timing your technology reflection

Normal PSRL requires episodes, which dont really have a real-world equivalent, but PSRL can be extended to handle continuous actiona nice example is deterministic schedule posterior sampling reinforcement learning (DS-PRL), which does back off in periodically stopping, and re-evaluating the optimal strategy based on accumulated evidence, but less & less often, so it does PSRL over increasingly large time windows.. For a recent timeline survey, see Forecasting Transformative AI: An Expert Survey, Gruetzemacher et al 2019, and for more, AI Impacts.org. : Custom Type-Curve Generation for Pressure Transient Analysis of Elongated Linear Flow Systems,, Moran, J.H., and Finklea, E.E. The average of multiple plans is often worse than any single plan. The system as a whole can be seen in RL terms. Fedex, early on, couldnt make payroll and the founder famously kept the planes flying only by gambling the last of their money in Las Vegas, among other near-death experiences & crimesjust one of many startups doing highly questionable things.12 Both SpaceX & Tesla have come within days (or hours) of bankruptcy, in 2008 and 2013; in the former case, Musk borrowed money from friends to pay his rent after 3 rocket failures in a row, and in the latter, Musk reportedly went as far as securing a pledge from Google to buy Tesla outright rather than let it go bankrupt (Vance2015). Some of these devices are: Cellphones Watches Computer Radio Three-dimensional-seismic-data acquisition and interpretation and borehole images became widespread while I worked in integrated reservoir characterization. From the Paleolithic times to the Information Age, technology is ever so expanding and evolving alongside with us. . I knew immediately that Bourdet was really on to something. Browning did not read it as we read it now. Err [8: European AISB Newsletter, no. Its a universal rule. And rental bikes., Instacart/Ocado/Uber Eats: Well do Kozmo.com/Webvan again, minus the bankruptcy., PayPal: Everyone elses online payments has failed, so well do it again, with anonymous cryptography! Apparently by individuals acting suboptimally on the personal level, but optimally on societal level by serving as random exploration. But this animal does not figure among the domestic animals, it is not easy to find, it does not lend itself to any classification. Can you at least profit from your knowledge of the outcome? The two failure modes of a MAB algorithm are investing too much in one option early on, and then investing too little later on; in the former, you inefficiently buy too much information on an option which happened to have good luck but is not guaranteed to be the best at the expense of others (which may in fact be the best), while in the latter, you buy too little & risk permanently making a mistake by prematurely rejecting an apparently-bad option (which simply had bad luck early on). It wont have cut and paste. Bandit settings can further assume that options are restless and the optimal option may drift over time or run out or switch, in which case one also estimates the probability that an option has switched, and when it does, one changes over to the new best option; instead of the regular Thompson sampling where bad options become ever more unlikely to be tried, a restless bandit results in constant low-level exploration because one must constantly check lest one fails to notice a switch. You can read books from the past about tech visionaries and note how many of them were spot-on in their beliefs about what would happen (TML is a great example, but far from the only one) but where a person would have been ill-advised to act on the correct forecasts. Let yourself Relax, sit and breathe mindfully, and try to block out any surrounding distractions. Hrlein perceived a need for a set of mutually complementary institutions and trained personnel whose interaction produces the desired results. We ultimately chose to abandon our word choice, but the principle remains today: You have to be partly delusional to start a company given the prospects of success and the need to keep pushing forward in the wake of the constant stream of doubters. The paper I presented1 was later published in Water Resources Research, a groundwater hydrology journal. But say that the market is wrongly pessimistic. Since then, Mach continued this work and was instrumental in Yukos achievements to increase production by 20% per year for several consecutive years without drilling new wells. within the environment where learning is taking place). Even now, after weve been building them for 100 years, its very difficult to understand just why a bicycle worksits even difficult to formulate it as a mathematical problem. In the hypothetical that you didnt know the name of the company, you mightve bought up a bunch of Google stock hoping that Orkut would be the winner, but while that wouldve been a decent investment (yay!) In the current time people can 't imagine their life without technology. 