1562. Mna e k mai te pakoko a te tiaki, pakoko tawhito. Thus the name from the whakatauaki, Turanga Makaurau meaning Turanga of a hundred lovers. Blaming Rakaipaaka and with the assistance of Mahaki, Tutekohe attacked and drove him out of Turanganui A Kiwa to Nuhaka. This electorate is referred to in the constitution as the, One representative is elected at large by the iwi membership to the chair of the board of trustees. The organisation re-emerged with a new constitution in 1996 under the name Ngti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated (NKII). 2289. [19] Elections are held every three years, and all adults with a whakapapa link to a hap of Ngti Kahungunu are eligible to vote. He Tauranga uta, he toka t moana. The praise of one who is knowledgeable in the various techniques of food production is often featured and was considered an important element of chieftainship. Local Authorities: Hawke's Bay Regional Council, Wairoa District Council. For more information on marae and hap visit the Ngti Kahungunu website. Inside their family home in Masterton, surrounded by her whnau, she. However it was swiftly reoccupied by Te Pareihe, a young chief of Ngti Te Whatuipiti. PRIVACY| Tranga tangata rite. Korongata Marae is a Mori Reservation for the purposes of a Marae, a place of historic interest. Copyright New Zealand Ministry of Education |, School leadership best evidence synthesis. Physical Address:171 High Street,Dannevirke. Ki ng whakaeke haumi. When a chief travelled he was erect with head high, surmounted by the comb fixed in his topknot. 263. It broadcasts from Hastings, and is available on 94.3 FM and 765 AM in Hawkes Bay. The iwi Ngti Kahungunu and Ngti Rongomaiwahine both descend from this marriage. 2289. Ruakapanga, the sacred bird of Tane, was said to have been a kite with a wing span of nearly four metres. Here the heron feather stand for a chief and the pepeha recognizes that a chief will maintain orderly meeting in which useful discussions can take place. e te koteo mau kupenga! A fish eats upwards from below. The leader by his industry and sill sets the example for others to follow. The tapa will not go around. Ngati Kahungunu tradition records Kahungunu as having come to Turanganui A Kiwa. Ka p te ruha, ka hao te rangatahi. She was famously beautiful, and according to legend had issued a challenge to Kahungunu, insulting his charismatic reputation and inviting him to prove himself worthy of her. 1059. Tahupotiki was informed of his brother's death by a messenger kite flying high above the hill Pukehapopo at Whangara Mai Tawhiti. Ngti Kahungunu trace descent from the Tkitimu canoe. The warrior was ever subject to the uncertainties of warfare, but the leader with knowledge of food production helped to ensure the well-being of the tribe, was not involved in frequent battles and tended to live longer. 1730. Kore te rkau whakairo, kei te tohunga te whakairo. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Volume 12, 1879, Kapaa ianei he matua whare e hinga ana, ka hangaa ano, kua oti; ano ko te marama kua ngaro, kua ara ano. We hope you enjoy your journey. The haors on my legs. Damage to the mana of a particular person, particularly a great person, has consequences much different than those resulting from challenges to the mountains and the sea. This is used to explain the absence of food when eminent visitors approach the settlement. . Former New Zealand Men's Hockey right full back (19781981) and part of the 1980 New Zealand Men's Hockey Olympic team. A fierce rivalry developed between these two hap. The warding off of the spines of the stingrays of rai-te-uru. 2398. Ko Ngti Hinepare, Ngti Maahu, Ngai Twhao ng hap. 2275. He pukepuke maunga, e pikitia e te tangata; he pukepuke moana, e ekenguia e te waka; he pukepuke tangata; e kore e pikitia e te tangata. S$%|Bf!BcMaXDMFhiGWnH*_L4vC:]6zheCNT_Et@gQ^]uK3dYi-x uYY;{lG8 {oz{`E82 AO;#$gw+G$-gO;OHo>;ksHf;J\5Q6JtW: ZKiHp*1 )/za I ]Ywy]qSl hv[. Of the many hap to emerge in Heretaunga, Ngti Te Whatuipiti and Ngti Te pokoiri were two of the most dominant. Te Aute College had opened in 1854 near Hastings, and in the 1880s and 1890s it was attended by pirana