0000001323 00000 n 2021-2022 Teacher Evaluation Process; 2022-2023 Academic Calendar . 0000016402 00000 n Student Registration Project Graduation Handbooks Dress and Grooming Grading Guidelines Student/Parent Handbook Student Code of Conduct Forms Birthday Order Form Public Information Request Student Complaint Form Volunteer Application Booster Clubs Athletic Boosters Band Boosters FFA Boosters Navarro Education Foundation NES Monthly Reports. Opening the PDF files requires version 4.0 or greater of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software. Academic Records and Forms/Transcripts Registrar's Office, Law Room 502; 617-353-3115; lawreg@bu.edu As keeper of student records, the BU Law Registrar's Office organizes and processes matters concerning 2022-2023 Student Code of Conduct Addendum (7/20/22) Toggle Sub Navigation. 0000117609 00000 n Copyright 2023 Navarro Independent School District. Learn More Mar 10 Early Release all day Mar 10 End 3rd Quarter all day Mar 13 Spring Break all day Mar 14 Spring Break all day Mar 15 about Last Chance: Sign up for Northwest Reads! 0000001503 00000 n STUDENT CODE OF CONDUCT. Volume 6 - The Campus-Based Programs [2021-2022 Federal Student Aid Handbook] is presented as a master PDF file, comprising of a table of contents and chapters, followed by separate PDF files for each chapter of the volume. Bond election called to meet record-setting growth, Monday, February 20, changed to full instructional day, High School Showcase rescheduled for February 6, High school cheerleading squads holding mandatory tryout meetings, Attendance boundaries for 2023-2024 approved. With our 234 square miles, Northwest ISD serves more than 29,000 students in14 cities, towns and communities across three counties. Opening the PDF files requires version 4.0 or greater of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software. If you believe any online information or functionality is currently inaccessible, contact Melissa Shawn, communications and web specialist at 817-215-0135 or mshawn@nisdtx.org. Our CHARACTER is above reproach. These files are huge since they contain the full version of the handbook and will take minutes to open. With a vision of empowering learners and leaders to positively impact the world, NISD is committed to providing all students with an education that prepares them for the future whether in college, the workforce or military. Northside ISD. Insurance - Voluntary Student Insurance; . Download a copy of each handbook by clicking on the name. Contact Us. DGBA Level 1 Grievance Form (Employee) Discretionary Leave Calendar; Discretionary Leave Request Form ; NCISD Employee Handbook ; Visit Us. 2022-23 Student Handbook. Both charts in the example were updated to reflect this change. With a vision of empowering learners and leaders to positively impact the world, NISD is committed to providing all students with an education that prepares them for the future whether in college, the workforce or military. 2022-2023 Student Handbook Select a PublicationUH Publications - Academic Catalogs and Student Handbook2022-2023 Academic Calendar2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog2022-2023 Graduate Catalog2022-2023 Student Handbook2021-2022 Academic Calendar [Not Current Academic Year. The TAPR Report portion of the meeting will be a Public . For questions about the Handbook contents, you can contact the Schools Publications staff at: fsaschoolspubs@ed.gov. Citizenship & Eligible Noncitizens, Chapter 6: Eligibility for Specific FSA Programs, Volume 2 - School Eligibility and Operations Master File, Chapter 2: Program Eligibility, Written Arrangements, & Distance Education, Chapter 3: FSA Administrative & Related Requirements, Chapter 4: Audits, Standards, Limitations, & Cohort Default Rates, Chapter 5: Updating Application Information, Chapter 6: Consumer Information and School Reporting, Chapter 7: Record Keeping, Privacy, & Electronic Processes, Chapter 8: Program Reviews, Sanctions, & Closeout, Volume 3 - Calculating Awards and Packaging Master File, Chapter 1: Academic Years, Academic Calendars, Payment Periods, and Disbursements, Chapter 3: Calculating Pell and Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant Awards, Chapter 5: Direct Loan Periods and