2 Advances in technology have brought us online banking, smart cars, smart TVs, lightning fast computers, and the latest buzz: virtual reality. The Japanese government in general was funding research, building huge research complexes just to focus on this. In a recent poll [8], thirty-five out of forty-two people engaged in this sort of research gave estimates between ten and one hundred years. In their book Edisons Electric Light: Biography of an Invention, Robert Friedel, Paul Israel, and Bernard Finn list 23 inventors of incandescent bulbs prior to Edison. PayPals major challenge, for example, was not finding a market like eBay power sellers, but coping with fraud as they scaled, which apparently was the undoing of any number of rivals., Personally, I was still using Dogpile until at least 2000.. Conclusion. End of preview. This suggests that ARPA-E PDs are more likely to select proposals that were highly-rated by at least one reviewer, but they are not deterred by the presence of a low rating. At Rice U.s Baker Inst., we find the Shell Center for Sustainability. We know that a given animal with a mane is a horse, and that one with horns is a bull. Imagine this: You wake up one day in a world without technology - all the computers on the planet just disappeared. And then on the other hand, if a startup idea becomes debunked, and no one is willing to invest in it ever, that idea may be starved of investment long past its ripe time, and this means big regret. 1). AI researcher Donald Michie, claimed in 1970, based on a 1969 poll, that a majority of AI researchers estimated 10100 years for AGI (or 19792069) and that There is also fair agreement that the chief obstacles are not hardware limitations.16 While AI researcher surveys still suggest that wasnt a bad range (Gruetzemacher et al 2019), the success of deep learning makes clear that hardware was a huge limitation, and resources 50 years ago fell short by at least 6 orders of magnitude. They said, Current VR gear is low field of view, high lag, too expensive, too heavy, cant be driven properly from consumer-grade computers, or even professional-grade computers. It turned out that I wasnt the first person to realize these problems. Time and race number: done. Technology is a subject that you will encounter in the school process starting from elementary till college. Jorge Luis Borges, Kafka And His Precursors (1951). You cant imitate a successful entrepreneur, the time is past. First, how do you use discoveries from the past more than other scientists do? While upper management panders to environmentalists, the young minions keep slogging it out, delivering the oil and gas that is desperately needed all over the world as though there will be no end to it. Was the technological power just not sufficient 30 years ago?, [On the Nintendo Power Glove, based on a VPL dataglove design:] 15, JL: Both I and a lot of other people really, really wanted to get a consumerable version of this stuff out. 2. 1. Certainty is irrelevant, you still have problems making use of this knowledge. However, people usually ignore the bad effects of technology that may lead to many problems in our . Progress, then, depends on the unreasonable man. Of course Google was always going to be a huge success because of PageRank and also (post hoc theorizing) Z, Y, & Z, except for the minor problem that Google was merely one of many search engines, great perhaps11 but not profitable, and didnt hit upon a profitable business modelmuch less a unicorn-worth modeluntil 4 years later when it copied Overtures advertising auction, which was its salvation (In The Plex); in the mean time, Google had to sign potentially fatal deals or risking burning through the last of its capital when minor technical glitches derailed vital deals. Teslas struggles in general are too well known to mention (such as Musk asking Apple to acquire them in 2017 in the depths of Tesla Model 3 manufacturing crisis when weeks from collapse). Reflection-in-action is a vital skill for coaches and err again I ended up moving to Japan and working there for many years. The UK Biobank has produced an amazing amount of research for a large group, but is the exception that proves the rule: their openness to researchers is (sadly) extraordinarily unusual. Enough progress in one domain (particularly computing power), can sometimes make up for stasis in another domain. Daily events can be hard to wrap your mind around in some cases. How we decide by Jonah Lehrer. Ed Boyden on Minding your Brain (Ep. Yet they all seemed to be independently aiming for the same archetypal design. Moores law really just changes again and again, it re-factors your options in really subtle and interesting ways., Kevin Kelly: Our sense of history in this world is very dim and very short. multi-level optimization structure where slow blackbox methods give rise to more efficient Bayesian inference. As Digital Promise team members who have researched and supported teachers' use of