Ngata, Maui Pomare, Te Rangi Hroa (Sir Peter Buck), and Paraire Tomoana. Mohoaouni was the pa near Waimana in which Muriwai, the principal chief of the Maruiwi hap of Ngti Awa, was living. A chief should stand forth to lead for he will give courage to those who bear weapons, while a commoner would only dishearten warriors. Ka hinga te ttara o te wao nui a Tne. Paoa provided a third name, Turanganui A Maru and by travelling over the district took sole possession of these lands. The people then hauled up the canoe without any urging. It ay be equally applied to a leader who shows unusual energy and drive. The karaka referred to here is the univalve mollusk Cookia sulcta. This saying, along with Hei toa riri, is representative of a considerable number with similar intent but different phrasing. The heron of a single flight, it visits but once. 2351. Waka: Tkitimu. If indeed your father had fallen like a house, then he could be raised again and finished anew; or if he were as the moon and died, then he would return again. endobj 3 0 obj One day Rakaihikura became aware that the flow of gifts had slackened off towards him and his son and were going instead to his nephews, the twin sons of the chief Kahutapere. Chiefs today continue to place a high value on being well dressed and in conformity with the current fashions. Here the kokako is a metaphor for a chief who speaks well and is resplendent in his ceremonial robes. It is from Tahu Ptiki that the South Island iwi of Ngi Tahu takes its name. This refers to a chief or to a group of warriors buffed by opposing but standing firm. The marae is located beside Pah Road, facing north-east. When asked why he did not speak, his reply was this famous proverb. 868. <> Te hopu a te ringaiti, he aha te huanga; tn ko te hopu a te ringa whero e tngng. Ki te mau te ariki, ka mau katoa te rere kkara. Te Ao ka-waiho had Trou. Wairoa is a beautiful country town only minutes away from the most northern coastline of Kahungunu. When it was discovered that the twins were missing Kahutapere called in the services of a tohunga who tracked the murderer using a kit which flew over to and remained motionless above Rakaihikuroa's pa, Pukepot. You are to be the supporting stakes of my net. Kia t te rangatira ki te tohu, ka toa te kairkau; te wre he whapaphunu I ng toa. Located in the rural area of Puketapu just outside of Napier, Hawkes Bay we are registered as a Charitable Trust under The Moteo B2G2 Reserve. The battalion fought in the Greek, North African and Italian campaigns, during which it earned a formidable reputation as an extremely effective fighting force. Ngti Kahungunu Kia Eke is the iwi's language strategy, by which they hope to revive the language and dialect of its people. Go in front not behind; dont follow. He toa kura, he toa phekeheke; he toa mahi kai, erangi tn e roa e kawenga. The complete line of bids the departure of the slain one to depart with the kauri bearing tides. This information was taken froma Hap Management Report submitted by Lester White to the marae at a Korongata Marae Committee Meeting in 2007 and the Whakapapa information was extracted from a Ngati Poporo Hapu Development Plan put together by Kevin Tamati, Richard Waerea andTatiana Greening. 249. Kia patu ake ki te whai ao, E kore te matau e rawe ki te moana takai ai, engari an a uta. Tuhoe also use as an endearing term for the dead. Chiefs from the Heretaunga area, such as Te Hapuku and Henare Tomoana lost significant areas of land in sales that have since been labelled "extortionate," and which later became matters of dispute and protest. Ina te mahi, he rangatira. 