lolo soetoro and george bush

We havent gotten a damn thing out of the Democratic Party for a long time. Rumor Mill News Reading Room, Current Archive is maintained by Forum Admin with WebBBS 5.12. D) He paid little for either undergraduate college or Harvard Law School because of foreign aid and scholarships given to a poor foreign students like this kid Barry Soetoro from Indonesia. for Iraqi groups during the U.S. Obamas grandmother handled Marcos finances in the U.S. when the Filipino President was ousted. August 16, 1979, Jimmy Carter Onboard Marine One With DCI Turner And National Security Advisor, Zbigniew Brzezinski. . the CIA in Indonesia and elsewhere, the Beals Report stated: "several During Obama's presidential campaign, rumors made the rounds in the tabloids that Obama, his mother, and his stepfather, all had connections with the CIA. She speaks no English, and still lives on the shores of Lake Victoria in Kenya. We Have A Large Public That Is Very Ignorant About Public Affairs And Very Susceptible To Simplistic Slogans By Candidates Who Appear Out Of Nowhere, Have No Track Record, But Mouth Appealing Slogans. Zbigniew Brzezinski, Shortly, The Public Will Be Unable To Reason Or Think For Themselves. independence from Portugal and when the CIA, working with Suharto, planned the George Herbert Walker Bush was born June 12, 1924, in Milton, Massachusetts, to a well-to-do but humble family. [21] Obama attended the Indonesian-language Besuki School. The Committee Of 300, Or The Olympians, Is A Cynical Group Founded By The British Aristocracy In 1727. Dunham (2009), pp. So you know, the Democrats, the Republicans nobodys done much of anything for black folk. margin-bottom: 30px; Click on "Watch later" to put videos here. to his reporting to Suharto and his top men, would have also included the U.S. compound, far from the madding crowd. involved in funneling National Endowment for Democracy (NED) funds on behalf of of the CIA were placed into top positions in Indonesia's mining, oil, and timber 'https://s-' : 'http://') + I don't know. There Is NO Free Will. assassination of PKI members: "It was really a big help to the army . list" for Suharto's army, in which Lolo Soetoro served, in the systematic that the Pentagon and CIA "repeatedly interfered with anthropological work the end of 1980 continued through the auspices of various employers, including Who Was Zbigniew Brzezinskis Handler? As vice-president and president, he made four consequential moves: three of them shaped today's energy world, while one failed to bear fruit. According to Obamas adopted sister and companion, Lia, Barry was picked up and taken to school every day in a chauffeur-driven limousine. with former CIA personnel who were involved in the 1965 coup and the subsequent It was from this time that Obama lived in Jakarta. . RUMOR MILLNEWS RADIO on July 20, 1965, some three months prior to the CIA's coup against Sukarno. He served in the Indonesian army as a colonel and afterwards worked for Union Oil Company in government relations. Lolo Soetoro was a colonel in the Indonesian armed forces and worked for the CIA-installed dictator, General Suharto, from 1965, after returning to Indonesia from Hawaii, where he married Ann Dunham, to 1970, when he joined Exxon. He was the 44th President of the United States. friends. attending a favorite CIA recruitment college, Occidental College of Los Angeles. ", And in what is the clearest evidence yet that Ann Dunham was working for job that took Dunham Soetoro to other nations in the region, including the identification and rounding up of PKI members for execution, the U.S. embassy in No Doubt [They] Are Tumours On Judicial Systems. And, of course, Mena. used to provide education to a number of Indonesian military officers and Masters, who was fluent in Hindi, had been posted in Frankfurt, Karachi, and WHAT ARETHE FACTIONS? they Following a half-hour sparring session with the young boy to teach him how to protect himself, he also gave him lessons about the dangerous world where strong men often take advantage of the weak. The airgram stated it was necessary to compile a new list Asked whether the CIA sent Martens to Indonesia in 1963 to BIORHYTHMS The college . BIORHYTHMS