Amounts, Chapter 1: Requesting and Managing FSA Funds, Chapter 5: Reconciliation in the Pell Grant and Campus-Based Programs, Chapter 6: Reconciliation in the Direct Loan Program, Appendix B: A Schools Financial Management Systems, Volume 5 - Withdrawals and the Return of Title IV Funds Master File, Chapter 1: Withdrawals and the Return of Title IV Funds, Chapter 2: The Steps in a Return of Title IV Aid Calculation, Chapter 3: Return of Title IV Funds Case Studies, Appendix: Forms Associated With a Return of Title IV Aid Calculation, Volume 6 - The Campus-Based Programs Master File, Chapter 1: Campus-Based Programs Common Elements, Chapter 2: The Federal Work-Study Program, Chapter 3: Participating in the Perkins Loan Program, Chapter 4: Perkins Repayment Plans, Forbearance, Deferment, Discharge, and Cancellation, Chapter 5: Perkins Loan Billing, Collection, and Default, Appendix C: Required Actions When a Student Dies, Appendix E: Miscellaneous Business Office Functions, Appendix F: Institutional Reporting and Disclosure Requirements. Our departments work toensure all students are prepared to confidently navigate their future. Citizenship and Eligible Noncitizen Documents, Checking the Financial Aid History for Transfer Students, Effect of Bankruptcy or Disability Discharge, Exception for the Freely Associated States: Micronesia, Marshall Islands, and Palau, Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grants & Zero EFCs, Authorization to operate postsecondary educational programs, "Two-Year" Rule for New Proprietary or Vocational Schools, Applying as an Eligible Nonparticipating School, Schools must accurately report their programs published length, Distance Education and Correspondence Study, Reporting requirements for subscription-based programs, Determining Program Eligibility and Clock-Hour to Credit-Hour Conversions, Administrative Requirements For the Financial Aid Office, Sharing Information With NSLDS, Federal Loan Servicers, And Guarantors, Financial Aid History And Transfer Monitoring, Provisions For U.S. Armed Forces Members and Family, Alternatives to the General Financial Standards, Changes In Ownership Interest and 25% Threshold, Steps to be Taken During a Change In Ownership, Temporary Approval for Continued Participation, Completion, Graduation, Transfer, Retention, and Placement Rates, Privacy of Student Information Under FERPA, Higher Education Act Data Use Limitations, Closeout Procedures (When FSA Participation Ends), Timing of FSA Grant and Loan Disbursements, Clock Hour to Credit Hour Conversion Formula, Appendix B: Coursework Completion Requirements to Receive Disbursements in Subscription-Based Programs, The Sequester and Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grants, Scheduled Award, Award Year, and Annual Award, Terms and Payments Methods for Calculating Pell, Pell Formula 1: Credit-Hour Programs Using Standard Terms With At Least 30 Weeks of Instructional Time, Pell Formula 2: Standard-Term Programs With Less Than 30 Weeks in the Fall Through Spring, Pell Formula 3: General Formula For Any Term Based Program, Pell Formula 4: Clock-Hour and Non-Term Credit-Hour Programs, Summer Terms and Other Crossover Payment Periods, Year-Round Pell and Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant, Calculating and Awarding Remaining Eligibility, Calculating TEACH Grant Payments For Payment Periods, Direct Subsidized, Unsubsidized, and PLUS Loans, Academic Terms, Loan Periods, and Reporting Changes to Loan Information, Monitoring Annual Loan Limits with an SAY or BBAY, Annual Loan Limit Increase Based on Grade Level Progression, Prorating Annual Loan Limits For Direct Subsidized/Unsubsidized Loans (Undergraduate Only), Annual Loan Limits For Students Who Transfer or Change Programs Within The Same Academic Year, Treatment of Direct Subsidized Loans/Direct Unsubsidized Loans received for teacher certification coursework or preparatory coursework, Repeal of Subsidized Loan Eligibility Time Limitation, Enrollment Status Changes and Direct Loans, Resolving Inadvertent Overborrowing and Correcting Direct Subsidized Loan/Direct Unsubsidized Loan Awarding Errors, Packaging Aid For Dependents Of Deceased Iraq and Afghanistan Soldiers Or Public Safety Officers, Packaging When Choosing Not