educational technology, we want to recognize and celebrate your successes. In other words, her smartphone is a videophone; videophones used to be one of the canonical examples of how technology failed, stemming from its appearance in the 1964 New York Worlds Fair & 2001: A Space Odyssey but subsequent failure to usurp telephones. Even the Mississippi Company worked out: The ships that went abroad on behalf of his great company began to turn a profit. Want to read all 2 pages? Ramadan is a time of spiritual reflection, devotion, and increased charity. Reflection gives meaning to experience; it turns experience into practice, links past and present experiences, and prepares the individual for future practice. Use your time in wise and purposive ways , know the things you 've should do and should not . Facebook is the biggest archive of photographs there has ever been, with truly colossal storage requirements; could it have succeeded in the 1990s? Whats the benefit of being the 100,000th person working on something? VCs will literally escape through the bathroom to avoid talking to us., Stripe: Banks & online payment processors like PayPal are heavily-regulated inefficient monopolies which really suck; well make friends with some banks and run a payment processor which doesnt suck. Reverse salients are areas of research and development that are lagging in some obvious way behind the general line of advance. Overall, the odds of success are low, and the rewards are not great for mostdespite the skewed distribution producing occasional eye-popping returns in a few cases, the risk-adjusted return of the technology sector or VC funds is not that much greater than the broader economy. In particular, VCs are trying to determine whether this founder will be able to create a compelling story around the company mission in order to attract great engineers, executives, sales and marketing people, etc. They are not important problems because we do not have an attack. QR code? This bears a resemblance to startup rates over time: an initial burst of enthusiasm for a new option, when it still has high prior probability of being the most profitable option at the moment, triggers a bunch of startups selecting that option, but then when they fail, the posterior probability drops substantially; however, even if something now looks like a bad idea, there will still be people every once in a while who insist on trying again anyway, and, because the probability is not 0, once in a while they succeed wildly and everyone is astonished that so, X is a thing now!, In DARPAs research funding and VC, they often arent looking for a plan which looks good on average to everyone, or which no one can find any particular problem with, but something closer to a plan which at least one person thinks could be awesome for some reason. As Bill Gates says, I can give you fifty examples of ideas theyve had where, if you take just one of them, youd have a startup company right there. Indeedthat this model works demonstrates the commonness of multiples, the worthless of ideas, and the moral bankruptcy of the current patent system., At the margin, compared to other competitors in the VR space, like Valves concurrent efforts, and everything that the Rift built on, did Luckey and co really create ~$2.95$2.302014b of new value? You should start from 6:00 AM until 7:00 PM. 2. We tried something, or somebody else tried something, and it didnt work. While I was at Stanford, my student colleagues included Syed Tariq and Hugo Sandal,4 two other Ramey students who wrote the first papers using the Stehfest algorithm5,6 to numerically transform analytical models for well testing from Laplace space into real space. On an individual level, ideas are worthless because so many others have them toomultiple invention is the rule, and not the exception. and less In RLs multi-armed bandit setting, each turn one has a set of arms or options with unknown payoffs and one wants to maximize the total long-term reward. Maybe some other discovery from left field has changed how we think about things. In this case, the flowmeter acquires data while the well is flowing, which is what it is intended to do. Yet the principle of unripe time, distilled by F. M. Cornford [15] more than half a century ago from the changeless stream of Cambridge academic life, has provided the epitaph of more than one premature technology. Use Answer Strategies. (TML). 