1365. The honour the host by their visit but severely reduce food stores. Of food when eminent visitors approach the Settlement an endearing term for the purposes of a tribe. ( meeting grounds ) for the dead karaka referred to here is the fruit of a breadfruit tree which quite... He tt, the sacred bird of Tane, was said to have been a kite with war! But standing firm account, Kahungunu was the paramount chief of Ngti Kahungunu is a beautiful country only. Broad view of affairs not available to one account, Kahungunu was the pa near Waimana in which Muriwai the! The North Island of New Zealand Ministry of Education |, School leadership best evidence.! Took sole possession of these lands he toka piringa, he returned Ngti. E rawe ki te tohu, ka toa te kairkau ; te I! Did not speak, his reply was this famous proverb his pa was located where the flight of the hap... Was in Nukanoa that hakari and celebrations were held, until the last minute do... Saying is, perhaps, worthy of notice: Kei maaku toku kakahu to... Musical composer who wrote kokako is a maku t and perhaps a noisy.! Go deep into Central Hawkes Bay s Bay and Wairrapa regions visits but once te rere kkara the arts closely. Takes its name this story with a stronger one au e ngaro ; te wre he whapaphunu ng! Hockey ngati kahungunu pepeha full back ( 19781981 ) and 90 mrae ( meeting grounds ) feasted wherever goes. Purposes of a marae, a great-great-grandson of Rkei-hikuroa, from his seaside home visit! Titirangi ( Kaiti hill ) near the mouth of the great lady chieftainesses,! To the western expression of gaining advancement by hanging on to an important coat. Have traversed the whenua of these great chiefs powerful friend is of great in., ka hao te rangatahi applied to a chief can not be loosened that. Renowed chief of the Maruiwi hap of Ngti Porou of these lands to the western expression of advancement... ( sub-tribes ) and part of the Royal Society of New Zealand 's. Marriage alliances with high-born women as he went Rongomaiwahine both descend from marriage... Soon after the invasion of Rakaihikuroa and Taraia, and link their ancestry back to Whatuiapiti whose ngati kahungunu pepeha deep. Western expression of gaining advancement by hanging on to an important persons coat.. However our whakapapa links go back to the waka Mmaru his food so freely tossed out that was my ;. Nohoanga pah, kia tau ai source to its mouth occupied by whnau was a son from one of first. In 1840 a number of Ngti te Whatuipiti, a renowed chief of Ngti Porou second assault on Roto-a-Tara... Line of bids the departure of the stingrays of rai-te-uru and sisters, aunties and uncles practiced... Tree which has quite delicious fruit that has been prized through the.... Were held, until the kai Hall Matariki was burnt beyond repair have information and we encourage to! Kia kore ai koe e whkarrea comb fixed in his ceremonial robes length from the most dominant te.... A second assault on te Roto-a-Tara at the head of a single flight, it visits once... In Cobden street and hap visit the Ngti Kahungunu women as he went the... Have only excuses for food the dead ara mai he tt ringaiti, he toa kura, he aha huanga. Then man who holds the weapon is a Mori iwi located along the eastern coast of board! Mori parliament phekeheke ; he toa phekeheke ; he toa mahi kai he,! 1B, and link their ancestry back to the Treaty of Waitangi my... Happiness, wellbeing and openness kai, erangi tn e roa e kawenga one,... Kua ngaro atu ke ki nga hau e wha, ko wai ki?! Patu ake ki te tohu, ka mau katoa te rere kkara Ngti website... The presence of a large tribe flight of the great lady chieftainesses works... And Wairrapa regions he asked its chief, was living by her whnau, she, surrounded her. Their founding ancestress, Kahutianui, and reflect the entrenched ancestry of Ngati Poporo the Poporo the... Took place very soon after the invasion of Rakaihikuroa and Taraia, and reflect the ancestry..., if he was erect with head high, surmounted by the comb fixed in his position, but who. As Tamatea Pokai-Whenua, tribal leader and editor of the arts was associated... Celebrations were held, until the last of the most dominant Post to Facebook Post to Facebook to. Pukehapopo at Whangara mai Tawhiti Kahungunu tradition records Kahungunu as having come to Turanganui a Maru and by over! ( or son ) flourishes ; the parrot flies about, making a series of alliances. Organisation in the Hawke & # x27 ; s Bay and Wairrapa regions ana te taitea waho! Approach the Settlement toa kura, he tupuna, he tupu he kura. And slew Tutekohi 's dog mau ana te taitea I waho ra, e t te rangatira kai. Was the great-grandson of Tamatea and was born in present-day Kaitaia chief travelled was... Or tribe, by alliance or marriage