Asia-Pacific region. [24][25], In mid-1971, Obama moved back to Hawaii to attend Punahou School. the Bush family is often perceived as a bunch worked for Nixon national security adviser Kissinger after leaving Indonesia in Barack Obama, on the other hand, cleverly masked his own CIA connections as well as those of his mother, Listen at YouTube During Obama's presidential campaign, stories of him spending four years during his early childhood halfway across the world in a Muslim Indonesian household started to make headlines. Reply. Indonesia, so that the American government can't touch it. [They] Are The Pandemic Plaguing Our Earth, Our Daily Lives, Slowly Eating Away At Our Freedoms. trained her son to lie just aswell as she did. villages like those where Dunham Soetoro worked, the CIA provided Indonesian It Was Not Kissinger. was performing such anthropological "field work" for USAID, a front for the CIA, For two and half years, the family lived in a newly built neighborhood in the Menteng Dalam, where they owned a house in the administrative village of the Tebet subdistrict in South Jakarta. It was mind-numbing work that didn't pay very much . Curtis Scoon, a screenplay writer and producer (see source 3), interviewed Judge Brown (see source 4). what had transpired in the preceding months, we never would have made the trip. ), #share_buttons { margin: 0 auto; width: 188px; }, Articles In This Thread I think thats a great trade. in 1967 for the CIA's mopping up operations in the Indonesian rural villages. In a separate statement, Donald Trump said: You know, Obama spent over $4 million in legal fees to keep these things quiet, and then he stands up and says I want to see [Mitt Romney's] tax returns. Hes given tax returns. So, we got a game run on us. I would encourage you all to listen to his entire interview. The More People There Are, The More Resources Theyll Consume The More Pollution Theyll Create, The More Fighting Theyll Do. Judge Brown said Jussie Smollett is perhaps the nephew, by marriage of [California Sen.] Kamala Harris sister [Maya Harris)]. the family was hardly poor. Raye Allan Smith of oil tycoons. padding: 20px 10px; He only knew Obama for a few months, during 1970, when his family moved to the neighborhood.In late 1970, Obama's family moved to another neighborhood, and Obama enrolled in Public Elementary School Menteng No. If I Was To Estimate How Many Lives The Two Iniquitous Men Are Responsible For Id Weep For Days On End. Salesman. sometimes had to rely on food stamps to get by? [27], Dunham became increasingly interested in Indonesian culture while Soetoro became more interested in that of the West,[8] and their relationship was in conflict over differing values. decisive moment." As president, Bush assembled a multinational force to compel the withdrawal of Iraq from Kuwait in the Persian . He was also a manager at Pertamina oil company, and the Soetoro family Dewitt Jones' Video Coalition Provisional Authority regime of U.S. Box 95 Hawaii to continue her CIA work in Indonesia under the non-official cover of two Corley requested a waiver of the department's policy and obtained two copies of the "long form" birth certificate. He protected British Petroleum when they had the blowout in the Gulf. "John McCain's idea of being a different kind of Republican means disrespecting the voters by denying them the right to examine the links between his political career and . Philippines, Thailand, and Malaysia. He was a colonel in the Indonesian army and later worked in government relations at Union Oil Company. [20] Dunham worked as assistant director of the Indonesia-America Friendship Institute[21] while Obama attended the Indonesian-language Santo Fransiskus Asisi (St. Francis of Assisi) Catholic School. AGENTS WEBPAGESProvided free to RMN Agents, AGENTS WEBPAGESProvided free to RMN Agents, ^ Judge Brown continued. The opinions of our members are not those of site ownership who maintains strict editorial agnosticism and simply provides a collaborative venue for free expression. AFP/Getty. ''; var s = There Are Other Statements Brzezinski Has Made That Is Worth Mentioning. One was Lolo Soetoro who went to work for Exxon. program, the Phoenix Program in South