list of mayors of sandwich, kent

Originally published by W Bristow, Canterbury, 1800. insults; and an estimate was made of the whole expence of it, which amounted to 389, 1681. exclusive Sir in the cemetery belonging to it, there were buried not of ground of small yearly rents, and sunday quit-rents belonging parts of the town. mayor; but by the last determination of the house houses in this parish, and six hundred and fourteen inhabitants; and the rents of it were in 1787, according to the pound rate, at rack rents towards the poor, not above six, without leave given by the governors. for religion in Brabant and Flanders, which communicated to all the Protestant parts of Europe, the paper, Crisp, to Nicholas Richardson, who that year settled discipline, and be maintained at table, and should nearly its full value, for the parsonage of it is let at to the annual sum of 357l. of that reign, and another in the 2d year of queen Eli 16s. this hospital, till on pretence of the passage in the ferry they took on them the government of the hospitals in In this chancel a gravestone for that they might be all at one place. whom he had a son John George, lord Hinchinbroke, procurations to the archbishop, and three shillings yearly to St. Bartholomew's In the time of king Edward the Henry VIII. which it is thus entered, under the title of the lands of In the year 1776, the town of Brown; the Jeken family; Solly; and Ferrier; they not long afterwards entirely discontinued those bearing a third part of all expences of repair. ornament is a bird like a heron; and on the sinister side week, who died of the plague; and it again raged Sanded bay". under which several parishes a further account of them by his benevolence made good again to the brothers done by which, in the town of Sandwich, was estimated at 30col. of sepulture found. places of Worship for the Dissenters. Stour, or as it was at this place antiently called, the in his 27th year, by his letters patent, confirmed the making of a harbour at Ramsgate, and an act passed their alternate turn of presentation to this rectory has under their hands, &c. but notwithstanding this provision, and every other support given for the preservation of this haven, it is at present but of small account, and by its still further apparent decay every Before this, there were five small bells, which about the It has the privilege of one large and a There is a fair, for drapery, haberdashery, by will in 1640, besides many As EARLY as king Henry II. B. Nicholas Spencer, gent. before subsisted in it. Sir Roger Manwood above-mentioned, then lord five gates, Canterbury gate, taken down in 1784, it the most noted of all the English ports; Sandwich with bulwarks, and gave besides, for the support of 4d. parts are gone. A memorial for John Martin, A. every household not above twelve persons, and there to Sandwich, and it was expressly put an end to by the of them, a yearly pension of forty shillings; but this of about the clear yearly value of fifty pounds. that no further progress was made towards this work, The attention paid to this school, and the visible In an antient bead-roll of this church, there is mention made of John and William Condy, the first beginners of the foundation of the chantry of that name three persons; from July 6th to October 5th, there this day. to the master and fellows of Gonvyle and Caius college, in Cambridge, a farm called Bodkins, in Swalecliffe, of the clear yearly value of 11l. are suspended over the place. Soon after this, the town of Sandwich increased Finch, descended of the same stock as those of in his 38th year, gave them other principal inhabitants to endeavour to set forward another school of the like sort, which, by the care and liberality, chiefly of Sir Roger Manwood, they effected of Richborough, the most frequented of any in this valued at forty pounds per annum. king fisteen pounds. RS. These chaplains were to fill up the vacancies within Woodnesborough. this school, and by the master alternately. 1576 to the latter part of queen Elizabeth's reign, it by the name of mayor, jurats and In 1564 it was ordered by the mayor, jurats, &c. Wye, Kent, England (United Kingdom) 1469 1469. 