which of the following is an accurate statement about communication?

75 percent People who study communication are no less likely to communicate clearly than those who do not study it. c. avoiding smiling and eye contact because these behaviors may not be their cultural norms a. establish relational level meanings. Which Barrier is this? a. delivery gestures d. feminine e. understanding. b. e. twelve to fifteen members. c. motivated sequence The leader of a political party says a rival political party is "irresponsible because they are hurting the livelihood of thousands of farmers with their policies." |Score .7118| Jay901 |Points 8306|. Which of the following is an accurate statement about communication apprehension? Verbal communication is more believable than nonverbal communication. Studying communication only has academic benefits. Weegy: The following statement about communication is most accurate: Most body language is related to emotions and attitudes. e. homogenization. - In Asian cultures, people deliberately avoid silence because it can show disrespect. answer: c. explanation: It is platinum in the market value Women are more likely than men to disclose vulnerabilities to others. a. You sit down in college algebra and say "I bet I'll make a D in this class" At the end of the semester, you get a D. This result could be an example of ______. Effective communication skill 1: Become an engaged listener. Empathetic writers. e. indexing. b. a short-term orientation. a. chronemics b. instagrams. a. dependence c. rituals Raul's confusion about Americans' pace of life is based on which aspect of nonverbal behavior? e. None of these answers are correct. d. politely seek additional information by saying, I'm not sure that you really want to stay late. Which principle of nonverbal communication is exemplified in this scenario? b. However, this type of body language may not be appropriate for business letters. Initial credibility Talking with a parent about their health issues, When the brain receives and gives meaning to a sound, it is called hearing. c. cultivation theory d. Capitalizing on lag time, All of the following are types of nonverbal behavior except __________. T or F. We manage our identities to satisfy social rules and meet our personal goals. What would Jacob's behavior be an example of? Compared to verbal communication, nonverbal communication has less ambiguity. e. All of these choices are examples of how mass and social media differ. A complex sustem of shared values, traits, morals, and customs that molds the way people think, behave, and communicate. d. comparative Annie is engaged in ______ listening. a. establishing a receptive mind-set, concentrating on appearance and delivery, and sifting information through biases. This thesis sentence suggests which organizational patterns? b. d. critical theory. c. listeners can understand and remember a speech that is well organized because they grasp the connections between ideas. d. defensive listening. Kiley tells Luke, "I wish you wouldn't leave your dishes in the sink" What still needs to be answered to make the statement a behavioral description? c. diffusion. c. paraphrasing. The term used to describe the ways of thinking, acting, and understanding work that are shared by members of an organization and reflect an organization's distinct identity is called True or False. b. A person or group that decides which messages pass through the media and which do not are called Intimate zone B. e. to describe a new procedure or policy. b. citing gestures C. To be responsive to employee needs, more companies are expanding their levels or management. Tolerance b. This thesis sentence suggests which organizational pattern? a. individualism/collectivism c. phatic communication d. perception. Thought speed - Think faster than people talk. e. kinesics, In this public speaking class, Allen was very annoyed by Melissa's overuse of the "ers" and "ums" when she was talking. Describe in clear words what you want the reader to do or know. Be debatable. d. follow up important messages in writing. Adriana was guilty of ______ listening. a. a reduction in global competition Her audience's attitude towards her The ability to recognize another person's perspective as well as your own is called What statement best explains why? a.placed nonverbal communication in its appropriate context It is the primary cause of information overload. d. job description. All of the following are key premises about cultures EXCEPT c. chronemics b. description. e. Visualization. Nonverbal communication is perceived as more honest than verbal communication. Symbols are arbitrary. Identify the italicized verb. Chris has relied on what form of nonverbal communication to personalize the new apartment? "See, it's next to the license plate," she says. a. a renewal rite. Which statement best describes how women communicate differently than men? Avoid smiling while talking with her clients because this behavior may not be a cultural norm for her clients. d. Strive for accuracy and clarity. Here are a few ways you can communicate clearly and easily: 1. c. Incorporate jargon and regional dialects to encourage her audience to adopt American communication styles. a. demonstration. c. 25 percent Now make sure to go take the doggie out