swansea council blue badge

The evidence required includes proof of residency, a photograph and healthcare professional evidence of conditions, symptoms and difficulties mobilising in the community. You have a terminal illness that seriously limits mobility. When you apply you will need to provide an original award letter from the Department of Work and Pensions which shows your entitlement for this benefit. It's worth doing this if you can't walk more than 80 metres - about the length of 7 double decker buses, or if you can't use a parking meter because of problems with your arms. WebA Blue Badge lets you park closer to your destination. Where you cannot park. extremely slow pace and / or their manner of walking). The Disabled Persons Parking Badges Act 2013 does not empower the local authority to use force when attempting to retain a badge. Tackling Blue Badge fraud can be complicated and resource intensive. There are currently no formal reciprocal arrangements in place for disabled parking badges issued outside the UK. At the point of application, each local authority must request further relevant evidence, should evidence provided by the applicant be insufficient. Welsh Government recommends local authorities take full advantage of the BBDS to check the national database for key information about the status of individual badges. The UK Government has informal reciprocal arrangements in place with many European Union Governments to accept Blue Badges from these countries. When you apply you will need to provide a letter from a Paediatrician. We provide powered scooters, wheelchairs and manual wheelchairs to help people who have limited mobility (through permanent or temporary disablement, illness, accident or age) to shop or visit other facilities within Swansea City Centre. Healthcare providers are likely to be a good source of evidence to help the local authority to determine eligibility for a Blue Badge. Your eligibility will be checked every time you reapply. You can still apply for a Blue Badge but coronavirus is affecting council services. Parking badges for people with impairments from countries outside the EU vary in design and it would be hard for local enforcement officers to verify their authenticity; inspection of a badge would be advisable where there is doubt. An organisation is defined as meaning an organisation concerned with the care of disabled persons to which a Blue Badge may be issued in accordance with section 21(4) of the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act 1970 (Footnote 2).. When you The leaflet explains clearly their rights and responsibilities as a badge holder along with other useful information about where badge holders can park. From six months and over a child can be placed in a Spica cast after surgery. If you are You are not Registered blind or do not have a severe sight impairment. WebThe Blue Badge scheme provides a national range of parking concessions to help people who are severely sight impaired, or permanently physically impaired, travel You can apply for a If possible you should complete the application yourself or ask for help from family, friends or support organisations. In such circumstances these applicants should be made aware of the local authoritys standard complaints procedure, in the same way that any other user of the local authoritys services would be informed of their right to complain. Your local council processes Blue Badge applications. This can assist with enforcement if such action were to become necessary. The applicants posture, rhythm, coordination, balance and stride should be considered in terms of the degree of effect they have on their ability to walk. Local authorities should ask for a copy of the original letter if the HRMCDLA has been awarded within a period of 12 months prior to the date of the application for a Blue Badge. The provision of parking for disabled people is limited and if Blue Badges are issued to people who do not meet the criteria, that limited provision will be in greater demand. If you have physical problems or a cognitive impairment and would have difficulty accessing the online form you can arrange an appointment to help you submit the form. They can be contacted via the free-phone enquiry number: 0808 191 4218. Youll also need a photo or scan of your: proof of identity (such as a birth certificate, passport or driving licence), proof of address (such as a Council Tax bill or government letter), your National Insurance number (if you have one), the details of your current Blue Badge (if youre reapplying). If the badge is subsequently found or recovered, the original badge should be returned to the local authority so that it can be destroyed (Footnote 16). A script for civil enforcement officers when dealing with suspected misuse can be found at Annex I. Applications or renewals for Blue Badges must be made through the online system on the gov.uk website. Wherever possible we recommend that this process involves the badge holder collecting their replacement badge from their local authority offices or a nearby contact centre, so that it can be exchanged for the damaged badge. Open all Who automatically gets a Blue Badge Who else could get a Blue Badge Visit GOV.UK to check your eligibility and apply for a Blue Badge. WebThe charge for a Blue Badge is 10. Other considerations such as difficulty in carrying parcels, luggage or problems getting in and out of vehicles are not to be taken into account. WebBlue badge holders are being reminded to check their badge is still valid and to get it renewed if it's within a month of expiring. 