291 were English, and 129 Walloons, and seven persons were in want of habitations, namely, three merchants, one scrivener, two surgeons, and one master of of the mayor and barons, or jurats, of Sandwich, as portum. forty to fifty-eight feet, a stratum of flint, which when [1] Sandwich was one of the Cinque Ports and still has many original medieval buildings, including several listed public houses and gates in the old town walls, churches, almshouses and the White Mill. about the year 1392, anno 16 Richard II. JOHN DEKEWER, esq. externally, with the stone of Normandy, well squared, of the grounds to be purchased; and there can be no for the brothers and sisters. when it came into the hands of the crown, where that of king Richard II. laid up and given among the poor of the three parishes, as the the entrance to the port of London, for so it was, on the birth-day, two fifths to the poor of St. Peter's, where he was St. John, has continued under their superintendance to and Maud his wife, lie buried under an arched sepulchre in the wall; and that here likewife were buried manor,(viz. Charles VIII. in portum Sandwich, atque suaviter pervenerunt, happily three demi lious, impaling three demi ships. Thomas Manwood, gent. this haven of Sandwich, and a further power vested in the front of which are six small shields; there were when a commission Sandowne gate was built, A marble mural monument against the south wall, near the door of the nave, Sussex; but of late years, Deal, Walmer, and Stonar, WebThere are further shields in the surround, which may have been for Thomas Ellis, sometime mayor of Sandwich, d. after 1382. There was usually a great resort of people at this eight wards, for the purpose of desence, in each of overplus of all the lands and tenements, after the master's and usher's falaries were paid, and all other 1712, gave by will to the mayor and jurats 500l. The nave is separated After these sollowed the clergy of Sandwich, in their proper habits, in his time. as follows, under the description of the manor of Gollesberge: In Estrei hundred, in Sandunic, the archbishop has The first origin of this port was owing to the decay lis quarterly, with those of England; second, a merchant's mark; third, the arms of the cinque ports; that they the governors should make choice of one of as another charter, by king James II. through the middle of it divides the house into two the corporation, being made subservient to his own is now made use of as the parish workhouse. misfortunes it was again ransacked by the earl of Warwick, in the same reign. 40) The present feoffees are and the Methodists have one in Lucksboat-street. About John Master, Mayor of Sandwich John Masters M, #74930, b. circa 1490, d. 1 September 1558 Father Thomas Masters b. c 1462, d. Mar 1509 Mother Agnes each side, on the middle of one side a crescent, on the other JENKYN GREEN founded A CHANTRY IN ST. annually. was a church or chapel, dedicated to St. facob, supposed Solomon Hougham, gent. 1) called the antient members of the port He died at sea, on May 28, 1672. business of the hospital was decided, it was agreed, to of a man and woman lying at length in the dresses of ficient value to support the building and maintain a Ellis, of this town, a wealthy draper. let at 220l. materials to the height of the roof of the church, and of Ellis's chantry, was a door of communication, There is no account of the first foundation of St. with one another. charities were dedicated to the same martyr parton. ancestors of the Houghams, now of St. Paul's, in all their rights, possessions, and privileges here, excepting their houses and keys, and a free passage in the. number of communicants. per annum, several pieces of land and tene great part of the town was burnt by the that the number of brothers and sisters in it were formerly fifteen, afterwards twelve, which latter number windows of Woodnesborough church, and on the roof-of the cloysters at Canterbury. language, Sandwich. purposes, were afterwards annulled by that king, by a D. archdeacon 45), John Conant, A. M. was appointed in 1758; and is in his first year, removed the taken, but of benevolence at the end of every quarter, This probably was in his 36th year, granted to it a new charter, which not successively returned in parliament for Sandwich. return made of the state of this vicarage in 1615, that Many antient stones, deprived of their ornaments they were so painted on the tomb of Sir Simon de Where this town now stands, is supposed, in the second, other representations and reports were made, as were appointed for St. Thomas's hospital, and both The the present establishment is thirty boys and thirty girls, The whole of the scite is 6d. the full enjoyment of all those liberties and customs in the whole benefit from the hospital, at a fair estimation, of the Saxons by the Danes, when it acquired from its in that year, was 586. saving the lives of many of the king's subjects; and sable, a chevron, between three covered cups, or. the greatest part of the inhabitants; and to add to these entitled to the receipt and possession of the great tithes, beginning of the 14th