a judicial order asking correctional officers to produce

Each prisoner should receive a comprehensive medical and mental health assessment by qualified medical and mental health professionals no later than [14 days] after admission to a correctional facility, and a comprehensive medical assessment periodically thereafter, which should include mental health screening. (f) Correctional authorities should permit each prisoner to take full advantage of available opportunities to earn credit toward the prisoners sentence through participation in work, education, treatment, and other programming. If correctional authorities have applied four- or five-point restraints without the participation of a qualified health care professional or if that professional disagrees with the application of the restraints, correctional authorities should notify the facilitys chief executive office immediately on gaining control of the prisoner. which of the following is NOT one of the 3 steps most corrections systems use when handling the inmate grievance process? In developing the re-entry plan, correctional authorities should involve any agency with supervisory authority over the prisoner in the community and, with the prisoners permission, should invite involvement by the prisoners family. Correctional authorities should be permitted to censor material if it could be censored in publications sent to prisoners through the mail. (f) Rules governing attorneys fees and their recovery should be the same for prisoners as for non-prisoners. (iii) include an initial assessment whether the prisoner has any condition that makes the use of chemical agents or electronic weaponry against that prisoner particularly risky, in order to facilitate compliance with Standard 23-5.8(d). (a) Governmental and correctional authorities should facilitate programs that allow crime victims to speak to groups of prisoners, and, at the request of a crime victim and with the consent of the prisoner, appropriate meetings or mediation between prisoners and their victims. Inmates who assist other inmates in the preparation of legal documents or give other help in legal matters are referred to as. No new comprehensive medical and mental health assessment need occur for a prisoner transferred or readmitted to a correction facility who has received comprehensive health assessment within the prior year unless it is medically necessary, or the prisoners medical records are not available. (d) At intervals not to exceed [90 days], a full classification review involving a meeting of the prisoner and the specialized classification committee should occur to determine whether the prisoners progress toward compliance with the individual plan required by subdivision (b) of this Standard or other circumstances warrant a reduction of restrictions, increased programming, or a return to a lower level of custody. (c) Instead of isolating prisoners at risk of suicide, correctional authorities should ordinarily place such prisoners in housing areas that are designed to be suicide resistant and that allow staff a full and unobstructed view of the prisoners inside. a judicial order asking correctional officials to produce the prisoner and to give reasons to justify continued confinement is called a writ of _______________. (h) Whether restraints are used for health care or for custodial purposes, during the period that a prisoner is restrained in a four- or five-point position, staff should follow established guidelines for use of the restraint mechanism that take into account the prisoners physical condition, including health problems and body weight, should provide adequate nutrition, hydration, and toileting, and should take the following precautions to ensure the prisoners safety: (i) for the entire period of restraint, the prisoner should be video- and audio-recorded; (ii) immediately, a qualified health care professional should conduct an in-person assessment of the prisoners medical and mental health condition, and should advise whether the prisoner should be transferred to a medical or mental health unit or facility for emergency treatment; (iii) until the initial assessment by a qualified health care professional required by subdivision (ii), staff should continuously observe the prisoner, in person; (iv) after the initial medical assessment, at least every fifteen minutes medically trained staff should conduct visual observations and medical checks of the prisoner, log all checks, and evaluate the continued need for restraint; (v) at least every two hours, qualified health care staff should check the prisoners range of motion and review the medical checks performed under subdivision (iv); and. (c) Correctional administrators and officials should provide specialized training to staff who work with specific types of prisoners to address the physical, social, and psychological needs of such prisoners, including female prisoners, prisoners who face language or communication barriers or have physical or mental disabilities, prisoners who are under the age of eighteen or geriatric, and prisoners who are serving long sentences or are assigned to segregated housing for extended periods of time. (a) Correctional and governmental authorities should take all practicable actions to reduce violence and the potential for violence in correctional facilities and during transport, including: (i) using a validated objective classification system and instrument as provided in Standard 23-2.2; (ii) preventing crowding as provided in Standard 23-3.1(b); (iii) ensuring adequate and appropriate supervision of prisoners during transport and in all areas of the facility, preferably direct supervision in any congregate areas; (iv) training staff and volunteers appropriately as provided in Standard 23-10.3; (v) preventing introduction of drugs and other contraband, and providing substance abuse treatment as provided in Standard 23-8.2(b); (vi) preventing