the following table shows the data for a hypothetical economy in a specific year

What is the GDP price index for 1984, using 2005 as the base year? All figures are in billions. Good Price Year 1 Quantity of Goods Year 1 Nominal Value of Goods Year 1 Price Year 2 Quantity of Goods Year 2 Nominal Value of Goods Year 2 a. In this case, that comes out to be $10.5 trillion (= $12 trillion in personal income - $1.5 trillion in personal taxes). What is the role of the financial system? Researchers waited outside a bar they had randomly chosen from a list of such establishments. Macroeconomics Chapter 7 Homework Questions, Fin Acct Unit 8: Accounting for Receivables. Using the following national income accounting data, compute (a) GDP, (b) NDP, and (c) NI. \text {Income} Corporate profits: $56 Corporate income taxes 19 You are given the following three bundles: (12, 4), (4, 12), and (8, 8). All figures are in billions. a. Statistical discrepancy:$0.0, a. GDP = $ 343.7 billion \text {Invested} Social Security contributions:$20 Excluded: Merely the transfer of ownership of existing financial assets. How big is G? Transfer payments: $12 National In. Assume that the population is 100 in year 1 and 102 in year 2. Personal consumption expenditures $50 The Census Bureau provides survey data for consumption, investment, and government purchases. Value $70 30 -10 20 8 25 Category Personal consumption expenditures Purchases of stocks and bonds Net exports Government purchases Sales of secondhand items Gross investment Instructions: Enter your answer as a whole number. c. How many options were granted by Coca-Cola and PepsiCo to officers and employees during 2014? automobiles for personal use but not houses. $4 The doubling time is approximately equal to the number 70 divided by the percentage rate of growth. Person taxes: $26 How will each of the following changes in demand and/or supply affect equilibrium price and equilibrium quantity in a competitive market? Explanation Suppose GDP is $16 trillion, with $10 trillion coming from consumption, $2 trillion coming from gross investment, $3.5 trillion coming from government expenditures, and $500 billion coming from net exports. Population under 16 years of age or institutionalized : 120 Use the blue points (circle symbol) to plot the real GDP in each of the years listed. HEM was developed for national economies, using national input-output tables. Fill in the blank entries in the table. Consumption figures also come from industry trade sources as does some investment data. Government purchases :20 1. Instructions: Enter your answer as a whole number. a. The following table shows the data for a hypothetical economy in a specific year. (5+3+4-1-2+2+3+4+6+3)/10=2.7 Suppose an economy's real GDP is $30,000 in year 1 and $31,200 in year 2. a. For the years shown, the growth of. 7% By contrast, the other choices are incorrect because they involve transactions that do not involve money, are illegal, or involve social costs for which there are no market transactions. The most at a price of $7? Spending on meals by consumers at restaurants, Nominal GDP is adjusted for price changes through the use of, Gordon sells narcotics "on the street." NI= 361-8+4= 357 Firm A Wages paid to employees Taxes paid to government Input purchased from Firm C Revenue received Sold to Public (newly produced) Sold to Government Sold to Firm C Sold from inventory to Public Unsold production After-tax profit Firm B Wages paid to employees Taxes paid to government Input purchased . Chapter 27. h. An increase in leisure resulting from a 2-hour decrease in the length of the workweek, with no reduction in pay: A small economy starts the year with $1 million in capital. Government Purchases: 20 This information is extraneous to the question. b.) b. Billions of Dollars Gross private domestic investment $2,300 Depreciation $1,987 Exports $3,120 Imports $200 Government purchases of goods and services $4,521 Personal consumption expenditures $6,300 Statistics derived from national income accounting. j. excluded Are short-term creditors, long-term creditors, and stockholders interested primarily in the same characteristics of a company? 3 -2 Interest 13 National income accountants define investment to include, Refer to the accompanying national income data. Use the figure and the table below to give your answers to the following questions. The following table shows some information on a hypothetical economy. U.S. exports of goods and services 17.8 Suppose that a new smartphone app costs $100,000 to develop and only $0.50 per unit to deliver to each smartphone customer. Category Value Value of the services of stay-at-home parents 25 Suppose you won $15 on a lotto ticket at the local 7-Eleven and decided to spend all the winnings on candy bags and bags of peanuts. Economic fluctuations and growth The following table shows data on a hypothetical country's real GDP from 1990 through 1998: Real GDP (Billions of Dollars) Year 1990 186 1991 188 190 1992 1993 194 1994 1995 1996 202 198 196 200 1997 1998 The green line on the following graph shows the economy's long-term growth trend. b. a. U.S. exports of goods and services :$17.8 We have an Answer from Expert. The Market for CEOs: Evidence From Private Equity. Which of these factors might have caused this change? Net exports must be, Refer to the accompanying national income data (in billions of dollars). Category Value Category Value it was counted in GDP in some previous year. What was the APC after the increase? \text {Rent} 4594554, Statistics derived from national income accounting. 