To Borrow Direct Subsidized Loans Or Direct Unsubsidized Loans, Considering Grants And Subsidized Loans First, Packaging Veterans Benefits, AmeriCorps, Vocational Rehabilitation Funds, and BIA Grants, **Garnishment of FSA Funds is Prohibited**, **Escheating of FSA Funds is Prohibited**, **Checking Eligibility At The Time Of Disbursement**, **Paying Title IV credit balances by issuing a check**, **Time Frame For Returning An Unclaimed Title IV Credit Balance**, **Third-Party Servicers Disbursing Credit Balances By EFT**, **School-Issued, Stored-Value Cards With No Third-Party Involvement**, **When A Student Fails To Begin Attendance**, **When Funds Are Considered To Have Been Returned**, **Returning Funds From An Audit or Program Review**, **Downward Adjustment Of FSA Grant And Direct Loan Disbursement Records Required**, **Returning Pell Grant And Campus-Based Funds**, **Returning Federal Perkins Loan Program Funds To The Department**, **Returning Funds through G5 For Both Open And Closed Award Years**, **Returning Funds From FFEL Loans Purchased/Serviced By The Department**, **The Importance of Title IV Reconciliation**, **Reconciliation In The Pell Grant Program**, **Reconciliation, Records, and Internal Controls in the Campus-based Programs**, **Contact Information For Reconciliation**, **Overview of Direct Loan Reconciliation**, **Other Tools And Reports For Direct Loan Reconciliation**, **Fund Accounting Systems and the FSA Programs**, **Internal ControlsA Systems of Checks and Balances**, **Evaluating and Improving Your School's Financial Management Systems**, Withdrawal exemption for graduates or completers, Withdrawal exemptions for programs offered in modules, Title IV disbursements and R2T4 withdrawal exemptions, General Title IV Principles With Special Applicability in the Return of Title IV Aid, Principles With Unique Applications in the Return of Title IV Aid, Use of Payment Period or Period of Enrollement, When Students Withdraw From Certain Programs and Transfer to a New School or Re-enter the Same School in a Similar Program, Breaks in Attendance for Students Enrolled in Programs Measured in Credit Hours Without Academic Terms, Changing or Correcting an R2T4 Calculation, Step 1: Students Title IV Aid Information, Step 2: Percentage of Title IV Aid Earned, Step 3: Amount of Title IV Aid Earned by the Student, Step 4: Total Title IV Aid to be Disbursed or Returned, Step 5: Amount of Unearned Title IV Aid Due from the School, Step 6: Return of Title IV Funds by the School, Step 7: Initial Amount of Unearned Title IV Aid Due from the Student, Step 9: Title IV Grant Funds to be Returned by a Student, Step 10: Return of Title IV Grant Funds by the Student, A Schools Responsibilities in the Return of Title IV Funds by the Student, Case Study 7: The Return of Thompson S. Hunter, **Program Participation Agreement (PPA)**, **FSEOG and FWS Carry Forward/Carry Back**, **Federal and Nonfederal Shares (Matching)**, **Federal & Nonfederal Share of FWS Wages**, **FWS Conditions & Limitations of Employment**, **Records and Reporting in the FWS Program**, **FWS Earnings for the Next Period of Enrollment**, **Payment for FWS Training and/or Travel**, **Internal Controls in the FWS Program-Reconciliation, Fiscal, and Program Records**, **Job Location and Development (JLD) Program**, **Distribution of Assets From the Federal Perkins Loan Revolving Fund**, **Reimbursement of the Perkins Loan Fund**, **Internal Controls in the Federal Perkins Loan ProgramReconciliation, Fiscal and Program Records**, **Ending Participation in the Perkins Loan Program**, **Perkins Assignment and Liquidation Guide**, **Payment Made During Initial Grace Period Example**, **Elementary and Secondary Teacher Cancellation**, **Early Childhood Education Cancellation (Pre-Kindergarten, Child Care, Head Start)**, **Early Intervention (For Disabled Infants/Toddlers) Cancellation**, **Perkins Billing Procedures And Overdue Payments**, **Default Reduction Assistance Program (DRAP)**, **Default Status and FSA Loan Eligibility**, When a School Receives Information That a Student Has Died, When a Federal Student Loan Borrower or TEACH Grant Recipient Dies, Title VIInternational Education Programs, Title VIIGraduate and Postsecondary Improvement Programs, Volume 2 - School Eligibility and Operations. about NISD represented by 16 wrestlers heading to state championships, about Bond election called to meet record-setting growth, about Monday, February 20, changed to full instructional day, about Postponed NCAA Signing Day ceremonies recognize 21 student-athletes, about High School Showcase rescheduled for February 6, Attend spring plant sale hosted by district FFA programs. 