later. b. visual aids increase listeners' interest because they add variety. a. responding. d. to highlight. b. citing gestures c. motivate listeners to want information. Identify an accurate statement about selective listening. Which of the following is NOT a requirement of a thesis statement? e. employment expectation. d. Communicators in low-context cultures prefer indirect verbal interaction. a. It is a probing strategy used by listeners to extract as much information as possible from speakers. "I'm a really good driver, and I text a lot. b. liking Establishing a receptive mind-set c. Adapting to diverse listeners b. a cultural norm T or F, Social media communication is the type that is less personal, controlled by gatekeepers and sent by organizations to large audiences. b. c. paralanguage a. pseudolistening. Which of the following behaviors has been identified by researchers as one of the main ways people indicate attraction? c. comparative c. Persuasive speaking and informative speaking are about equal in their degrees of controversy. c. Anxiety strong enough to hinder our ability to interact with others is communication apprehension. C. Business letters should be sincere, to the point, and impersonal. Nonverbal communication is better suited to expressing attitudes and feelings rather than ideas. b. verbal dialectics. b. eye contact d. supervisory communication. Explain. b. fidelity b. body orientation Which of the following is an example of paralanguage behavior? c. chronemics These letters have been translated from Middle English into Modern English, but care was taken to preserve features of their original style. The first statement is using emotive language and the second is using a fact. d. conformity pressures and lack of leadership. b. a. a team. b. environmental factors I'm a member of my baseball team, on student council, and I go to church regularly." Employeers often rank _______ skills among the most requested competencies. a. Internet What is the term used to describe dramatic, planned sets of activities that bring together aspects of an organization's culture into a single event? "Grammie you're so cute. Jay is running late for an important business meeting. c. We misinterpret, misunderstand, or change very little of what we hear. T or F False. Rebecca listens intently to the salesperson's pitch for each car. a. We spend more time listening on the job than reading, writing, or speaking. a. a. uses and gratifications theory d. 50 percent All aspects of communication other than the words themselves are known as d. briefing. Communication from subordinates to supervisors is known as b. specific purpose. Written Communication DRAFT. a. provide a clear thesis statement. What is the second step in the communication proccess? d. Use simple English. Empathy refers to. T/F? a. Personalize the issue, problem, or topic. What is the first step in the communication proccess? Placing emphasis on written information, Which of the following is a common trait of a business communicator from a low-context culture? Steve is unsure if Lindsay is mad at him or if she's just trying to be funny. b. independence Today's workers will be expected to write a variety of messages using many electronic technologies. d. turn gestures, In the context of nonverbal communication, same-sex touching during a conversation is categorized under _________________. e. Nonverbal communication only occurs consciously. An absnce of critical thinking sometimes found in homogeneous groups. b. paraphrasing e. structure. b. Possible purposes for a persuasive speech include all of the following EXCEPT b. e. a main point. Which of the following statements most accurately expresses the relative strengths of verbal versus nonverbal communication? B. Attitudes change day by day while moods persist over time. c. dual perspective to assess your feelings. a. sight a. use words that will impress the listener. b. (Option b) memo or email Memos, emails, and papers are all examples View the full answer Previous question Next question Informative speakers should Bill is talking to Tina when Tina interrupts him. True Self-concept shapes communication an is affected by one's response to communication, Incorrectly thinking that a person's smile is an indication of their attraction to us is a problem of _____, _____ means you have compassion for another person while ______ means you have a personal sense of what it feels like to be in their shoes. Social media offers very little potential for intercultural engagement. e. rite stories. b. between 25% and 35% a. c. Entertainment speech Jill's efforts to conduct research are an example of which of the following sources of information? What type of barrier to effective listening is Kelsey experiencing? - To improve tolerance, one must practice empathy. b. communication structure. Limit the information the speaker presents. c. Studying communication can improve your communication skills. Using the self-fulfilling prophecy, which scenario best predicts how Jeff will handle the situation. c. uncertainty avoidance Which of the following is the single most important guideline for effective verbal communication? c. Cloud computing User: Studying how people get along with one another Weegy: Studying how people get along with one another can improve a person's personal life. c. manuscript. What is the most accurate statement about direct claim and complaint messages? The term that refers to the gap between people who have access to media and those who have little to no access is True e. haptic, ______________ is the study of how communication is influenced by space and distance. Jeff will go to the party, sit by himself on the couch all night, and be miserable. To nonverbally communicate her message through the function of repeating. d. intradependence What does he mean? b. cultures vary along five dimensions. 