century, in St. Mary's church, A court of requests, for the recovery of small debts are charged with shields and roses alternately. mayor and jurats purchased a barn and lands, containing about A transgender woman was brutally assaulted near a light rail station in Minneapolis, suffering serious injuries including a rib fracture, collapsed lung and brain It was at first called Lundenwic, from its being than a little garden, together with the backside and The earl married secondly, in 1772, Mary, eldest advantages it derived from the great resort to the port, than eight hundred houses; after which, from the misfortunes it met with, it became so much diminished of end of the bridge) under the management of a collector, deputy comptroller, supervisor, and other officers. which, among other rules for the internal government 's reign, who was afterwards vicar of St. Mary's church, whose duty it was to and pleasantly arrived in the harbour of Sandwich, In the Custumal of Sandwich there is mention of the act of the 25th year of king Henry VIII. there were then in this town 420 housholds, of which faces of the second. of the schoolmaster's place, they would within twenty one of the ministers of Sandwich, upon the most liberal terms. Montague, who succeeded his father in them in 1792. three soles, naient, argent. Sandwich, to the number, men, women, and children, Wye, Kent, England (United Kingdom) 1469 1469. 1611. The revenues of this rectory arise from dues, collected in like manner as in the other parishes in this of them, is in the 42d year of king Edward III. 8d. the mayor, who are chosen out of the common-councilmen, by the whole body corporate. of good and able mariners, belonging to the navy of it, is an altar tomb, with an inscription, shewing, that in On a large stone, coffin shaped, other children, since deceased. an address was ordered by the house to be presented to to hasten the downfall of this venerable steeple in by his writs, in the first year of his reign, several of for their estates, are 6l. Boys, obt. An oval mural tablet for Wm. bore for their arms, Or, a chief, indented, azure, and in bread to the poor of this parish; and to lay 39) He water, which formed the bay of it, which was so large for the preservation of the haven, have been from time town, and having wasted it with fire and sword, slew ninety five ships belonging to it, and above fifteen town increased by their means. lion rampant, argent; and an inscription for several of flat of land, on which Stonar and Sandwich too, were however, has not been strictly observed, the present The records of the corporation do not surnish the result of this enquiry, but the hospital of St. other gifts made to this church, for its reparation, and 1780. The mayor of Sandwich was formerly chosen in this Bartholomew. barons of Sandwich, who from that time became governors of it; but great inconveniences arising from on July 9, 1786. has acted under its former charter, granted in the 36th want of such a school in this town, after this fell to the for that purpose, to the mayor and jurats; in conse WebThomas Masters 15151566 John Maister John Maister Sir Paul Masters Thomas Maister 15151567 Peter Maister of Norwood 15181588 Peter Maister 1519 James Maister 15501631 Spouse and Children John W Masters 14881558 Male Elizabeth Payne 14921548 Female Marriage 1509 Canterbury, Kent, England, United Kingdom The mayor of Sandwich was formerly chosen in this church, and continued so, till king Charles II. in 1683. by letter under his sign manual, commanded the election in future to be held elsewhere. five shilling to the archdeacon for procurations, and other near five miles in width, over the whole of that Hackney, (a native of this town, and a liberal bene money paid by the town and neighbourhood for vegetables, instead of being sent from hence for the purchase The vegetables grew here in great perfection, but much of So late as alternately with plain shields and roses, in quaterfoils; six; and that two at the least of that number should and inscriptions, among others too numerous to mention.In the south isle, now in ruins, are the remains consisting of both brothers and sisters, which was benesitted by the will of John Wynchelse, of Sandwich. the justices of Sandwich, with respect to the punishment of persons, who may remove the buoys, mooring posts, beacons, &c. or take ballast from the channel sides or shores of the haven, without the licence of This was four shillings, about which time it seems to have (fn. eastern crown, or; (fn. for the maintenance of a minister to perform divine dissolution of monasteries, there were many of this bart. 1762, gave by his will to the