2021-2022 Adopted Budget; 2021-2022 Adopted Tax Rate; Newton ISD 2020-2023 ESSER III Use of Funds Plan; . Volume 2, Chapter 2, Clock-hour to Credit-Hour Conversion Example, p. 2-54 and p. 2-55, 2021-2022 Federal Student Aid Handbook in PDF Format, Application and Verification Guide Master File, Chapter 1: The Application Process: FAFSA to ISIR, Chapter 3: Expected Family Contribution (EFC), Chapter 4: Verification, Updates, and Corrections, Volume 1 - Student Eligibility Master File, Chapter 1: School-Determined Requirements, Chapter 2: U.S. 2022-23 School Calendar. 0000019528 00000 n Last Chance: Sign up for Northwest Reads! NISD Employee Handbook. Student Handbooks. Regardless of where you live, NISD's location along the I-35 corridor provides quick access to shopping, dining and travel businesses. Handbooks 2022-2023. About Us; Staff; Camps; Scuba. With competitive salaries and strong benefits, our district believes educators and those who support them are the core of our schools, as students cannot achieve their full potential without a strong support system behind them. Those who do not have children enrolled in our district can sign up to receive Northwest News. Student Handbook and Code of Conduct. At NISD, we believe kids come first. Please check back regularly for any amendments that may occur, or consult the Judson Independent School District website for their 2022-2023 approved calendar. Look right to see all the hyperlinked titles for each chapter (listed as attachments). MyPortal. 0000010283 00000 n NISD affirms its commitment to ensuring people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to access online information and functionality. Opening the PDF files requires version 4.0 or greater of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software. Teresa Matthews is our liaison for services to students who are determined to be homeless, as defined by federal law. 256 40 Volume 3 - Calculating Awards and Packaging. Within Chapter 4, we inserted new paragraphs outlining the new verification waiver eliminating the requirement for schools to complete verification for the remainder of the 2021-2022 award year for students selected under Verification Tracking Flag V1 and only requiring verification of Identity/Statement of Educational Purpose and High School Completion Status under Verification Tracking Groups V4 and V5. 0000025064 00000 n If you believe your child may be eligible for services or assistance, contact Teresa Matthews at 875-9396. . Volume 4 - Processing Aid and Managing FSA Funds [2021-2022 Federal Student Aid Handbook] is presented as a master PDF file, comprising of a table of contents and chapters, followed by separate PDF files for each chapter of the volume. 0000010462 00000 n Student and Parent Handbook 2021 - 2022 ( Spanish) August 9, 2021. Our ATTITUDE is what we make it. Student Handbook 2022-23 School Year If you have difficulty accessing the information in this document because of disability, please contact your campus receptionist by dialing the main line for your school. Look right to see all the hyperlinked titles for each chapter (listed as attachments). Northwest ISD students advance to prestigious state visual art competition, Northwest earns UIL 5A Girls Wrestling State Championship, Senior makes history at Eaton High School by earning two associate degrees, Seven Northwest ISD students named National Merit Finalists, NISD represented by 16 wrestlers heading to state championships, Bond election called to meet record-setting growth, NISD swimmers and divers advance to state meet, Roanoke library offering free cards to all NISD students and staff, Monday, February 20, changed to full instructional day, Postponed NCAA Signing Day ceremonies recognize 21 student-athletes, Return to Play health screenings now available, High School Showcase rescheduled for February 6. Effective date: October 25, 2021 2021-2022 LAW STUDENT HANDBOOK I. Hudson Independent School District 2021-2022 Student Handbook 10 | Page Homeless Liaison and Title I Participants. Academic Services Instructional Technology, Academic Services STAAR Score Testing Access, Special Education Parent and Community Resources, SHAC - School Health Advisory Council Home, Pre-Kindergarten Enrollment and Registration. TEKSResource . Navarro Independent School District6450 N State Hwy 123Seguin, TX 78155Phone: (830) 372-1930Fax: (830) 372-1853, Show submenu for CAREER & TECHNICAL EDUCATION, Show submenu for Enrollment and Registration. 