0% average accuracy. Raul is attending a workshop, but he is having difficulty hearing the speaker because the people behind him are talking. What technique is Scott using to improve his listening? Gestures that request agreement or clarification from a sender during a conversation are known as _________________. True or False. Sometimes greater differences exist within cultures than between cultures. b. remembering. b. Stories in organizations that convey the values, style, and history of an organization are called e. rules. Face-to-face interaction is the most effective of all communication channels. b. Grandstanding b. people can only establish face-to-face relationships Interaction adaptation theory suggests that: a. individuals have their own behavioral styles and do not adapt their communication behavior to the communication behavior of others b. individuals simultaneously adapt their communication behavior to the communication behavior of others c. a rite of promotion. c. stereotype. You should practice in front of others. c. select current statistics. c. abstraction. Mass media cultivate convergence, but social media do not. d. Build credibility with listeners. a. low-context d. nonverbal astuteness. A culture in which communicators tend to be logical, analytical, and action oriented; messages are explicit; Swiss, German, and American cultures are considered _____-__________. b. Marshall McLuhan coined the phrase "the medium is the message", which means the way you send a message affects the way the message is perceived. Most body language is related to emotions and attitudes. c. committee. A warrant b. smell A culture where men and women share equal responsibility for household chores would most likely be considered collectivist. b. Sufficiency, accuracy, relevancy, timeliness, partiality This helps you relax and get prepared for more serious learning. A degree of anxiety is natural and helpful to speakers. T/F? Gestures that indicate another person can speak or that are used in a conversation are known as __________________. b. rite. b. constitutive rule. b. Social philosophy more likely influences language much more than gender. a. speaking to inform John was exhibiting a _______ listening. C. Most body language is related to emotions and attitudes. d. Calculating a company's net worth. d. mediated communication, Gestures that signal shared understanding between communicators in a conversation are known as _____________. T/F? c. territorial markers Which of the following is NOT required for written communication? a. Marshall McLuhan coined the phrase "the medium is the message", which means the way you send a message affects the way the message is perceived. However, she is having difficulty comprehending the main ideas because the speaker is using references and wording with which Kelsey is unfamiliar. This problem has been solved! Do you think families in a Western nation would accept a policy like China's one-child policy? c. asking questions immediately, focusing on the speaker's face, and concentrating on the details presented in the message. e. Hasty generalization, What is the form of reasoning that begins with broad claims that listeners accept and then moves into specific claims? Attention Why or why not? e. Adapting to diverse listeners, Which of the following statement BEST describes a speaker's attempt to connect with the listeners' values and experiences? Ray started waving enthusiastically to greet him but Darren, upon seeing Ray's gestures, thought something had gone very wrong. All answer choices are communication technologies being used by companies today. What type of barrier to effective listening is Raul experiencing? Individuals in low-context cultures tend to be logical, analytical, and action oriented. Ryan responds: "Don't worry. "I share a concern about this neighborhood." 50 percent d. Narrow your topic to a manageable focus. above each possessive noun. c. uncivilized What is the content level of meaning of this statement? 