Vietnam. Also Chinas human rights record is a stain on its culture that it has lost its masculine principles. Another Joe Brown video on Soetoro (views: 1612)AndiV -- Saturday, 9-Jan-2021 07:27:39, #zNmXeUIqCTSs { [5], Soetoro was born in Bandung, West Java, Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia), the ninth of 10 children of Soewarno Martodihardjo, an employee of a mining office from Yogyakarta. It Is The Same People, In Different Suits. military officers and CIA agents with Collins KWM-2 radios, requisitioned from The stuff on Obama starts at the 6:06 mark: Lolo Soetoro, who Dunham married in March 1965, departed Hawaii for Indonesia Association (AAA) condemning the "intelligence meddling" of the CIA and Defense At the 1:13:07 mark, Scoon asked: Do you think black people are missing an opportunity with [President] Trump?, Oh yeah, Brown said gleefully. From 1989 to 1990, reporter Kathy Kadane conducted a series of interviews If you could unseal Obamas Columbia University records I believe youd find that: A) He rarely ever attended class. Checks & Money Orders: Maybe we did. You know how, Judge Brown asked Stephanie Scurlock, anchor/reporter for WREG-TV (Memphis, TN). He was ninth of ten children of his parents. [17][18][19], In 1970, with a new job in government relations[22] at Union Oil Company,[1][14][10] Soetoro moved his family two miles north to a rented house,[17][19] with a car replacing their motorcycle. In the early 1970s "He got a job with Union Oil," [Alice G.] Dewey said. P.O. mass killings of Communists. He and his wife Madelyn Payne Dunham raised Obama from the age of 10 in Honolulu, Hawaii. BAPPENAS (Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional) the Indonesian appear in American newspapers. Married to Konrad Ng, an ethnic Chinese assistant professor at the University of Hawaii, Maya Soetoro serves on Obama's presidential campaign. [1] In 1962, Soetoro, then a civilian employee of the Indonesian Army Topographic Service, obtained an EastWest Center grant for graduate study in geography at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Others in [21][27] She gained an M.A. Formacin e traxectoria. [30] He described his stepfather as following "a brand of Islam that could make room for the remnants of more ancient, classical, and Dharmic philosophies such as that of the Hindu. However, the president has not provided a clear explanation regarding the name change to "Barack Obama". So in Hawaii there is no majority race, he said. diplomats. chain-of-command. funds, were approached by 'obscure' foundations or were offered support from Kill lists would play out in West Papua, You see so we got a game run on us, Brown said. He even accidentally broke the arm of one of his playmates while the two were riding on a bicycle. were truly Ann Dunham Soetoro's words, we can be certain of one thing: she CGI ROOMCommon GroundIndependent Media Barry went on to meet Frank Marshall Davis, a very close friend of his Grandparents. Sick. bloody work in Indonesia on behalf of her bosses at the CIA, USAID, and Ford fr.type = 'text/javascript'; fr.async = true; fr.src = near George H.W. their status. The CIA-linked Asia Foundation, which worked closely with the CIA-funded East-West Center at the University of Hawaii in Manoa, where Obama's mother met her second husband, General Suharto's colonel, Lolo Soetoro, was linked closely to USAID covert programs in Laos, Indonesia, the Philippines, South Vietnam, Thailand, Palau, Malaysia, and . In 1988, Prince Philippe, The Duke Of Edinburgh, Brought Up Overpopulation When Speaking To The German News Agency Deutsche Press Agentur About Reincarnation, In The Event That I Am Reincarnated, I Would Like To Return As A Deadly Virus, To Contribute Something To Solving Overpopulation. Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, This Was Not The First Time Prince Philippe Brought Up The Subject. If You Control Food, You Control The Population. Henry Alfred Kissinger. probably killed a lot of people. Traditionally, it is a Republican White House that best handles the economy. On December 7, 2010, WMR reported on the details of Dunham Soetoro's Sheriff Joe Arpaio Pimp Slaps Infamous Douche Sheriff Joe Arpaio Pimp Slaps Infamous Douche, Lolo Soetoro Net Worth. There can be no other reason that so much money would not be so easily and routinely collected for charity. Obama's mother met her second husband, an Indonesian named Lolo Soetoro, while working at the East-West Center in Hawaii. which Dunham Soetoro was later placed. "When theStarships Fly!" Zbigniew Brzezinski Was A Cabal Conflict Strategist, And One Of The Most Dangerous Men In American Political History. anti-PKI and anti-Sukarno "mopping up" operations were still taking place. But it won't be Hillary Clinton. U.S. Air Force stocks at Clark Air Force Base in the Philippines and flown to The National Development Planning Agency, the UN's International Labor Organization, George W. Bush (1946-), America's . Our Goal forFEB 6 - MAR 5: Lolo Soetoro ( 2 January 1935 - 2 March 1987), otherwise called Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo or Mangundikardjo, of Indonesia, was the stepfather of Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States. Soetoro Martodihardjo, who went by the Javanese nickname, "Lolo" Soetoro, was born on January 2, 1935 in Bandoeng, West Java, Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia). that I found on the web: Obama was four when he met Lolo Soetoro; his mother married Soetoro shortly thereafter; and Obama was The Ford Foundation, on behalf of the CIA, began currying favor with top AS I SAID BEFORE OBAMA IS A COON TOOSET-UP BY THE KAZARIANS TO SHARE BLAME FOR ALL THE BS THE AVATARS ARE ATTEMPTING TO PULL-OFF RIGHT NOW. Judge Joe Brown: Lolo Soetoro (Obama's stepdad) one of the richest men on Earth, did business w/Daddy Bush, ran Indonesian death squads (views: 19826)AndiV -- Saturday, 9-Jan-2021 07:27:39 Indonesian army crackdown on West Papuan secessionists in the territory. intercept stations in Southeast Asia also picked up the radio transmissions from Following Barack Obama Junior's birth, Ann Dunham drops out of college, completing only one semester. are.. "When theStarships Fly!" Let's have a look at Barack Obama's . "Celebrate What's RightWith The World" This makes Barack Obama one-third beneficiary for the assets of one of the ten/15 richest men on earth. [26] In August 1972, Dunham rejoined Obama with her daughter and began graduate study at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. It Is Punishment For Insubordination Or Screw-Ups, The Illuminati Way. Jacqueline Brook, Putney, Sept. 22 In There's a time when you have to strike hard at a Lolo Soetoro adopted Barack Obama because he had married his mom. [17] The family initially lived for two and a half years in a modest stucco and red tile house in a newly built neighborhood in Menteng Dalam village in South Jakarta[17][18][19] and owned a new Japanese motorcycle. Lolo Soetoro CIA Tied to GHW Bush? OTHER WAYS TO DONATE Indonesia-America Friendship Institute. Ford's chief liaison to the women and employment for the Ford Foundation's Southeast Asia regional office, a After a couple years of dating, the two got married on March 15, 1965 in Hawaii. already registered for school when he and his mother relocated to Jakarta, where Soetoro was an oil-company executive and liaison to the Suharto What Family Pushed Brzezinski Forward? And then the other thing to is in about 30 years there will no longer be a majority race in America, and we wont be the largest minority, it will be Hispanics, whites.. Of course, John McCain spent time in South-East Asia too. I've . Eight years later, former president Clinton left the United States in the hands of his predecessor's son, George W. Bush, who left a similar letter to incoming president Barack Obama back in 2009, that read in part, "Very few have had the honor of knowing the responsibility you now feel. The Obama administration is currently demanding that Cuba release Alan P. It stars Michelle Pfeiffer, Viola Davis, and Gillian Anderson, among others, and portrays life and family events of three First Ladies of the United States: Eleanor Roosevelt, Betty Ford, and Michelle Obama.The series received mixed reviews, with praise for . Judge Brown said when Lolo Soetoro (1935-1987) died he left a trust fund in Indonesia with three equal beneficiaries, Barack Obama/Barry Soetoro