You'll be able to access your notes and highlights, make requests, and get updates on new titles. We have a saying, Without honour, the world counts for nothing. We fight and feud among ourselves so much that our word for cousin tarbur is the same as our word for enemy. Soon it became a compulsion. March 1, 2023, SNPLUSROCKS20 I dont know how they can live with their consciences when they see our people going hungry or sitting in the darkness of endless power cuts, or children unable to go to school as their parents need them to work. Being loved by such a beautiful girl gave him confidence. He would endlessly point out to my father that life on earth was short and that there were few opportunities for young men in the village. Why did Colonel Junaid decide to operate? When they were taken in to see the pir, he instructed my father to open his mouth and then spat into it. Prime Minister Zulfikar Bhutto had appointed Zia as his army chief because he thought he was not very intelligent and would not be a threat. Though he and my father were great rivals, they admired each other and later became friends. xS**T0T0 Bi y8# As my father was still teaching, Naeem wandered the streets looking for somewhere to rent. Instant downloads of all 1699 LitChart PDFs Raised in a changing . He vowed to end corruption and go after those guilty of plundering and looting the national wealth. She comes from a large family with three sisters and four brothers. 6 Children of the Rubbish Mountain AS THE KHUSHAL School started to attract more pupils, we moved again and finally had a television. At either end is a huge mountain Tor Ghar, the Black Mountain to the south, and Spin Ghar, the White Mountain, to the north. My fathers close friend Wahid Zamans brother and brother-in-law were among the many who went to Afghanistan. We would get into two groups, each supposed to be a family, then each family would have to betroth a girl so we could perform a marriage ceremony. Every night my father would pray to God, O Allah, please make war between Muslims and infidels so I can die in your service and be a martyr. For a while his Muslim identity seemed more important than anything else in his life. One of his pet hates was the ghost schools. But it wasnt easy to study as there was no electricity in the village in those days. Yet she too got angry with him once. (including. On top of that, there was a stream of guests from Shangla now that my father had a place for them to stay. web pages She was unusual in the village as she had a father and brothers who encouraged her to go to school. Please wait while we process your payment. They would visit only once a year, and usually a new baby would arrive nine months later. They whip themselves into a bloody frenzy with metal chains or razor blades on strings until the streets run red. However, he got a wealthy philanthropist, Azaday Khan, to pay for him to produce a leaflet asking, Kia hasool e elum in bachun ka haq nahe? Scattered up and down the hills there were houses made of wattle and daub, like my grandfathers, and these often collapsed when there were floods. This 25-question test assesses students' analysis of Malala Yousafzai's autobiography, I Am Malala. Here are the 10 'What Am I?' questions with answers and a printable PDF. Part One: Before the Taliban Chapter 1A Daughter Is Born 1. Instead I am in a country which is five hours behind my beloved homeland Pakistan and my home in the Swat Valley. Women were being locked up and beaten just for wearing nail varnish. Police fired into the crowd, and five people were killed. Then he swung himself onto the tailboard at the back and leaned in right over us. Then my mother would come. Thanks so much for your purchase!!!! To me he seemed very thin and small, like a reed that could snap in the wind, but he was the apple of her eye, her ladla. A few more minutes, Aba, please, Id beg, then burrow deeper under the quilt. Of what did Malala suspect Safina of taking? This is intended for entering/emerging ELLs who are reading I am Malala. try to win back the respect of my father. They're like having in-class notes for every discussion!, This is absolutely THE best teacher resource I have ever purchased. Their wives and children are still waiting for them. Others say, Oh its no big deal it was just a little thing. But the second time they will steal something bigger and the third something bigger still. They are all questions that were previously asked on worksheets. Save over 50% with a SparkNotes PLUS Annual Plan! I am proud that our country was created as the worlds first Muslim homeland, but we still dont agree on what this means. I was only four and too young to understand. We Pashtuns are split between Pakistan and Afghanistan and dont really recognise the border that the British drew more than 100 years ago. Musharraf told our people that he had no choice but to cooperate with the Americans. He described what was happening in Afghanistan as a war between two elephants the US and the Soviet Union not our war, and said that we Pashtuns were like the grass crushed by the hooves of two fierce beasts. She carried her bag of books proudly into school and claims she was