2. With that version of the equation in hand, we can plug in our values for GDP, consumption, gross investment, and net exports. DI= billion. The value of transactions in the underground economy is estimated to be about what percentage of GDP in the United States? 1 5% Sales of secondhand items 8 GDP using the income approach = 388 billion Value of new goods and services produced in the underground economy 75 Corporate profits 56 this amount should be included in calculating that year's GDP. The quantities produced and the prices of the three goods are listed below. Equation 1 of Table 5 shows that populism presents a negative but overall insignificant association with the size of government. The data used in this work is retrieved from Renrendai - one of the largest marketplace lending platforms in China. a. are useful to assess the health of an economy and formulate policies to maintain and improve that health. To see where that $15.0 trillion number comes from, recall that net domestic product is defined as GDP minus depreciation. Suppose that this year's nominal GDP is $16 trillion. If demand is DM and Buzzer wants to perfectly match its output and sales, how many cars will Buzzer produce? Net exports (Xn) (17.8 - 16.5) 1.3 Keep in mind the difference between stocks and flows. What will be the new level of saving? Statistical discrepancy: $8 c. Which set of years best illustrates a recessionary phase of the business cycle? What was the average of these growth rates in Econoland over these five years? Purchases of stocks and bonds: 30 changes in nominal GDP understate changes in real GDP. inflow from the river is gross investment. Adding the market value of all final and intermediate goods and services in an economy in a given year would result in. Category Value Personal consumption expenditures $70 Purchases of stocks and bonds 30 Net exports -10 Government purchases 20 Sales of secondhand items 8 Solutions Solutions Sexton Brue/McConnell In the treatment of U.S. exports and imports, national income accountants. Her biweekly salary is $3,010. Government purchases 59.4 85 billion Assume that a national restaurant chain called BBQ builds 10 new restaurants at a cost of $1 million per restaurant. supply will shift to the right. e.) Prices increases and quantity increases What was this economy's GDP in year 1? Which of the following transactions would count in GDP? This current example highlights the important role philanthropy can play in providing quick and flexible . All figures are in billions of dollars. Use the graphical analysis of "present goods" versus "future goods" to explain the difference between China's growth rate and the U.S. growth rate. Assume that a grower of flower bulbs sells its annual output of bulbs to an Internet retailer for $80,000. Suppose the CPI was 110 last year and is 121 this year. \end{array} & \begin{array}{c} Compensation of employees: $223 b. 2 3 DI- 291-26= 265, Using the following national income accounting data, compute (a) GDP, (b) NDP, and (c) NI. We can conclude that, the price level rose by more than nominal GDP. \text {Monthly} \\ Suppose there are three buyers of candy in a market: Tex, Dex, and Rex. NDP = $388 - $27 = $361 billion. 8 4 Use the table to answer the questions that follow. Suppose that a country's annual growth rates over a 10-year period were as follows: $0. Economy B: depreciation exceeds gross investment 200+20=220150+18=168 That $100 payment counts as _______________ for Tina and _______________ for Ted. Quarts of Ice Cream MPS= changing in saving/ change in disposable income2/20=0.10 Thus, if Panama's real GDP per person is growing at 7 percent per year, it will take about 10 years (= 70/7) to double. If production costs were to increase, the quantities supplied at each price would be as shown by the third column of the table ("S2 Quantity Supplied"). a. Also assume that Ig = $30 billion, C = $60 billion, and Xn = - $10 billion. To make the 2010 GDP comparable with the base year GDP, the 2010 GDP must be, A nation produces three products, A, B, and C. Over two years, the prices of these products change, while the quantities produced remain constant, as shown in the table. addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Personal consumption expenditures: $50 Sales of secondhand items :8 Labor productivity and GDP The following table shows data for a hypothetical economy in 2006 and 2007. Money spent to clean up a local toxic waste site in Ohio. A version that extends to multiple goods is as follows: First, multiply the buckets of chicken in 2005 by the price of a bucket of chicken in 2005, which gives us a value of $352,000 (= $16 22,000). In this question, gross investment is proceeding at the rate of $150,000 per year while depreciation is proceeding at the rate of $50,000 per year. a. = the right answer \ ( \$ \) billion. proposes that all communication processes must include following six elements: Source Encoder Message Channel . 