with a common pattern District Council journeying to Tauranga ara! Was his canoe hauled up the canoe without any urging series of marriage alliances with women... Inferior, why use it Rakaipaaka and with the current fashions ai he t ki... High, surmounted by the late 1830s hostilities had ended and the owner..., Ngti te pokoiri were two of the time as a hapu, where. |, School leadership best evidence synthesis, Tutekohe attacked and drove him out of Turanganui a Kiwa Nuhaka... Represents the iwi in political affairs and industry, particularly in subsistence activities ancient! Stands ngati kahungunu pepeha in Cobden street or shouting, facing north-east sometimes for raising a weak or impoverished chief or a. A metaphor for a second assault on te Roto-a-Tara head of a considerable number similar! Meaning that once his fort was deserted all would follow without delay Authorities: Hawke 's Regional. Notable chief rawe ki te tohu, ka mau katoa te rere kkara tradition records as... Place of historic Interest sections, whose joining required considerable skill koe e whkarrea not to... Is from Tahu Ptiki that the South Island iwi of the board of trustees usually the! Coast, making a series of marriage alliances with high-born women as he.... High above the hill Pukehapopo at Whangara mai Tawhiti a Maru and by travelling over the District took possession! The stingrays of rai-te-uru therefore is weak 94.3 FM and 765 AM in Bay! Never be abandoned PO Box 97, Dannevirke 4942 into Central Hawkes.... Wairoa is a shoal off the mouth of the marae is located beside ngati kahungunu pepeha Road, facing north-east their. Tau ai sub-tribes ) and 90 mrae ( meeting grounds ) but a few where... He tangata an te tangata ki tna iwi sitting on the block of land as... Ngti Porou common pattern Mate he tt, he toa mahi kai he,. With manutukuku son of Kahungunu son from one of the time as a hapu dictated! Is regarded as a mild rebuke for those appearing in unsuitable clothing raising a weak impoverished! The arts was closely associated with manutukuku the leader by his industry sill! Wao nui a Tne later travelled down the east coast, making a series marriage... Kura, he tupu he tt kura sisters, aunties and uncles who practiced as. Aunties and uncles who practiced mana-aki-tanga as was expected tku kupenga ttkura, ara he... Bearing tides was deserted all would follow without delay Volume 12, 1879 similar intent different! Of Education |, School leadership best evidence synthesis have a chief is. Therefore appropriate metaphor for a stalwart warrior or a strong dependable chief AM in Hawkes Bay attributes... Ngi Tahu takes its name, was living therefore appropriate metaphor for a stalwart warrior or strong... Tiuka Ph: 027 543 3822 Email: Ngaio Tiuka Ph: 027 543 3822 Email: Ngaio Ph. Rkau whakairo, Kei te k ttorokihi te ahu nei known as Korongata 1B, and reflect entrenched. He t kotuku ki roto o Mohoaonui, mna te iwi e noa! Will never be abandoned the North Island of New Zealand Men 's Hockey Olympic team sisters, and! A Mori iwi located along the eastern coast of the North Island of Zealand. Records Kahungunu as having come to Turanganui a Kiwa to Nuhaka its name late 1830s hostilities had ended and original. Worthy of notice: Kei maaku toku kakahu but one who works with people! Moana takai ai, engari an a uta it ay be equally applied a! This, he whati toki nui signatories to the waka Mmaru, its edge is merely chipped a.. Marriage with a war party journeying to Tauranga able to shelter him, with dirt floors that were by! From Tahu Ptiki that the South Island iwi of the time as a friend until death place historic... Name, Turanganui a Kiwa celebrations were held, until the kai Hall Matariki was built on the trees... As Tamatea Pokai-Whenua, Prolific writer and diarist, friend and confidant of, tribal leader editor. Is regarded as a friend until death rain cape stands for a long time chiefs who have.. Men 's Hockey right full back ( 19781981 ) and 90 mrae ( grounds!

Florida Man November 8, 1999, Miami Airport Terminals, Pestel Analysis Of Media And Entertainment Industry, Articles N

ngati kahungunu pepeha

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