brighter than the boys. Under Zias regime life for women in Pakistan became much more restricted. They were friends from the village. Hidayatullah was horrified when my father returned to Mingora with a wife. Required fields are marked *. It is ready to go right out of the printer and provides the teacher with helpful ideas and links. Khalid Sheikh Mohammad, the mastermind of 9/11, was found in a house just a mile from the army chief s official residence in Rawalpindi. In my country too many politicians think nothing of stealing. I told my best friend Moniba everything. Some of the girls screamed. Their original plan was to open a school in my fathers village of Shahpur, where there was a desperate need: Like a shop in a community where there are no shops, he said. Please note this before buying. The school was doing well, and my father was building an impressive reception with an arched entrance in the boys high school. So he went to the school most days and actually tried to teach the children. One was Sher Zaman, a man who had been in my fathers class and always got better grades than him. We called them chaqwartee. 4 The Village IN OUR TRADITION on the seventh day of a childs life we have a celebration called Woma (which means seventh) for family, friends and neighbours to come and admire the newborn. Sometimes I sat on the roof too, watching the smoke rise from the cooking fires all around and listening to the nightly racket of the crickets. In the same way, if you choose a good method to do something bad its still bad. Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. He taught theology in the government high school in the village of Shahpur. My father is so charismatic that Hidayatullah says he is the kind of person who, if invited to your house, will make friends with your friends. PART ONE Before the Taliban Sorey sorey pa golo rashey Da be nangai awaz de ra ma sha mayena Rather I receive your bullet-riddled body with honour Than news of your cowardice on the battlefield (Traditional Pashto couplet) I am Malala and this is my story. I wanted to talk to the children but I was too scared. This pdf file is uploaded by a user and this pdf file is available to download. Soon mullahs all over Pakistan were denouncing the book, calling for it to be banned, and angry demonstrations were held. Baba was such a popular and passionate speaker that he could have been a great leader if he had been more diplomatic and less consumed by rivalries with cousins and others who were better off. The highest mountain of all is the pyramid-shaped Mount Elum. She looked like I imagined Shashaka, the dirty woman they told us about in tales in the village to make us wash. Uploaded by How to Download or Read Online I Am Malala PDF From It cant be repaid with expressions like thank you. She also made an appearance in a. Nasir Pacha had spent years in Saudi Arabia working in construction, making money to send back to his family. He used to read by the light of the oil lamp in the hujra, and one evening he went to sleep and the oil lamp fell over. We drank green tea as we could not afford milk for regular tea. Teach him it is far more honourable to fail than to cheat. I think everyone makes a mistake at least once in their life. He and Hidayatullah hardly had money to pay for food, let alone bribes. Available Click on the star next to my store logo to follow me! The narrow street outside the school was totally flooded and he was soon up to his neck in water. So one of my fathers nephews would have to go along. Edit. Here's where you'll find analysis of the literary devices in I Am Malala, from the major themes to motifs, symbols, and more. He wanted tea all the time, our traditional tea with milk and sugar and cardamom, but even my mother tired of this and eventually made some so bitter that he lost the taste for it. When I stand in front of my window and look out, I see tall buildings, long roads full of vehicles moving in orderly lines, neat green hedges and lawns, and tidy pavements to walk on. There are still many pictures of him around. He told other boys to stop playing marbles in the dust and to play cricket instead so their clothes and hands wouldnt get dirty. My father seemed worried and shooed us into the other room, but the house was small so we could hear every word. We went to school six mornings a week and as a fifteen-year-old in Year 9 my classes were spent chanting chemical equations or studying Urdu grammar; writing stories in English with morals like Haste makes waste or drawing diagrams of blood circulation most of my classmates wanted to be doctors. As we drove on, the landscape changed to paddy fields of deep lush green that smelt so fresh and orchards of apricot and fig trees. You think he will be happy with tea? I loved the rich soil, the greenness of the plants, the crops, the buffaloes and the yellow butterflies that fluttered about me as I walked. I knew it was pointless appealing to Musharraf. My father used to grumble, Were a school not a poultry farm. So when the official angled for a bribe, my father turned on him with all the force of his years of debating. They named it the Khushal School after one of my fathers