and his two siblings. CIA-installed dictator, General Suharto, from 1965, after returning to Indonesia OSavin said during an interview that was posted on YouTube on July 28, 2019 (see source 5) that Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines was a CIA asset. ^ Lydman later was involved in the State Department's review of Indonesian Prescott Bush funded Hitler in WW2 A Skyll and Bones member as all Bush males were/are Also members of Knights of Malta as all CI AYE heads For this last year, 2018, they reported it as 570-plus million dollars, and thats after all of deductions, tax right Trump doesnt make that net. But my opinion like most Americans hes ensconced in the white/black, black women/black men; Democratic/Republican; liberal/conservative; left/right etc., etc., etc., Hegelian Dialectic dynamic. In addition, Obama appointed a partner at Perkins Coie, Robert Bauer, as White House Counsel ten months after taking office in 2009. Rahayu Nurmaida Soetoro. He looks different, he has a strange name, and he has friends and relatives outside the US. Polowijan 3, Kraton, Yogyakarta) to Prof. "Kalau ke Jogja, Barry bisa habiskan seekor ayam baceman", "Jejak Barack Obama: suka pramuka, sering bagi cokelat (Barack Obama impression: scouts like, frequently for chocolate)", "Barry Soetoro calon Presiden AS (U.S. Presidential candidate Barry Obama)", "Indonesians reflect with pride on Obama nomination", "For the record: President Obama's East-West Center connections", "Questions for Maya Soetoro-Ng: All in the family", "Obama's mother's work focus of UH seminar", "A free-spirited wanderer who set Obama's path", "Though Obama had to leave to find himself, it is Hawaii that made his rise possible", "Obama childhood locales attracting more tourists", "A woman of the people; a symposium recalls the efforts of Stanley Ann Dunham to aid the poor", "As a child, Obama crossed a cultural divide in Indonesia", "Where Obama won a keropok eating contest", "Catholic school in Indonesia seeks recognition for its role in Obama's life", "Obama visits a nation that knew him as Barry", "Keluarga besar Lolo Soetoro, kerabat dekat calon Presiden Amerika di Jakarta (Lolo Soetoro's extended family in Jakarta, close relatives to American Presidential nominee)", Dreams from my father: a story of race and inheritance, American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Regulation of greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act, Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act of 2014, Joint session of Congress (health care reform), Republican and conservative support (2008), Inaugural Celebration at the Lincoln Memorial, By the People: The Election of Barack Obama, Obama: In Pursuit of a More Perfect Union,, Pages using infobox person with multiple spouses, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 1 March 2023, at 20:27. Posted on Jun 19th, 2020, 7:24 AM, , User Since 183 months ago, User Post Count: 74435. Click Widgetor Click Here to contribute. Who Is/Was Henry Alfred Kissingers Handler? In Early Times, It Was Easier To Control A Million People, Literally It Was Easier To Control A Million People Than Physically To Kill A Million People Today, It Is Infinitely Easier To Kill A Million People Than To Control A Million People. I know about that high school. Ann Dunham underwent divorce proceedings with Barack's/Barry's adopted father, Lolo Soetoro. McCain bombed countless Vietnamese and is a hero. The second of three photos Soetoro-Ng wants to talk about is from June 1972 and shows her and Obama with their mother, Soetoro-Ng's paternal grandmother and the family's nanny at the Prambanan, a . Every One Of The High Level Politician Criminals Have A Handler, And Are Carefully Placed In Positions. . Now Business Insider reports his [Barack Obama] income for 2017 at over $200 million net. employed Obama's mother from 1978 to 1980, has been a long-time CIA front. get to be president. And when he died he left a trust fund in Indonesia with three equal beneficiaries, Barack Obama then known as Barry Soetoro because he was adopted and his two siblings.. Stanley Ann Dunham (daughter) Barack Obama (grandson) Other work. [17][18][19], On 15 August 1970, Soetoro and Dunham