2003-2023 Society of Petroleum Engineers, See More Stories by Christine A. Ehlig-Economides, Ehlig-Economides, C.A., and Halepaska, J.C.: A Numerical Study of Confined-Unconfined Aquifers Including Effects of Delayed Yield and Leakage,, Agarwal, Ram G., Al-Hussainy, R., and Ramey, H.J. In addition, reflection is about stepping back to remind ourselves of the group's long-term aspirations and the role of near-term actions in accomplishing it.. . Someone could have built the Rift in mid-to-late 2007 for a few thousand dollars, and they could have built it in mid-2008 for about $673.5$500.02008. An additional analogy from reinforcement learning is PSRL, which handles more complex problems by committing to a strategy and following it until the end and either success/failure. Gates, however, proved the market, and refined the Gates strategy to perfection, using up the trick; no one can get historically rich off shipping an OS plus some business productivity software because there are too many competitors and too many players interested in ensuring that no one becomes the next Gates, and so opportunity has moved on to the next area. This sounds a good deal like individuals pursuing standard careers & occasionally exploring unusual strategies like a startup; they will occasionally explore strategies which have performed badly (ie. It is not always as easy a task as it sounds. We remember the successes, and see only how they were sure to succeed, forgetting the failures, which vanish from memory and seem laughable and grotesque should we ever revisit them as they fumble towards what we can now see so clearly. stfu and watch for those who watching rn alam ko na pinagagawa din kayo ng sir/mam nyo nga ganito hahahahah Suppose you somehow knew in 2000 that in 2010, the founder of the most successful social network will be worth at least $10b; this is a falsifiable belief at odds with all conventional wisdom and about a tech that blindsided everyone. Issues like component cost were not something that could be solved by a VR research project, no matter how ambitious. Only Apple can build apps for it. The idea of VR was that straightforward an extrapolation of computer monitors, it was that overdetermined, and so compelling that VR pioneers resemble nothing so much as moths to the flame, garnering grants in the hopes that this time things will improve. You may find the questions listed above can help you to develop an outline before you write your paper. The use of lottery grants is one idea which has been proposed, to help break the over-exploitation fostered by peer review; the randomization gives disfavored low-probability proposals (and people) a chance. Google: we are building the worlds 20th search engine at a time when most of the others have been abandoned as being commoditized money losers. Positive feedback about physical-exam skills or clinical decision-making occurred during encounters, positive or constructive team-based feedback occurred immediately following encounters, and individualized constructive feedback occurred in one-on-one settings following rounding sessions. Through consolidation and failure, 3 emerged on top, 2 of which went bankrupt. One was formation testing,9,10 the other production-log testing.11 Many heated arguments ensued over whether well tests were really needed if permeability could be determined from formation tests. What other lessons could we draw if we thought about technology this way? Each one plans, invests & commits to push results as hard as possible through to commercial viability, and then pivots as necessary when the plan inevitably fails. Future research on the equifinal configurations we proposebroad/nonselective for early movers and narrow/selective for late moverscould thus help resolve the debate about the link between timing and performance. For many claims, there is no way to invest in an idea except by going all in and launching a company, resulting in extreme variance in outcomes, even when the idea is good and the forecasts correct about the (eventual) outcome. But it didnt., Almost Wikipedia: Eight Early Encyclopedia Projects and the Mechanisms of Collective Action, Hill2013; Almost-Wikipedias and innovation in free collaboration projects: why did 7 predecessors fail?., Finding out these tidbits is one reason I enjoyed reading Founders at Work: Stories of Startups Early Days (ed Livingston2009; Introduction), because the challenges are not always what you think they are. And even when there are stocks available to buy, you only benefit based on the specificslike one of the existing stocks being a winner, rather than all the stocks being eaten by some new startup. Were not sure what. Later: oh, apparently eBay sellers like us so much theyre making their own promotional materials? It may be easier said than done, but one of the biggest factors in taking time to reflect should be stillness and, if possible, solitude. The challenge had always been to come up with a closed-form solution that related to time. She currently is participating in the SPE Long Range Planning Committee and cochairing a steering committee for a Middle East Colloquium in Petroleum Engineering Education. I think I had the most fun working in a small group in Anadrill on multilateral-well design, which became the subject of my SPE distinguished lecture.15 After that, I worked with Joe Mach to manage production enhancement for Schlumberger. This also illustrates the ex post & fine line between visionary founder & criminal con artist; had Frederick W. Smith been less lucky in the literal gambles he took, he couldve been prosecuted for anything from embezzlement to securities fraud. A firm's ability to maintain an advantage in market value depends on whether investors perceive that the rate of cash flow growth will be sustained. Start small. When interviewed many years later about why, despite being a lawyer by training, he was the natural founder for an airline business, Kelleher quipped: I knew nothing about airlines, which I think made me eminently qualified to start one, because what we tried to do at Southwest was get away from the traditional way that airlines had done business.. 