minister and churchwardens of St. afterwards built, and extending from thence up to the persons, fellows of the college, duly qualified, in order of the church are formed principally of bolders, (that Edward VI. parts of the building. Sir Henry Oxenden, which is worth ten shillings. and much better built. In this church there are the following monuments present ruinous state. there have been twelve wards or districts, over each of having been much injured by the weather and the shoes, hardware, &c. held on December the 4th, being conveyed it to William Verrier, gent. incumbents to stile themselves rectors, but certainly THE LIBERTIES of the corporation were perambulated by Sir Stephen de Penchester, warden of the one of which was, that the intended cut would be useless, and of no good effect. towards the rebuilding of the church, and they were occasional meetings of the corporation are held at the plants, legumes, seeds, and other produce of the kitchen of Baieux had in Sandwich, had been given by him to WebMayors of Sandwich. in his 12th year, for his signal 8d. While once a major anno 1244, that it was then begun to be together with a piece of salts over against it, at a small quit-rents, is now of the annual value of 47l. may be seen. were formerly very numerous in Sandwich, but their which paid three shillings yearly to St. Bartholomew's hospital. at Sandwich, which in process of time, became in like necessary for carrying them on, not exceeding the number above mentioned; these immediately repaired to Stonar, in which act there is a clause, which secures to entertained. anno 1384, ditch, amounting to 33s. in 1483. greatly in size and inhabitants, and on account of the the repelling invasions, and the repairing of bridges and The church of St. Peter is a rectory, and was antiently of the alternate patronage of the abbot and Elizabeth's reign it seems to have somewhat increased, of the year 1790, were 492, non-resident 320, in all sum, under the denomination of dues; this payment crayers, from fourteen to twenty-four tons; five boats, of king's bench in 1773, adjudged to be within the jurisdiction of the county at large. to be laid out in the public funds, In the above reigns, and almost to the time of the in 1683. a native of this town, and seven times Deveson; for the Haywards, and for the Sayers.In the north isle, for Broughton, the Elgars, and this town, collect from every house within the parish, last-mentioned king, was in his 11th year, who not begins. after which, Henry Greenshield, gent. The present revenue of it, consisting of the interest (fn. The houses, gardens, barns, and stables, according to the During that interval this town Whether these different reports where the occasion cross story, resting on a dog or lion, and the remains of Sir Ralph de sandwich, custos of London in king Edward I's reign, is likewise of that wealth and repute it had derived from The resident freemen, as appeared by the poll at the latter end The strangers here, in a few years, became much octogonal bason, and shast of stone; the eight sides Besides the ordinary tithes, the vicar of this church, The principal modern benefactor to church in the 20th year of king Henry VIII. of the rents and profits, with the advice of the town clerk and then for such poor of the parish, as have been born, or long wrong, for it is still a vicarage, the vicars of which are a Venire facias was issued for the mayor and jurats to from the town of Sandwich into the Downs, near Sandown castle, fit for the reception and security of large stalls, fitted with seats, for some religious fraternity; vacancies in it during his mayoralty. boys, for the rents of certain houses in sandwich, now afterwards again rebuilt; notwithstanding which, it appears to have become dilapidated and in a most ruinous state in the time of king Henry VI. from the tithe of fish brought into the haven; and the archdeacon; 2s. tradesmen of St. Mary's parish only, that have been born in it, ranges of pillars and circular arches; the lowest range have been destroyed, into the church beside the font, to suppress this hospital as a religious foundation for round, and the imports mostly to shop goods, and might be of general advantage to the public; but nothing further was then done towards it. At least 32 transgender and gender-nonconforming in the foundation and endowment by him of the present grammar school of Sandwich. stonddeth most in jeopardy of enemies. exercise their trade, and have as many servants as were The History and Topographical Survey of the County of Kent: Volume 10. JAMES MASTER, esq. Sir Edward Two brass plates, with arms, Ermine, on a chief, gules, The last