opportunities for prisoners to exercise coercive authority or control over other prisoners, including through access to another prisoners confidential information; (vii) preventing opportunities for gangs to gain any power; (viii) promptly separating prisoners when one may be in danger from another; (ix) preventing staff from tolerating, condoning, or implicitly or explicitly encouraging fighting, violence, bullying, or extortion; (x) regularly assessing prisoners level of fear of violence and responding accordingly to prisoners concerns; and. (d) Other than as allowed by subdivision (e) of this Standard, correctional authorities should not use restraints in a prisoners cell except immediately preceding an out-of-cell movement or for medical or mental health purposes as authorized by a qualified medical or mental health professional. (h) Correctional agencies should work together to develop uniform national definitions and methods of defining, collecting, and reporting accurate and complete data. the same exercise price and expiration as the call option. (e) Correctional authorities should communicate effectively with prisoners who have disabling speech, hearing, or vision impairments by providing, at a minimum: (i) hearing and communication devices, or qualified sign language interpretation by a non-prisoner, or other communication services, as needed, including for disciplinary proceedings or other hearings, processes by which a prisoner may make requests or lodge a complaint, and during provision of programming and health care; (ii) closed captioning on any televisions accessible to prisoners with hearing impairments; (iii) readers, taped texts, Braille or large print materials, or other necessary assistance for effective written communication between correctional authorities and prisoners with vision impairments, andwhen a prisoner with a vision impairment is permitted to review prison records, as in preparation for a disciplinary or other hearing; and. (f) Correctional officials should facilitate and promote visiting by providing visitors travel guidance, directions, and information about visiting hours, attire, and other rules. Each respondent was also asked whether they are currently depressed (1 = Yes, 2 = No). (b) When the initial screening pursuant to Standard 23-2.1 or any subsequent observation identifies a risk of suicide, the prisoner should be placed in a safe setting and promptly evaluated by a qualified mental health professional, who should determine the degree of risk, appropriate level of ongoing supervision, and appropriate course of mental health treatment. When medically necessary, correctional authorities should be permitted to place a prisoner with a readily transmissible contagious disease in appropriate medical isolation or to restrict such a prisoner in other ways to prevent contagion of others. (c) A correctional facility should provide prisoners diagnosed with mental illness, mental retardation, or other cognitive impairments appropriate housing assignments and programming opportunities in accordance with their diagnoses, vulnerabilities, functional impairments, and treatment or habilitation plans. (g) Any jurisdiction that enters into a contract with a private corporation or entity for the operation of a correctional facility should implement procedures to monitor compliance with that contract systematically, regularly, and using a variety of on- and off-site monitoring techniques, including reviewing files and records, physically inspecting the facility, and interviewing staff and prisoners. In addition, if long-term segregation is being considered either because the prisoner poses a credible continuing and serious threat to the security of others or to the prisoners own safety, the prisoner should be afforded, at a minimum, the following procedural protections: (i) timely, written, and effective notice that such a placement is being considered, the facts upon which consideration is based, and the prisoners rights under this Standard; (ii) decision-making by a specialized classification committee that includes a qualified mental health care professional; (iii) a hearing at which the prisoner may be heard in person and, absent an individualized determination of good cause, has a reasonable opportunity to present available witnesses and information; (iv) absent an individualized determination of good cause, opportunity for the prisoner to confront and cross-examine any witnesses or, if good cause to limit such confrontation is found, to propound questions to be relayed to the witnesses; (v) an interpreter, if necessary for the prisoner to understand or participate in the proceedings; (vi) if the classification committee determines that a prisoner is unable to prepare and present evidence and arguments effectively on his or her own behalf, counsel or some other appropriate advocate for the prisoner; (vii) an independent determination by the classification committee of the reliability and credibility of confidential informants if material allowing such determination is available to the correctional agency; (viii) a written statement setting forth the evidence relied on and the reasons for placement; and. (e) A lockdown should last no longer than necessary. (b) Only the most severe disciplinary offenses, in which safety or security are seriously threatened, ordinarily warrant a sanction that exceeds [30 days] placement in disciplinary housing, and no placement in disciplinary housing should exceed one year. (h) A correctional facility should be monitored and regularly inspected by independent government entities. (ii) For meetings between counsel and a prisoner: A. absent an individualized finding that security requires otherwise, counsel should be allowed to have direct contact with a prisoner who is a client, prospective client, or witness, and should not be required to communicate with such a prisoner through a glass or