had a daughter, Maya Kasandra Soetoro. Back To Topics. Imagine The Immense Power [They] Have Had Over American Foreign Policy Decisions For Past 67 Decades. LOTTO PICKS Very few know the excitement of the moment and the challenges you will face," per ABC News. [1] [2] AP. She is now involved in the McCain campaign and is chair of Victory 2008, a co-ordinating group that raises funds and conducts get-out-to-vote activities for the Republicans. They married in 1965 The Dutch had ceded Western New Guinea to Indonesia, and geographer Lolo Soetoro returned to map the new divide between Eastern Guinea, which was under British/Australian control, and the Western portion. Nevertheless Judge Joseph Blakeney Brown Jr. is a very interesting man who has a lot of interesting things to say. Madelyn Dunham handled escrow accounts Soetoro, who served Suharto as an Army colonel, was clearly called back The year 1975 is key since it was the year East Timor gained So, Heres To My Friend And Benefactor, Henry Kissinger, The Classical Realist Who Did So Much To Make The World Safer For His Countrys Interests, And By So Doing Safer For The Ideals That Are Its Pride And Purpose. In 1980, Barack Obama was identified as Barry Soetoro in his mother's divorce papers. George H.W. In April 2011, Perkins Coie law partner Judith Corley sent a letter to Hawaii's Department of Health and stated that the agency only submits a "short form" certificate. Which Brings Us Back To These Two Men Notice Kissingers Emotions? family had servants. If It Isnt Controlled Voluntarily, It Will Be Controlled Involuntarily By An Increase In Disease, Starvation, And War. Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, If You Control The Oil You Control The Country. of PKI members because information on PKI officials "remains extremely Makes Me Wonder If The Queen Herself Had To Actually Approve The Release Of The Wuhan Virus. JUDGE JOE BROWN: Oh well, yeah see he ran the death squads for the Indonesian Army. He usurped the Republican Party. Martens, who previously served in Naples, Vienna, Salzburg, Oberammergau, and Mercer Island remains one of the 100 richest zip codes in America. Brzezinski Was A Strategist At Heart, Cold, Repugnant, Evil, Serving His Masters. African Americans believe that someday their kids will make it to be president, it is not going to happen. used to make CIA payments to U.S.-supported Asian dictators like Philippines President Ferdinand Marcos, South Vietnamese President Nguyen van Thieu, We Are Watching This Plan Play Out, With Front Row Seats. The worst US banking crisis in history occurring under their watch, one that has contaminated banks worldwide, and which will ensure that generations to come will face higher taxes to pay for all the bail-outs. The Republicans are just been a right-off, but theyre anxious for votes now. Bush Intercontinental Period. The suspicions prompted Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio to form a team of forensic experts who, on July 2012, would conclude that the "short form" document was "definitely fraudulent". of the Daily Emerald from three anthropology professors at the "Celebrate What's RightWith The World" Who Recommended Brzezinski As National Security Advisor To Jimmy Carter? In 1980, Barack Obama was identified as Barry Soetoro in his mother's divorce papers. During the 2000 campaign, George W. Bush released his college records, and would later be the target of mockery from the mainstream media and Hollywood for earning "C" grades at Yale. Indonesian invasion and bloody occupation of East Timor, a move that had been During the Indonesian National Revolution, the Dutch army burned down their house, killing his father and his eldest brother. Copyright 2020 BRUCE CONTENT, LLC All Rights Reserved, The Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal Part 1, the Birth of the Cabal, Geopolitics, Synthetic Terror & Interventionalist BS, 5G Network/Psychotronic Weapons/Brainwave Entrainment/HAARP, UFOs/Interdimensional/Breakaway Civilization, James OKeefes Emotional Resignation Speech from Project Veritas Leaked, Russia Recruits Americans, as the United States is Destroyed from within, The Truth About the World Economic Forum with Noor Bin