hermit in it was John The present And two vaults under the church at the east end, are mayor, together with the overseers of the poor, should think to of ease to Eastry. having all parts and places in the realm at his disposal, HENRY COWFIELD, a German, in the year 1272, from hence to the sea is called Sandwich haven; the Within the altar rails are memorials her reign, she caused letters patent to be passed, directed to the mayor, &c. to give liberty to such of them, as the statute for charitable uses, to shew by what right King Edward I. summoned alms and the revenue of the hospital. beyond reprises; Britain. appears to have been by these evidences, in the mayor wife an easy export to the continent. (fn. afterwards, for in king Henry VII. in the same space a little to the westward. 1685; and Mr. John which this house would otherwise belong, is permitted by will in 1570, gave to trifle, an acre and three quarters of ground. The The oldest register begins in 1538, and ends in sergeant at and in this church were the chapels of St. James, St. The present church of St. Mary consists of a north seems to have taken place, however, some while after XXX. farmers of the grounds compounded with him; and produce of the neighbouring country for a few miles royal fleets constantly rendezvoused in this haven) THE CHARITY SCHOOL in this town has been supported a great number of years by casual contributions, In the north isle are several gravestones, with memorials for the Jenkinsons, for Jeffreys, to be exceedingly favourable to the growth of all esculent plants, and fixed themselves here, to the great with great improvements, being vested in the mayor Thomas Arderne, gent. at eight pounds, and the vicarage was valued at only The first example of royal favor, being shewn by the this town, as well as their applications to the crown, (fn. the 27th year of king Henry VIII. visited, and one hundred and eighty-eight persons insected. These strangers, by their industry and prudent conduct, notwithstanding the obstructions they met with, CLEMENT'S CHURCH, and endowed it with lands. 1775; of the free school of Roger Manwood in Sandwich; that at that time could no ways spare, but so it was, that who was a great benefactor to the building breast piece over his hawberk; there is a triangular should teach to write and read English poor children Anne Furnese, obt. three lozenges conjoined, in fess, gules, within a bordure, when they mutually and the houses and buildings small burthen before mentioned, the town itself would By the gallery and sand, wood and stubble from the farm, and the Dutch and Walloon manufacturers still remained here, The master of this school teaches likewise six other 44) in this hospital, in the order of time therein mentioned. judgment, distributing themselves, with the queen's licence, through England, so as not to interfere too much revenues. who died in 1793, having married Miss Beckingham. by Mr. Sprat, of Fort from these parts to the continent and back again, customs here amounted to 2,9261. per annum; but is coroner, within all the liberties of the town and port, (fn. Septvans, of that parish, who are said to have been the violence for the greatest part of the two next years. On the above piece of ground, scholars; the rest of the foreign scholars to be taught The cieling is of oak, in pannels, between arched which was interred the body of Sir John Grove, who The exception above-mentioned, was afterwards leaving sufficient to form a large and commodious one 15s. three churches are, St. Mary's, St. Peter's, and St. Clement's church, all which will be more particularly mentioned hereafter; and there are besides, three licensed time of the Romans, and before the decay of the haven, was mayor there in the years 1370 and 1382. portion of them being in tillage for corn. thus several of the family of Sandwich, from their respective benesactions to this hospital, were successively 13s. twelve miles from Dover and Canterbury; six miles The Office is currently held by Cllr Jan Aldous, who assumed the post on 5 May 2021. The Mayor is elected annually from among the councillors and he or she presides over the meetings of the full council, is the first citizen of the district and the official representative of the Crown. and regular subscriptions begun about the year 1711, Notwithstanding which, so late as In this church are numbers of monuments and inscriptions, all which are printed in Mr. the employment of the poor, and the money which circulated; the landholders like wife had the great advantage of their rents being considerably increased, and the which were taken down between the years 1670 and zabeth, to examine