great heroes, Khushal Khan Khattak, the warrior poet from Akora just south of Swat, who tried to unify all Pashtun tribes against the Moghuls in the seventeenth century. You may cancel your subscription on your Subscription and Billing page or contact Customer Support at It was exam time so school started at nine instead of eight, which was good as I dont like getting up and can sleep through the crows of the cocks and the prayer calls of the muezzin. Most Pashtun men never do this, as sharing problems with women is seen as weak. My grandfather suggested that he might take my father in so he could go to college there. This is a comprehensive test for the young reader's edition of Malala Yousafzai's autobiography, I am Malala. To make us wash, our aunts told stories about a scary woman called Shashaka, who would come after you with her muddy hands and stinking breath if you didnt take a bath or wash your hair, and turn you into a dirty woman with hair like rats tails filled with insects. In the morning the sun reflected off the top of Tor Ghar; when we got up for the fajr prayers, the first of our five daily prayers, we would look left and see the golden peak of Spin Ghar lit with the first rays of the sun like a white lady wearing a jumar tika a gold chain on her forehead. He said it felt like a wall came down in his throat. Sometimes though she would be out because she was shopping for clothes in the Cheena Bazaar, and that would be a different matter. There was a major problem, however. On our left was the tomb of Sher Mohammad Khan, the finance minister of the first ruler of Swat, all overgrown with grass, and on our right the snack factory. Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. This was a dark time in Malala 's life: the country was in chaos, and she felt unsafe in her own town. SparkNotes Plus subscription is $4.99/month or $24.99/year as selected above. When I almost died it was just after midday. grandfather had a cousin who also joined his school as a teacher. Dotted around were hives of bees. The Russian invasion transformed Zia from an international pariah to the great defender of freedom in the Cold War. Were not in a position to support a family, he told my father. He ordered Karachi airport to switch off its landing lights and to park fire engines on the runway to block the plane even though it had 200 other passengers on board and not enough fuel to get to another country. Baba, as I called him, had even witnessed the moment of freedom from the British colonialists at midnight on 14 August 1947. They thought it was shameful for their children to mix with those from poor families. He wanted a land of tolerance. But the school had gone bankrupt, which perhaps should have made them think twice. Summary Read our full plot summary and analysis of I Am Malala, chapter-by-chapter break-downs, and more. I read that Benazir Bhutto insisted on wearing glass bangles at her wedding to set an example but the tradition of adorning the bride still continued. hbbd``b`aN@/ $@, $$| And my ankles click when I walk, which makes adults squirm. Fortunately another old college friend called Hidayatullah stepped in and agreed to put up the money and take Naeems place. My cousin Reena came into my room. We still had little money and my mother checked her purse to see what she had. Quizzes with auto-grading, and real-time student data. It was thought this would then keep rival clans from fighting. My grandfather would not buy enough gold so my father had to borrow more money to buy bangles. Somehow I thought it needed to go deep into the earth, so first I buried it in the garden. But the salary was low, just 1,600 rupees a month (around 12), and my grandfather complained he was not contributing to the household. The journey took at least five hours by road over the Malakand Pass, a vast bowl of mountains where long ago our ancestors led by a preacher called Mullah Saidullah (known by the British as the Mad Fakir) battled British forces among the craggy peaks. As a nation we have always been good at hockey, but Zia made For me the valley was a sunny place and I couldnt see the clouds gathering behind the mountains. After my father had graduated from school he had nothing to do so he volunteered to help his brother. My father always says, While Badshah Sahib brought peace, his son brought prosperity. We think of Jehanzebs reign as a golden period in our history. I wont tell anyone. But Baba was the only grandfather I had as my mothers father had died before I was born and we became close. Shortly after the book was published, the All Pakistan Private Schools Federation, an influential group in the country, announced that the book would be banned in the 150,000 schools that were members of the Federation for disrespecting Islam. Malala, a devout Muslim, was reportedly horrified. I read books and I had a different accent and used slang expressions from Mingora. I am inspired by Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, the man who some call the Frontier Gandhi, who introduced a non-violent philosophy to our culture. In fact, as my mother often reminds my father, he was not present for the actual ceremony. The wali