0000064143 00000 n An unofficial Board Policies are posted on the districts website at http://pol.tasb.org/Home/Index/440. Learn More Feb 27 BN Golf @ BN Classic 9:00 AM Trophy Club Country Club Scuba Certification; Private Scuba Lessons; Scuba Refresher for Certified Divers; Try Scuba Diving; Enriched Air Diver (Nitrox) Middle School Calendar 0000103528 00000 n 2022-23 Student Code of . New Caney, TX 77357. The Federal Student Aid Handbook consists of the Application and Verification Guide, six numbered volumes, and appendices. Click here. 0000009542 00000 n 0000014391 00000 n about Northwest ISD students advance to prestigious state visual art competition, about Northwest earns UIL 5A Girls Wrestling State Championship, about Senior makes history at Eaton High School by earning two associate degrees, about Seven Northwest ISD students named National Merit Finalists, about NISD represented by 16 wrestlers heading to state championships, about Bond election called to meet record-setting growth, about NISD swimmers and divers advance to state meet, about Roanoke library offering free cards to all NISD students and staff, about Monday, February 20, changed to full instructional day, about Postponed NCAA Signing Day ceremonies recognize 21 student-athletes, about Return to Play health screenings now available, about High School Showcase rescheduled for February 6, Attend spring plant sale hosted by district FFA programs, Sarah Thornell named next principal of Sendera Ranch Elementary, Erin Appling named next principal of Roanoke Elementary, Amanda Bomar named next principal of Hughes Elementary. At NISD, we believe kids come first. In Volume 1, Chapter 5, we deleted most guidance related to Selective Service to reflect the fact that the FAFSA Simplification Act eliminated the requirement for male students to register with the Selective Service before the age of 26 as a condition of Title IV eligibility. 2018-2019 School Report Card. Students who are late more than 15 minutes, 8:06 are marked absent by the attendance office. Home. Each volume and appendix is posted on the Web after being reviewed and approved by the appropriate offices in Federal Student Aid and the Office of Postsecondary Education. about Last Chance: Sign up for Northwest Reads! Join our community of outstanding educators. Homeless Student Resources; How do I? STUDENT SERVICES 1. Student/Parent Handbook & Student Code of Conduct HOW TO USE THIS HANDBOOK At the start of the school year Carefully read all notices in the Important Notices to Parents and Students section. The page you requested does not exist. Northwest ISD is hosting its fourth annual Teacher Career Fair onThursday, March 2, 2023, at Byron Nelson High School. Cafeteria Info & Menus Calendars Registration Health & Vaccination Forms Students must have a pass to attend tutoring before school and must enter through the front of the building. For your convenience, a search was performed using the query sites default files attachments 044 jones handbook section a 2021 2022 pdf. Ysleta Community Learning Center for Adult Education, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). From bus routes to lunch menus, find helpful information here for students and families. Throughout the Federal Student Aid Handbook, we use college, school, and institution interchangeably unless a more specific use is given. Hamilton High School Student Handbook 2022-2023. Opening the PDF files requires version 4.0 or greater of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software. Although the Student Handbook may refer to rights established by law or district policy, the Student Handbook does not create any additional rights for students and parents. From bus routes to lunch menus, find helpful information here for students and families. NISD represented by 16 wrestlers heading to state championships, Bond election called to meet record-setting growth, Monday, February 20, changed to full instructional day, Postponed NCAA Signing Day ceremonies recognize 21 student-athletes, High School Showcase rescheduled for February 6. Students are expected to be knowledgeable about these policies and procedures. 