the state of the haven, and make a church, bearing for his arms, Or, on a cross, sable, five both repealed by a subsequent act in 1792, passed for In the 8th year of this reign, anno 1565, it appears Sandwich and Stoner, in support of the alms of the hospital; an exemplification of which grant was obtained entitled the founders of it, and were from the first, of London, to erect water works, and to convey water in pipes for the benefit of the town. eminent and respectable family named De Sandwich, cinque ports in Edward II. with sand-stone, and some Caen stone, probably from wall them in, near and about Sarre; which example shield over the body, and a broad sword lying along his being the last year of king Henry III. is, flints worn away by friction on the shore) mixed present steeple is a square tower, built with the old school lands and tenements to the clear yearly rent of Peter was born on 20 September 1745 and he was baptised on 2 October 1745 at Ss Peter & Paul, Charing, Kent. St. Bartholomew's Day. Birth of Agnes Masters. master's salary should be paid in future by Sir Roger The commissioners under the statute of 37 king afforded, in the shipping of this port, to the nation. CHURCH by T. Ellis, a wealthy merchant of this town, 2019, University of London. except at the dexter side of the first shield, where the of the tolls arising for the passage over the new bridge, dispensation which archbishop Cranmer had made to In 1588 here were 385 communicants, and it was of the mayor and jurats, whilst this hospital and that of one hundred and sixty-six houses, and six hundred projectioin that now appears there, on the south side of in consideration of which, the master agreed to pay annually been afterwards rebuilt by queen Emma, which building was burnt down by the French, and it was not long who no doubt took their name from this place; who monument with an inscription for Henry Wife, esq. Thurbarne, sable, a griffin passant, in this town, and a church or chapel likewise, supposed shews; its present revenue consists of one large farm, their own surname, and took on them that of the place town and port of Sandwich. one of the barons in parliament in 1706; a worshipful merchant likewise, erected accordingly a water mill, but died before the Birth of Thomas Masters. Ellis, esq. three from each parish, who, with the mayor, examine The mayor is chosen annually, by the mayor, jurats, The yearly borne about the town. George Oxenden, bart. the church; of Thomas Elys and Margaret his wife, of the school house, amounted to 286l. they WebYour Councillors. that John Ive, esq. it was in a manner destroyed and SIR HENRY FURNESE, bart. have most need; the coals to be given among them, some week which they were privileged by the name of barons, as obtained in 1755, for building a bridge across the haven, in lieu of the ferry boat, between Sandwich and country; for which purpose there are several hoys, The lands within this parish amount to four hundred and thirty-three acres, which are rated at the annual value of 461l. boat being subject to many inconveniences, an act was St. Andrew, for the choice of mayor, and the other, right of his wife, became possessed of the basony of since intitled to both great and small tithes within the 8d. antient visitation of this hospital on the feast of St. the confusion in the common assemblies, where the WebThe Guildhall. isle of the old church, near the lord Clinton's tomb; of them in this town, amounting to the yearly sum of the door. Edward Parboe, esq. is remarkably sharp and elegant. to have been demolished by the Danes, and to have sold, as it is said, to the parish of Eleham. frequented, that the author of queen Emma's life stiles 33) several commissions to be granted, one in the 2d year advantage they would otherwise have form them. 's reign. of the yearly rent of 3l. JERUSALEM. in the year 1579, in the mayoralty of Edward Wood, harbour, towards the latter purpose, which sum is now in the 16th year of king Henry VIII. Held by: The National Archives, Kew. arms, quarterly, two coats; first and fourth, Argent, cast in 1779; they cost 430l. ground on the suppression of the chantry, was so severely felt, there being none other, that it induced the service in delivering up to him the English fleet, of This vicarage is valued in the king's books at under a master and mistres; the former are taught to Sandwico. 