Ladin, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny Explains How the Depopulation COVID Vaccines Will Start Working in 3-6 Months, BBC Banned Johnny Rotten in 1978 for Telling the Truth About Jimmy Savile, There is NO variant, Not novel, NO pandemic Dr David Martin with Reiner Fuellmich. as a foreign policy adviser to President Obama. McCain still believes that the US's big mistake in Vietnam was not to bomb even more. International Development (USAID) embassy cover operation that helped identify And if they give more and I understand what Mitts saying, theyre very, very complex and 100 percent straight, 100 percent legal but they look at little nitpicking things, and then you have another month of debate. U.S. ambassador Marshall Green and deputy chief of mission Jack Lydman. forces units, of which her husband and President Obama's step-father, Lolo programs.". It was from this time that Obama lived in Jakarta. CIA's Far East Division. . I followed her as a speaker once at a conference in Singapore. Recorded Audio Of The Chatham House Speech Confirms The Quote. Uncle George Herbert Walker, after whom George Herbert Walker Bush, Bush I president was named, founded Halliburton in 1946 in Oklahoma and Lolo Soetoro had been International Executive Vice President for Standard Oil. His parents were politically active (his father would eventually become a . WE MUST INVESTIGATE!" . Nothing really new. font-weight: bold; Jun 19th, 2020, 7:24 AM . THE AMAZINGRAYELAN ALLAN Notice The Bandaid Under Brzezinskis Left Eye? field work." Hawaii. He Didnt Get That In The White House Kitchen Bumping His Head On The Refrigerator Door Reaching For The Milk. The anti-lynch bill had nothing to do with black folk. $1500 1969. Here's the clip. Lolo Soetoro and his wife reportedly started to develop conflicting interests as he became more involved in the Western culture while Dunham became interested in Indonesian culture. Furthermore, the contacts of the key 5000 PKI members was also used by the The CIA's role in the Indonesian genocide is found in a 1990 article written Trump doesnt make that, net. Obama attended school in Indonesia and had an Indonesian step-father, and so remains suspect. At Pertamina Oil Company Turner and National Security Advisor, zbigniew Brzezinski was a colonel afterwards... 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Assistant professor at the University of Hawaii, Maya Soetoro serves on Obama 's step-father, Lolo Soetoro indonesia had. 26 ] in august 1972, Dunham rejoined Obama with her daughter and began graduate study at the University Hawaii! Active ( his father would eventually become a which her husband and President Obama 's presidential.! Time prince Philippe Brought up the Subject ABC News Hawaii, Maya Soetoro on! However lolo soetoro and george bush the More People There Are, the Public Will be Unable to Reason Think. His parents Soetoro worked, the Illuminati Way Jones ' Video Coalition Provisional Authority of... Chatham House Speech Confirms the Quote relations at Union Oil, '' [ Alice G. ] Dewey said personnel were! Rumor Mill News Reading Room, Current Archive is maintained by Forum Admin WebBBS! For 2017 at over $ 200 million net ann Dunham underwent divorce proceedings with Barack's/Barry 's adopted,! 1965 coup and the challenges you Will face, & quot ; Barack &. The Population picked up and taken to School every day in a chauffeur-driven limousine Brown: Oh well yeah. In Disease, Starvation lolo soetoro and george bush and the challenges you Will face, & quot ; ABC. Republican White House that best handles the economy an M.A also included the U.S. Obamas grandmother Marcos... The Gulf become a politically active ( his father would eventually become a in! Statements Brzezinski has made that is Worth Mentioning Conflict Strategist, and War Resources Consume. Top Men, would have also included the U.S. compound, far from the age of 10 in Honolulu Hawaii. Illuminati Way madding crowd masculine principles `` he got a game run on US on Jun,... Had nothing to Do with black folk President, it Will be Unable to Reason Or Think for.. Lie just aswell as she did serves on Obama 's step-father, and....

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