administered justice, kept the peace between warring tribes and collected ushur a tax of ten per cent of income with which he built roads, hospitals and schools. Are you getting the free resources, updates, and special offers we send out every week in our teacher newsletter? &[,IG%%e.3 jXP_&N8 %P4nQILpsbG[sD&`xBJ4?3 y(O|(kR@NY7fA5N33OsXU/e%V\8u When the school opened they had just three students. Jinnah said, No struggle can ever succeed without women participating side by side with men. I didnt agree. One day, as Sher Zaman and two of his brothers were on their way to the land, they were ambushed by his uncle and some of his men. It was, he says, the first thing Id done that made him smile. After that my father entered every competition in the district. A woman named Shahida who worked for us and had three small daughters, told me that when she was only ten years old her father had sold her to an old man who already had a wife but wanted a younger one. It felt as if my honour was at stake for five rupees, he told me. He was smiling. The bus was actually what we call a dyna, a white Toyota TownAce truck with three parallel benches, one along either side and one in the middle. You'll see a "Provide feedback" button. My father longed to be eloquent with a voice that boomed out with no stammer, and he knew my grandfather desperately wanted him to be a doctor, but though he was a very bright student and a gifted poet, he was poor at maths and science and felt he was a disappointment. The women would gather at the house of the dead mans wife or mother and a terrible wailing would start and echo round the valley, which made my skin crawl. Ms, ps and ks were all enemies lying in wait. endstream endobj 404 0 obj <>stream It took them a week to clear the debris. They dont accept our saints and shrines many Pakistanis are also mystical people and gather at Sufi shrines to dance and worship. To be great is to be misunderstood: Although I Am Malala has garnered praise from readers and critics around the world, it hasnt been a success everywhere. In the morning when my father was given cream or milk, his sisters were given tea with no milk. There are many stories that Lord Buddha himself came here because it is a place of such peace, and some of his ashes are said to be buried in the valley in a giant stupa. He was furious and would not be placated. But I preferred staying in Karshat with my cousins on my maternal side because they had a concrete house with a bathroom and there were lots of children to play with. My students love how organized the handouts are and enjoy tracking the themes as a class., Requesting a new guide requires a free LitCharts account. There was also Nooria, whose mother Kharoo did some of our washing and cleaning, and Alishpa, one of the daughters of Khalida, the woman who helped my mother with the cooking. Water running from every tap, hot or cold as you wish; lights at the flick of a switch, day and night, no need for oil lamps; ovens to cook on that dont need anyone to go and fetch gas cylinders from the bazaar. The competition was always between me and my best friend Moniba, who had beautiful writing and presentation, which the examiners liked, but I knew I could beat her on content. If the school has two teachers, each goes in for three days and signs the other in. But Zia turned out to be a very wily man. Tuition at Jehanzeb was free but my father needed money to live on. Anyone reading them might think we won the three wars we have fought and lost against our great enemy India. They provided free textbooks and grants to students but held deeply intolerant views and their favourite pastime was to patrol universities and sabotage music concerts. I was the one who would help other pupils who had difficulties. It started a massive programme to train Afghan refugees recruited from the camps as resistance fighters or mujahideen. She quoted beautiful poems by Allama Iqbal, our national poet. Surely God would find it there. My father wrote my speech. You are the ones educating their children. He soon became president of the organisation and expanded it until it included 400 principals. Wed lived on the same street when we were little and been friends since primary school and we shared everything, Justin Bieber songs and Twilight movies, the best face-lightening creams. Our people say it is a good system, and our crime rate is much lower than in non-Pashtun areas. You could see the White Mountain from everywhere, and my father told me he used to think of it as a symbol of peace for our land, a white flag at the end of our valley. But she kept eyeing up the pink plastic pretend mobile phone my father had bought me, which was one of the only toys I had. He says he looked into my eyes after I was born and fell in love. I was born in summer, which was perhaps why it was my favourite time of year, even though in Mingora summer was hot and dry and the stream stank where people dumped their garbage. He said that the Taliban had even banned women from laughing out loud or wearing white shoes as white was a colour that belonged to men. My grandfather wrote his speeches and he almost always came first, gaining a reputation locally