0.8 Transfer payments 12 c. How big is the surplus or shortage at $3.40?There is a shortage of 23 thousand bushels. Output and price data for a five-year period are shown in the table. Bottles of shampoo $3.00 1 $3.00 2 a. Suppose that in 1984 the total output in a single-good economy was 12,000 buckets of chicken. NDept. In this question, the initial stock of capital is $1 million and there are two flows that can change the size of the stock of capital. Also suppose that across the whole economy, depreciation (consumption of fixed capital) totals $1 trillion. All figures are in billions of dollars. a. Good: Banana Next suppose that the growth of real GDP per capita falls to zero percent in the leader country and rises to 7 percent in the follower country. \end{array} 2.7% add$10 billion to other elements of investment in calculating total investment. b. For the Internet opportunity, she anticipates costs for land, labor, and capital of $3,250,000 per year and revenues of $3,275,000 per year. Finally, Emily and Rhonda trading an hour of dance lessons for a haircut in Dallas will not have any effect on GDP because their trading of one service for another does not involve money and, hence, does not generate a paper trail for the accountants who compile the GDP statistics. h. Excluded: The effect of the decline will be counted, but the change in the workweek itself is not the production of a final good or service or a payment for work done. The first step is to find the value of each good consumed. Dollar value of resource extraction activity = $20 billion This approach adds personal consumption expenditures, gross investment, government purchases, and net exports. (Last Word) Which of the following is a source of data for the investment component of U.S. GDP? b. NDP= Explanation Included: Income received by the bondholder for the services derived by the corporation for the loan of money. b. NDP = $ 331.9 billion Real GDP: 15020.6 If it is 11 percent? a. In 1984, real GDP = This gives us a GDP price index for 1984 = ($220,000/$352,000) 100 = (($10 22,000)/($16 22,000)) 100 = ($10/$16) 100 = 62.5. it was counted in GDP in some previous year. Gross Investment: 25, Find the Real GDP: Savannah Bryan is a career coach. e. Suppose that at a price of $6, the total quantity demanded increases from 19 to 38. Changes in inventories are included as part of investment spending because. c. The unpaid services of a family member in painting the family home: people are also informed about entertainment which may include sporting events, music or recreation. \text {Annual} \\ b. 2 Which of the following do national income accountants consider to be investment? Assuming stable prices, net investment was, Suppose that inventories were $40 billion in 2015 and $50 billion in 2016. Those three items would all be included in official U.S. GDP statistics because they all involve legal market transactions paid for with money. The retailer, in turn, brings in $160,000 from selling the bulbs directly to final customers. One potential job, at a caf, will pay her $15 per hour for up to 6 hours per week. a.) \end{array} & \begin{array}{c} expenditure; income. (500-120-150)= 230 The per-unit cost of an item is its average total cost (= total cost/quantity). a. GDP = When measuring GDP for a particular year, economists exclude the value of the used furniture bought and sold because. Is this a "change in the quantity demanded" or a "change in demand"? follow the long-run course of the economy to determine whether it has grown or stagnated. What is the size of the labor force? GDP per capita in year 1 = $300 (=$30,000/100). Growth Rate Jars of peanut butter 2.00 3 2.00 2 Solved by verified expert. Demand Graph : ( 1st Column of Bushels Demand, Price per Bushel highest to low)Supply Graph ( 2nd column, price per bushel, low to high) Part-time workers looking for full- time jobs: 10, a. b. MPS = b. U.S. imports of goods and services 16.5 $24 Net private domestic investment 33 C= 100+0.6Y f.) 0.1 =(40/400), Linear equations for the consumption and saving schedules take the general form C = a + bY and S = a + (1 b)Y, where C, S, and Y are consumption, saving, and national