other barrier; B. counsel should be allowed to meet with a prisoner in a setting where their conversation cannot be overheard by staff or other prisoners; C. meetings or conversations between counsel and a prisoner should not be audio recorded by correctional authorities; D. during a meeting with a prisoner, counsel should be allowed to pass previously searched papers to and from the prisoner without intermediate handling of those papers by correctional authorities; E. correctional authorities should be allowed to search a prisoner before and after such a meeting for physical contraband, including by performing a visual search of a prisoners private bodily areas that complies with Standard 23-7.9; F. rules governing counsel visits should be as flexible as practicable in allowing counsel adequate time to meet with a prisoner who is a client, prospective client, or witness, including such a prisoner who is for any reason in a segregated housing area, and should allow meetings to occur at any reasonable time of day or day of the week; and. Clinical decisions should be the sole province of the responsible health care professionals, and should not be countermanded by non-medical staff. b. administrative control theory. (d) Correctional staff should be provided with safe and healthful working conditions. (c) Correctional authorities should be permitted to monitor and restrict both outgoing and incoming written communications and materials to the extent necessary for maintenance of institutional order, safety, and security; prevention of criminal offenses; continuing criminal investigations; and protection of victims of crime. (b) Correctional authorities should not place a prisoner in long-term segregated housing based on the security risk the prisoner poses to others unless less restrictive alternatives are unsuitable in light of a continuing and serious threat to the security of the facility, staff, other prisoners, or the public as a result of the prisoners: (i) history of serious violent behavior in correctional facilities; (ii) acts such as escapes or attempted escapes from secure correctional settings; (iii) acts or threats of violence likely to destabilize the institutional environment to such a degree that the order and security of the facility is threatened; (iv) membership in a security threat group accompanied by a finding based on specific and reliable information that the prisoner either has engaged in dangerous or threatening behavior directed by the group or directs the dangerous or threatening behavior of others; or. (b) Prisoners who are determined to be lawfully taking prescription drugs or receiving health care treatment when they enter a correctional facility directly from the community, or when they are transferred between correctional facilitiesincluding facilities operated by different agenciesshould be maintained on that course of medication or treatment or its equivalent until a qualified health care professional directs otherwise upon individualized consideration. (a) Correctional authorities should be permitted to physically separate prisoners in segregated housing from other prisoners but should not deprive them of those items or services necessary for the maintenance of psychological and physical wellbeing. (c) Governmental authorities should facilitate access to abortion services for a prisoner who decides to exercise her right to an abortion, as that right is defined by state and federal law, through prompt scheduling of the procedure upon request and through the provision of transportation to a facility providing such services. No prisoner should have access to any other prisoners health care records. Copyright by the American Bar Association. Correctional officials should implement a policy of prompt and thorough investigation of any credible allegation of the threat or commission of prisoner sexual assault or sexual contact with or sexual exploitation by staff. (b) Information about a prisoners health condition should not be disclosed to other prisoners. Prisoners should also be permitted to purchase hygiene supplies in a commissary. A decision to retain a prisoner in segregated housing following consideration by the classification review committee should be reviewed by a correctional administrator, and approved, rejected, or modified as appropriate. (e) Health care should be based on the clinical judgments of qualified health care professionals, not on non-medical considerations such as cost and convenience. A prisoner should be informed of the consequences for the prisoners parental rights of any arrangements contemplated. In Wolff vs. McDonnell (1974) the court created four legal procedures to enhance the protection of an inmate who has been accused of a serious prison violation. Cut-down tools should be readily available to security personnel, who should be trained in first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation, cut-down techniques, and emergency notification procedures. Assume all accounts have normal balances. Correctional authorities should allow prisoners a reasonable choice in the selection of their own hair styles and personal grooming, subject to the need to identify prisoners and to maintain security and appropriate hygienic standards. Your membership has expired - last chance for uninterrupted access to free CLE and other benefits. (n) The term health care means the diagnosis and treatment of medical, dental, and mental health problems. (a) A prisoner should be placed or retained in long-term segregated housing only after an individualized determination, by a preponderance of the evidence, that the substantive prerequisites set out in Standards 23-2.7 and 23-5.5 for such placement are met. A competent prisoner who refuses food should not be force-fed except pursuant to a court order. (b) A prisoner in labor should be taken to an appropriate medical facility without delay. Sanctions should be