3). About a month later, I went to interview with Flopetrol Johnston in France and met Dominique Bourdet. Lets start one. A kind of definition of Value of Information: If you do not work on an important problem, its unlikely youll do important work. Although Babbage was one of Britains great innovative geniuses, support of his work was wasted money in terms of tangible return on investment. Upload your study docs or become a Psalm 27:13-14 (a succinct yet powerful Bible verse about God's perfect timing for your life!) For instance, in the old days, in order to tell where your head was so that you could position virtual content to be standing still relative to you, we used to have to use some kind of external reference point, which might be magnetic, ultrasonic, or optical. A simple, efficient, and low-cost method is proposed to reduce the timing jitter in passively Q-switched microchip lasers by self-injection seeding. This balances overall exploitation & exploration to progress as fast as possible, showing the usefulness of technological forecasting on a global level despite its uselessness to individuals. In the 1980s, famed technologist Stewart Brand visited the equally-famed MIT Media Lab (perhaps the truest spiritual descendant of the MIT AI Lab) & Nicholas Negroponte, publishing a 1988 book, The Media Lab: Inventing the Future at M.I.T. His story is analogous to mine, I think, and both stories would have been vastly different had we never met. There are many ways technology can help teachers see themselves and their practice more clearly. The timeliness of your word is surely on point.". Open Document Technology, and its underlying aspects affect all of us as we go through the continuum of time. What if instead of threatening to sue them, we tried working with them?, Venmo: TextPayMe worked out well, right?, Patreon: Online micropayments & patronage schemes have failed hundreds of times and became a 90s punchline; might as well try again., Bitcoin: Every online-only currency from DigiCash to Flooz.com to e-gold to [too many to list] has either failed or been shut down by governments; so, well use proof of workits a hilariously expensive cryptographic thing we just made up which has zero theoretical support for actually ensuring decentralization & censorproofing, and was roundly mocked by almost every e-currency enthusiast who bothered to read the whitepaper., Seamless/Grubhub/Uber Eats/DoorDash/Slice (! The problem with timing is that every innovation only has a relatively small window of opportunity that happens when the technology and customers are ready, but there isn't much entrenched competition. They were correct, but many of them would be surprised & disappointed how long it took., #326, Part II. "If you want to go big in the business world, you need to have the right product at the right time.". Everyone will buy it simply because itll be slightly better., Airbnb: Well max out our credit cards to let people illegally rent out their air mattresses en route to eating the hotel industry. Once, Freds luck at the gaming tables of Las Vegas helped to save the company from financial disaster. How should we, in the upstream petroleum industry, react to claims that carbon dioxide emissions are causing climate change? In what I would call, in a nod to Thiels definite vs indefinite optimism, definitely-maybe optimism. A naive Thompson sampling would do badly in a long-term problem because at every step, it would change its mind and be unable to follow any plan consistently for long enough to see what happens; what is necessary is to do deep exploration, following a single plan long enough to see how it works, even if one thinks that plan is almost certainly wrong, one must Disagree and commit. : Pressure Build-Up in Wells,. quick and timely) and also ecologically valid (i.e. Because some development may not be appropriate to the time. Starting a new pastime such as playing tennis, learning to paint, riding a horse, or listening to new types of music can provide a fun opportunity to reflect on what and how you are thinking and learning. With few exceptions, established offline firms have failed to catch up to today's Internet leaders. Of us as we go through the continuum of time Mississippi company worked out the! 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timing your technology reflection

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