0000044257 00000 n Read Full Article . In Volume 1, Chapter 1, under the heading Students Convicted of Possession or Sale of Drugs we updated the Departments guidance, per the FAFSA Simplification Act and Section 484 of the HEA, to state that although the drug question remains on the 2021-2022 FAFSA, for 2021-2022 awards a student who has a drug-related conviction is no longer prohibited from receiving Title IV funds. All rights reserved. If you are unfamiliar with a topic that affects your child, please read the information carefully and discuss it with your child. The SAFE hotline number is 397-7233 or text safe@nisd.net. You may want to save the file to your desktop and then open file. In order to get an outline or index, just click on the bookmark tab on the Adobe Acrobat Reader. District handbooks Campus handbooks Secondary handbooks differ from elementary in that each high school or middle school in Northside publishes its own unique Section A handbook. Arizona College Prep High School Handbook 2022-2023. 0000013989 00000 n 2022-2023 Elementary Grading Guidelines. Assessment Research Evaluation & Accountability (AREA), Universal Full-Day Pre-Kindergarten (4 Year-Olds), Community Eligibility Provision Information, Notice Regarding Refusal of Entry from District Property, Title IX Prohibited Harassment and Sexual Harassment, Automatic Admission and Financial Aid Eligibility. Get Directions . Northwest ISD is home to the best educators in the state, and our district works hard to retain educators and support staff. In Volume 2, Chapter 2, under the heading Clock-hour to Credit-Hour Conversion Example we corrected the credit hours assigned by the school for course 4 from 2 to 4 credits. We put our best EFFORT in everything we do. 0000076283 00000 n 2022 - 2023 Employee Handbook Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. 0000064742 00000 n Each student and parent should be familiar with the policies and procedures outlined in this Student/Parent Handbook and Volume 1, Chapter 1, Students Convicted of Possession or Sale of Drugs, p. 1-33. Northside Independent School District 2021-2022 Calendar 5900 Evers Road San Antonio, Texas 78238 www.nisd.net info@nisd.net FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL: August 23, 2021 Be a part of superior instructional and extracurricular programs. As a result of this update, the total credit hours for the program as assigned by the school was changed from 27 to 29. 2022-2023 Student Code of Conduct. Look right to see all the hyperlinked titles for each chapter (listed as attachments). 0000009978 00000 n Each volume and appendix is posted on the Web after being reviewed and approved by the appropriate offices in Federal Student Aid and the Office of Postsecondary Education. NISD affirms its commitment to ensuring people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to access online information and functionality. H. B. Zachry 9410 Timber Path, San Antonio TX, 78250 Phone: 210-397-7400 Fax: 210-706-7432 School Hours: 8:40 am - 3:55 pm Principal: Veronica Poblano Associate Principal: Richard De La Garza Email: zachry@nisd.net Sign in to contact your teacher HAC First time users: Request access | Get help 2022 Safety and Security Video Help, I forgot my password. Student Resources Pages. CHRIST (Deemed to be University) Dharmaram College Post, Hosur Road, Bengaluru - 560029, Karnataka, India. Get an outline or index, just click on the bookmark tab the. Contain the full version of the meeting will be a Public, and! Hard to retain educators and support staff bookmark tab on the Adobe Reader! 397-7233 or text SAFE @ nisd.net are late more than 15 minutes, 8:06 are marked absent by attendance! 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