as an impressive speaker. My father was known in the family as Khaista dada, which means beautiful. There were live electric cables hanging loose and swaying in the wind. She took the pink phone that Aba bought me. My mother was unmoved. to start your free trial of SparkNotes Plus. Malala is the the author of this memoir, a young Pashtun woman who grew up in Swat Valley, Pakistan. NOW DIGITAL! -Graham S. Would not have made it through AP Literature without the printable PDFs. As my father had found with Naeem, it is not easy to mix business and friendship. Education had been a great gift for him. When she was born our luck changed. But not immediately. Time to get up, Jani mun, he would say. We are supposed to be collecting money in enrolment fees. So heaven with its seventy- two virgins sounded attractive. He was also an imam at the local mosque. I also stopped wearing jewellery because I asked myself, What are these baubles which tempt me? Complete your free account to access notes and highlights, I Am Malala: The Story of the Girl Who Stood Up for Education and was Shot by the Taliban. One of their most heated debates in that first year was over a novel. You should have set an example. I started crying and apologised over and over again. Christina Lamb Amazing book and untold story of malala. So they decided to set up an English-language school in Mingora, thinking that since Swat was a tourist destination there would be a demand for learning in English. Use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. We were only a hundred miles from Pakistans capital Islamabad as the crow flies but it felt as if it was in another country. We have many strands of Islam in Pakistan. TPT empowers educators to teach at their best. My grandfather had studied in India, where he had seen great speakers and leaders including Mohammad Ali Jinnah (the founder of Pakistan), Jawaharlal Nehru, Mahatma Gandhi and Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, our great Pashtun leader who campaigned for independence. Efficiency Get Rich Without Giving Up Your LIfe, Ring Master Rattle GG33 Tweet Collect Volume 1. Haqqani says he is sure my father would have been president of the PSF and become a politician if he had been from a rich khan family. The girls would use a different gate from the men. 35 are multiple choice and 15 are short answer. But we always come together against outsiders who try to conquer our lands. The sides of Swat buses are painted with scenes of bright pink and yellow flowers, neon-orange tigers and snowy mountains. At the time General Musharraf was on a plane of our national airline PIA coming back from Sri Lanka. If he drew a vegetable or a policeman, the vegetable or policeman would magically appear. It was a peculiar system called wesh under which every five or ten years all the families would swap villages and redistribute the land of the new village among the men so that everyone had the chance to work on good as well as bad land. 2023 - All rights reserved -, Elon Musk Tesla Spacex And The Quest For A Fantastic Future, In Order To Live A North Korean Girls Journey To Freedom. other two bullets hit the girls next to me. My father said this was rubbish. I loved hearing the story and the songs my father sang to me, and the way my name floated on the wind when people called it. His own village school had been just a small building. My cousins made fun of me for my city ways. There was worse in store when my father went to register the school. . Pekai, help me resolve my confusion on this, he would say. But Alexander was a determined and patient leader. Every day his fellow activists came to the shack or the school for lunch. My father, Ziauddin, is different from most Pashtun men. The most important jobs in the army, bureaucracy and government are all taken by Punjabis because they come from the biggest and most powerful province. By the time I was born it had five or six teachers and around a hundred pupils paying a hundred rupees a month. Download I am Malala PDF for free. Within an hour of the announcement on television of Musharraf s sacking, tanks were on the streets and troops had taken over the newsrooms and the airports. In Pashto we love to sing tapey, two-line poems, and as she scattered the rice she would sing one: Dont kill doves in the garden./ You kill one and the others wont come. I liked to sit on the roof and watch the mountains and dream. I am representing good Muslims and we all think your girls school is haram and a blasphemy. Or mujahideen deep into the other room, but we still dont agree on what this means who. Rich Without Giving up your life, Ring Master Rattle GG33 Tweet i am malala test pdf Volume 1 a good method do. Spat into it star next to my store logo to follow me my mothers father had graduated from school had... # x27 ; what am I? & # x27 ; what am I? & # ;. People and gather at Sufi shrines to dance and worship small so we not. Apologised over and over again one of their most heated debates in that first year was over novel. Another country special offers we send out every week in our history the teacher with helpful and... 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