income, respectively. Interest: $ 13 All tutors are evaluated by Course Hero as an expert in their subject area. By what percentage did the price level, as measured by this index, rise between 1984 and 2005? What is the expected rate of return? Sales of secondhand items: 8 10% Gross investment 25 b. PurchasePrice$89,700CashInvested$10,000MonthlyRent$450AnnualExpenses$4,500AnnualRentalIncome$5,400AnnualNetIncome$900AnnualYielda.. Given those numbers, we can conclude that the current value of the index is: The annual output and prices of a 3-good economy are shown in the table below. That $100 payment counts as _______________ for Tina and _______________ for Ted. b. Price Index: 103.3, 15516.3 = Nominal GDP i. What is the growth rate of real GDP per capita? \text {Price} Those accountants will, in fact, have no way of knowing whether this transaction even took place. No, Chapter 27. In 2016, national income accountants would. All figures are in billions of dollars. Refer to the figure below. the economy's stock of capital is shrinking. She also received a minor in Geographic Information . As a result, investment. On December 31, 20X1, Figlmiller Corporation has one note receivable outstanding, a 90-day, 5%,$13,000.00 note dated December 1, and one note payable outstanding, a 120-day, 4%, $8,000.00 note dated November 16. (a) R=1%,=3%R=1 \%, \pi=3 \%R=1%,=3%. Given this situation, carrot sellers decide that the price of carrots is too low and agree to raise the price of carrots. f) Any potential sources of bias you can detect and any issues you see in generalizing to the population of interest. In an economy, the total expenditures for a market basket of goods in year 1 (the base year) were $5,000 billion. b. (900-700) What was the APC before the increase in disposable income? P$42,00014,00029,40043,400$(1,400)Dept. The following table shows the data for a hypothetical economy in a specific year. Controller Michael Bender is surprised by the increase in cost of the deluxe model under ABC. OR. (121-110)/110*100 Which of the following transactions would count in GDP? Gross domestic product is. Suppose GDP is $15 trillion, with $8 trillion coming from consumption, $2.5 trillion coming from gross investment, $3.5 trillion coming from government expenditures, and $1 trillion coming from net exports. Suppose Natasha currently makes $50,000 per year working as a manager at a cable TV company. The reason that these transactions count in GDP is that they both involve the purchase of a final good or service. $20 billion MDept. Corporate author : International Scientific Committee for the drafting of a General History of Africa Person as author : Ki-Zerbo, Joseph [editor] Gross domestic investment 100 a. The following table shows the data for a hypothetical economy in a specific year. Suresh Co. expects its five departments to yield the following income for next year. NDP = 361 billion What government agency compiles the U.S. NIPA tables? a. a. a. if intermediate goods were counted, then multiple counting would occur. Transcribed image text: The following table shows prices and quantities in the hypothetical economy of Lowlands for two different items in two different years. Method 2 = $ 357 billion Corporate income taxes: $19 0.764 An increase in the stock market's value. Consumption of fixed capital (depreciation) 27 O$56,00022,4004,20026,600$29,400Dept. if intermediate goods were counted, then multiple counting would occur. \qquad\text{Unavoidable}&\underline{\text{\hspace{5pt}51,800}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{5pt}12,600}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{10pt}4,200}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{5pt}29,400}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{10pt}9,800}}&\underline{\text{\hspace{5pt}107,800}}\\[5pt] Personal consumption expenditures 219.1 Use Okun's law to determine the size of the GDP gap in percentage-point terms.8% level of water in the reservoir is the stock of capital. If you can't describe, then say so-this often happens when we read about a survey. i. included e. Level of saving = $ The materials handling, machine setup, and insertion of parts activity costs also would remain the same. economic investment and should not be counted as production of final goods and services. Net foreign factor income 4 (52.1 + 11.8) you should strictly prefer (8, 8) to (12, 4) and (4, 12). 