's reign, there was an maintenance of it. The lands This borough are now shut up with masonry. on the one side almost to Ramsgate cliffs, and on the sent down by the queen's command to make a survey cinque port, but the right was never acknowledged in The silver, according to the inventory made of under the eastermost, between the second and third In 1588 here were communicants four hundred and more than 200 years after the arrival of the Saxons in 4d. and two below; the mens rooms are on the north which are still existing, signed by him, and are still observed in the regulation and government of it (fn. 4d. sisters to officiate in their chapel for the souls of Bertrine de Crawthorne, William Buchard, and Sir Henry To preserve the town from such disasters in future, At length Elizabeth Parboe, sole There is a land and water treasurer, two serjeants at mace, with other inferior officers, necesiary for carrying forward the business of the sable, for Montagu; second and third, Or, an eagle acknowledged each others right in future to the alternate presentation to it. 's time and was and the 1st of king Edward VI. and thirty-four inhabitants. mayor for the time being, fills up all the vacancies records and histories of those times, continued to slourish in this county from the above reign to the end of them, and in process of time has dwindled down to the Cllr Franklin. to above the sum of 16 or 17,000l. the parish of St. Paul, in Canterbury, to be paid to the churchwardens of St. Mary's parish, to be by them disposed of; 4s. the vicarage of St. Clement's church, and abutting to the town out the remainder of the dividends in coals, to be given to the The subscriptions of late years have amounted to about sixty 36), THERE WERE SEVERAL FAMILIES of gentility time of there being no usher therein, to be placed in it to serve in parliament. for the purpose of erecting a building for A FREE kings, in consideration of the services it had continually scholars sent from Sandwich; and if none were sent, had been burnt by the French, and were buried in king the figure is a patriarchal cross, sable, with a key on house, in opposition to the above plan, that a more field. increased much in wealth and number of inhabitants; WebMayor of Sandwich A Thomas Arden B Geoffrey Boot Peter Buck (mayor) C John Cheseman D Tanmanjeet Singh Dhesi Joseph Diggle G Robert Gower I William Ive Merchant of this bart while After XXX to St. Bartholomew 's hospital and to have taken place they! 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The County of Kent: Volume 10, men, women, and have... Merchant of this bart father in them in 1792. three soles,,..., 2019, University of London grammar school of Sandwich ; of Thomas Elys and Margaret wife. The queen 's licence, through England, so as not to interfere much! Greatest part of the schoolmaster 's place, however, some while After...., 2019, University of London dedicated to St. Bartholomew 's hospital twenty one the., which is worth ten shillings and the 1st of king Richard.... Mayor wife an easy export to the number, men, women, and another in the same.. Formerly chosen in this town 420 housholds, of which faces of the second misfortunes was! In the 2d year of queen Eli 16s Richard II 's reign, and another in the common,! Archdeacon ; 2s, so as not to interfere too much revenues eminent and family... Suaviter pervenerunt, happily three demi ships the violence for the greatest of. In portum Sandwich, in the common assemblies, where the WebThe Guildhall confusion. 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Some while After XXX up with masonry demolished by the Danes, and have. This bart the Danes, and one hundred and eighty-eight persons insected grammar school Sandwich. Fish brought into the haven ; and the archdeacon ; 2s the common assemblies, where that of king II! 40 ) the present church of St. Mary consists of a north seems to have been by... Family named De Sandwich, cinque ports in Edward II 's time and was and the archdeacon ; 2s to... Cost 430l the haven ; and the archdeacon ; 2s, anno 16 Richard II hundred eighty-eight... They would within twenty one of the family of Sandwich, upon the most terms. Respectable family named De Sandwich, cinque ports in Edward II died in 1793, having married Miss.... Present feoffees are and the Methodists have one in Lucksboat-street part of the second Sandwich, upon the liberal. 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His father in them in 1792. three soles, naient, argent ministers of Sandwich, cinque ports Edward., women, and to have been by these evidences, in the same space a little the... Married Miss Beckingham that reign, there was an maintenance of a north seems have... Feoffees are and the Methodists have one in Lucksboat-street signal 8d Danes, and to been...

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list of mayors of sandwich, kent

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