reasonable in light of the offense and the prisoners circumstances, including disciplinary history and any mental illness or other cognitive impairment. (e) Consistent with such confidentiality as is required to prevent a significant risk of harm to other persons, a prisoner being evaluated for placement in long-term segregated housing for any reason should be permitted reasonable access to materials considered at both the initial and the periodic reviews, and should be allowed to meet with and submit written statements to persons reviewing the prisoners classification. (c) Pat-down searches and other clothed body searches should be brief and avoid unnecessary force, embarrassment, and indignity to the prisoner. Correctional authorities should make reasonable accommodations for religion and disability with respect to job requirements and sites. If correctional authorities have a reasonable suspicion that a prisoners legal materials contain non-legal material that violates written policy, they should be permitted to read the materials only to the extent necessary to determine whether they are legal in nature. Prisoners should be permitted to form or join organizations whose purposes are lawful and consistent with legitimate penological objectives. Habeas Corpus. (e) Any examination of a transgender prisoner to determine that prisoners genital status should be performed in private by a qualified medical professional, and only if the prisoners genital status is unknown to the correctional agency. (ii) ensure that all health care treatment and medications provided to the prisoner during the term of imprisonment will continue uninterrupted, including, if necessary, providing prescription medication or medical equipment for a brief period reasonably necessary to obtain access to health care services in the community; providing initial medically necessary transportation from the correctional facility to a community health care facility for continuing treatment; or otherwise addressing the prisoners serious immediate post-release health care needs. (b) A prisoner should not be administered sedating or otherwise psychoactive drugs for purposes of discipline or convenience, or because of any decision relating to programming or privileges; such drugs should be used only to treat health conditions. The use of firearms should always be considered the use of deadly force. (iii) the de novo hearing held every [6 months] should decide whether to continue or modify any involuntary treatment, and in reaching that decision should consider, in addition to other relevant evidence, evidence of side effects. They should receive authority to: (i) examine every part of every facility; (iii) conduct confidential interviews with prisoners and staff; and. ], Standard 23-1.1 General principles governing imprisonment, Standard 23-2.3 Classification procedures, Standard 23-2.4 Special classification issues, Standard 23-2.6 Rationales for segregated housing, Standard 23-2.7 Rationales for long-term segregated housing, Standard 23-2.8 Segregated housing and mental health, Standard 23-2.9 Procedures for placement and retention in long-term segregated housing, Standard 23-3.1 Physical plant and environmental conditions, Standard 23-3.2 Conditions for special types of prisoners, Standard 23-3.6 Recreation and out-of-cell time, Standard 23-3.7 Restrictions relating to programming and privileges, Standard 23-3.9 Conditions during lockdown, Standard 23-4.1 Rules of conduct and informational handbook, Standard 23-4.2 Disciplinary hearing procedures, Standard 23-5.1 Personal security and protection from harm, Standard 23-5.2 Prevention and investigation of violence, Standard 23-5.4 Self-harm and suicide prevention, Standard 23-5.5 Protection of vulnerable prisoners, Standard 23-5.8 Use of chemical agents, electronic weaponry, and canines, Standard 23-5.9 Use of restraint mechanisms and techniques, Standard 23-6.1 General principles governing health care, Standard 23-6.2 Response to prisoner health care needs, Standard 23-6.3 Control and distribution of prescription drugs, Standard 23-6.4 Qualified health care staff, Standard 23-6.6 Adequate facilities, equipment, and resources, Standard 23-6.8 Health care records and confidentiality, Standard 23-6.9 Pregnant prisoners and new mothers, Standard 23-6.11 Services for prisoners with mental disabilities, Standard 23-6.12 Prisoners with chronic or communicable diseases, Standard 23-6.13 Prisoners with gender identity disorder, Standard 23-6.14 Voluntary and informed consent to treatment, Standard 23-6.15 Involuntary mental health treatment and transfer, Standard 23-7.2 Prisoners with disabilities and other special needs, Standard 23-7.5 Communication and expression, Standard 23-7.7 Records and confidentiality, Standard 23-7.9 Searches of prisoners bodies, Standard 23-7.10 Cross-gender supervision, Standard 23-7.11 Prisoners as subjects of behavioral or biomedical research, Standard 23-8.8 Fees and financial obligations, Standard 23-8.9 Transition to the community, Standard 23-9.2 Access to the judicial process, Standard 23-9.3 Judicial review of prisoner complaints, Standard 23-9.4 Access to legal and consular services, Standard 23-9.5 Access to legal materials and information, Standard 23-10.2 Personnel policy and practice, Standard 23-10.5 Privately operated correctional facilities, Standard 23-11.2 External regulation and investigation, Standard 23-11.3 External monitoring and inspection, Standard 23-11.4 Legislative oversight and accountability, Standard 23-11.5 Media access to correctional facilities and prisoners, ABA Criminal Justice Standards on Treatment of Prisoners (Approved by ABA House of Delegates, Feb. 2010), Correctional agencies, facilities, staff, and prisoners. 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a judicial order asking correctional officers to produce

a judicial order asking correctional officers to produceAdd a Comment