85 million d. Disposable income = $291 (personal income) - $26 (personal taxes) = $265 billion. Government purchases (G) 59.4 (NDP: GDP- Consumption of fixed capital)=388-27= 361 What amount would these two transactions add to personal consumption expenditures and thus to GDP during the year? Would implementing the value engineering recommendation enable Elton to achieve its target cost for the deluxe rim. The second step is to add up the nominal values for the goods for each year separately in order to get GDP. Claudia Bienias Gilbertson, Debra Gentene, Mark W Lehman, Alexander Holmes, Barbara Illowsky, Susan Dean. Use the companies financial information to answer the following questions. d. Demand increases and supply increases. Transfer payments 13.9 What is the amount of economic investment that has resulted from BBQ's actions? During the course of the year, gross investment is $150,000 and depreciation is $50,000. GDP using the income approach = $ 388billion223+14+13+33+56+18+27+8-4= 388 Direct materials would remain unchanged at$50 per rim, as would direct labor at $56 per rim. All figures are in billions of dollars. Suppose GDP is $16 trillion, with $10 trillion coming from consumption, $2 trillion coming from gross investment, $3.5 trillion coming from government expenditures, and $500 billion coming from net exports. b. NDP = $343.7 (GDP) - $11.8 (consumption of fixed capital) = $331.9 billion. c. By what percentage would GDP be boosted if the value of the services of stay-at-home spouses were included in GDP? We have the following table summarizing these steps. 5, a. Instructions Category Value Personal consumption expenditures 50 Purchases of stocks and b The bicycle was sold to E.Z. GDP using the income approach = Personal Saving: $20 Real GDP 1968 = $929.8/(24.01/100) = $3,872.55 (Inflating), Chapter 27. Assume these are the only two items produced in this economy. Bottles of shampoo 3.00 1 3.00 3.00 2 6.00 b. 3 a. 2003-2023 Chegg Inc. All rights reserved. (340-316). a. MPC = b. If output increases by 8 percent from Year 5 to Year 6, then in that period, The ZZZ Corporation issued $25 million in new common stock in 2016. How big is G? Category Value Price increases and quantity decreases What technique will you want to use if the price of a bar of soap falls to $2.75? How big a surplus or shortage results if the price is 60 cents higher than the equilibrium price?There is a surplus of 14 thousand bushels Carrying amounts of financial instruments and their fair values as of December 31, 2022; Measurement according to IFRS 9. b. NDP approach: National income = $361 (NDP) - $8 (statistical discrepancy) + $4 (net foreign factor income) = $357 billion. What is the GDP price index in Year 1? Consumption If the per-unit prices of the three goods were each $1 in a base year used to construct a GDP price index, then real GDP in the current year is, Refer to the accompanying national income data (in billions of dollars). Consumption of private fixed capital in the year was $35 billion. 6 2 c. Which buyer's quantity demanded increases the most when the price decreases from $7 to $6? If real estate prices tumble such that wealth declines by $80, what will be the new level of consumption at the $340 billion level of disposable income? How many workers will it hire? Net export figures come from the U.S. Customs Service and BEA surveys on service exports and imports. Assume that a grower of flower bulbs sells its annual output of bulbs to an Internet retailer for $70,000. We reviewed their content and use your feedback to keep the quality high. Compensation of employees 223 Price Year 2 Net foreign factor income:$2.2 a. Government purchases 50 if intermediate goods were counted, then multiple counting would occur. The figure below shows the supply curve for tennis balls, S1, for Drop Volley Tennis, a producer of tennis equipment. ((3+1+2+4+5)/5)= 3. Income and taxes approach: National income = $223 (compensation of employees) + $14 (rents) + $13 (interest) + $33 (proprietors' income) + $56 (corporate profits) + $18 (taxes on production and imports) = $357 billion. Refer to the figure below and assume that the values for points a, b, and c (the combined value of consumer goods and capital goods) are $10 billion, $20 billion, and $18 billion, respectively. Year. Suppose that this year a small country has a GDP of $100 billion. Under ABC c. Which buyer 's quantity demanded increases from 19 to 38 NDP, and Rex ) the following table shows the data for a hypothetical economy in a specific year... Would all be included in official U.S. GDP included in GDP 2.7 add! 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Transactions in the underground economy is estimated to be investment the bondholder the! And sales, How many options were granted by Coca-Cola and PepsiCo to officers and employees during?... In the stock market 's value, carrot sellers decide that the population is in! `` change in demand '' Savannah Bryan is a career coach figures also come from the U.S. Customs and! } & \begin { array } { c } Compensation of employees 223 price year 2 foreign... From BBQ 's actions, brings in $ 160,000 from selling the bulbs directly final!

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the following table shows the data for a hypothetical economy in a specific year

the following table shows the data for a hypothetical economy in a specific yearAdd a Comment