12 Care Deliver Strategies, N432 Test 2: Ch. Others plan to become parents. Personal distance is the space is 18 inches to 4 feet away from another person. Steve is having trouble interpreting the intent of this message because it lacks ____________. Others may have nieces, nephews, or other children in your lives that are important to you. c. Group membership is valued by individuals in low-context cultures. d. build credibility with listeners. The supervisor feels that Judy didn't listen well. a. perception. Would you like to sign my petition?" In the perception process, arranging information from the environment in a meaningful way is called Organization. He cleans his apartment, buys scented candles, and hides all of his dirty laundry. e. appearance, Raul came to the United States from Mexico three months ago, and he is still having trouble understanding Americans' tendency to rush all the time. T/F? d. egocentric d. Red herring d. high-context, Zach believes that all individuals from the Deep South are uneducated. All of the following are sources of cultural change EXCEPT False. b. abstraction to place blame for your feelings. c. understand the perspective of those who have special experience with the topic. b. If you watch an action movie because you are bored and want some excitement, which of the following theories applies? a. downward communication. False, Most people are good listeners. e. I-language to own your feelings. Which of the following is not true about practicing your speech? a. A. b. symbols evaluate. Which of the following best describes low-context cultures? Physical barriers Because this is a written communication, I will not need to worry about "noise" entering my message and there will be no feedback. Groupthink An absnce of critical thinking sometimes found in homogeneous groups. d. nonverbal communication, In a conversation, nonverbal regulators indicate who talks when and to whom. Thus what a person actually understand and interpret from the information in the communication process changes a little or the whole on hearing. c. Avoid fallacious reasoning. d. dilution. a. Social zone Which of the following is the first of our senses to develop? "Today I will explain to you how humans have evolved from apes to Neanderthals to the human form we have today." e. Informative speech. False. a. Which of the following does NOT apply to persuasive speaking? d. Appear to care about the welfare of the audience members. On what type of communication did the ancient Greek, Aristotle, primarily focus? b. Manuscript speech Amy is doing what effective part of informative speaking? D. Communication always requires complete understanding. Use the most complex language you know so that you sound informed. d. symbolic organization. b. artifacts c. a thesis a. corporate stories. e. reporting. d. physical characteristics Use the right tone Tone can help your writing be more effective. a. a. rites Which of the following statements would be classified as being the most powerfully expressed? Two-way communication becomes difficult at a distance of 12 to 25 feet. a. topical a. Judy did not properly complete a task given to her by her supervisor. For the three sentences that have no comparison problems, write Correct. The most common spacing for two people who work together in an office but who do not know each other well is the ______ distance, Jamie was awakened by her roommate at 5:30 am on a day when she had planned to sleep in until 8:00 am. c. Noisy surroundings E. Meanings are in words. Listening is a skill that needs to be learned. d. Deductive reasoning Businesses today generate a wide range of messages using a variety of media. e. All of these are correct. Which Barrier is this? b. Derived credibility Sometimes greater differences exist within cultures than between cultures, Juan comes from an uncertainty-avoiding culture. Holly made which type of contribution to discussion? a. putting yourself in the receiver's shoes to adapt the message to the receiver's needs. Controlling her surroundings b. Which of the following options would be the most difficult to express nonverbally? _____ relates to physical appearance while _______ relates to cultural factors. ______ seriously threatens effective listening because it encourages the mind to engage in flights of unchecked fancy. c. Life is like a box of chocolates. e. Assumed credibility. Jamie grumbled to her roommate, "Thanks for waking me up!" She hasn't been seeing her friends of her family. A method of audience analysis that seeks information about specific listeners and that relates directly to the speaker's topic and purpose is d. seven to twelve members. c. relational listening b. a. kinesics d. Because of social media, communicators can now reach out to larger and more varied audiences than in the past. a. organizational structure. d. the credibility factor. c. stereotyping -is the most accurate statement about communication. Unusual speech mannerisms, body twitches, or a radical hair style can cause enough distraction to prevent us from hearing what the speaker ahs to say. All night, and I text a lot relates to physical appearance while _______ relates physical! To nonverbally communicate her message through the function of repeating mass and social media offers very little of we! Listeners to extract as much information as possible from speakers welfare of following. Day by day while moods persist over time Kelsey is unfamiliar writing, or speaking is. For each car a business communicator from a low-context culture express nonverbally difficult to express nonverbally the second in. Deliberately avoid silence because it can show disrespect chores would most likely be considered collectivist norms a. relational... What form of nonverbal communication is perceived as more honest than verbal communication, touching. 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which of the following is an accurate statement about communication?

which of the following is an accurate statement about communication?Add a Comment