18. If you do not agree with the decision made not to award a Blue Badge to you but do not have any extra information or evidence you wish to present, we will look at the decision again but it is unlikely to be changed. It may also be possible to prosecute the person offering the badge for sale under section 7 of the Fraud Act 2006, recording of interviews whether written or tape recorded, how to deal with any third party during the interview process, disclosure of evidence prior to interview, provides local authorities with the power to cancel badges no longer held by the person to whom they were issued (e.g. You do not receive the higher rate mobility component of Disability Living Allowance (DLA). It is recommended that a badge is awarded once an applicants mobility starts to be affected in a way that meets the eligibility criteria. However, when a valid badge is retained under (d) above it should normally be returned to the holder. We use cookies on this site to enhance the user experience. When making an application, organisations could be asked to provide the same type of information required by the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) for licensing a vehicle under the Disabled Passenger Vehicle (DPV) taxation class for exemption from Vehicle Excise Duty (VED)). Under this criteria the uprating letter will note how long HRMCDLA is awarded for. This would be a cost to the local authorities, Welsh Government do not provide additional funds for this. However, local authorities are reminded that badge holders must have given their consent to sharing their personal information under the UK General Data Protection Regulations. For example, if a person can walk relatively normally with the use of a walking stick, then they should not be considered as meeting the criteria to be eligible to receive a Blue Badge. If you can't access online systems there are computers available in the Civic Centre, our community hubs and local libraries. This training covers the following topics: The Disabled Persons Parking Badges Act 2013 (the 2013 Act) supported by the Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (Wales) (Amendment) Regulations 2014 provides local authorities with further powers to take enforcement action against abuse and misuse of the scheme. It is possible that a person applying for the Blue Badge may not meet the general eligibility criteria but have been diagnosed with a terminal condition and have mobility impairments. Using your Blue Badge. Local authorities may have arrangements in place to access information from health providers, or the applicant may have evidence of mobility services they have accessed in the last 12 months from: Other sources of evidence should also be considered to provide a full overview of the applicant and their difficulties and limitations in the community or when completing day to day activities. Damaged badges should also be returned to the local authority to be officially destroyed (Footnote 17). Welsh Government provides funding to local authorities to cover the cost of the Blue Badge through the Revenue Settlement Grant. It is important to maintain equity in the scheme so that all people are assessed against the same criteria and measure of mobility. Whilst an original assessment may have determined that they meet the criteria for a period of more than 12 months, consideration will need to be given to the applicants recovery or progress as well as anything else which could affect or change the original prognosis. However more than one organisational badge can be held by a single organisation, depending on the number of vehicles they use and the number of people in their care who are eligible for a badge. However, there are certain exceptions as explained below: Where HRMCDLA, PIP or WPMS has been granted for a period of longer than three years, the badge can still only be issued for the standard three year period. The applicant may still be considered eligible if they demonstrate very considerable difficulty in walking through any other factors. If the information available is not sufficient to make a decision on the application the local authority may wish to interview the person further or refer them to the Independent Assessment Service. Pain is subjective, and some people have higher pain thresholds than others. They will give you a decision in around 12 weeks. GOV.WALES uses cookies which are essential for the site to work. In no circumstances should a badge be issued to an applicant who does not meet one of the eligibility criteria set out in the legislation that governs the scheme and badges should never be issued to people solely on the basis of their age. The line can also be used for injecting medication, Syringe drivers: are used to deliver medication by intravenous injection (e.g. At this point the local authority can verify that the photograph matches the person named on the badge. If you suspect a blue badge is being misused you can report it to us. You can also contact your local authority to apply for a Blue Badge. It should be remembered, however, that whilst this may make it difficult to withdraw a badge that is being systematically abused by a friend or family member, a local authority may refuse to reissue a badge if it has reasonable grounds for believing that the applicant would permit another person to use it (Regulation 8(2)(d)(ii) of the Disabled Persons (Badges for Motor Vehicles) (Wales) Regulations 2000). Local authorities can refuse to issue a badge if they have reason to believe that the applicant is not who they claim to be. If documents are provided as certified photocopies they should include the text: This copy is a true likeness of the original alongside the signature; printed name and occupation of the person providing certification. Your eligibility will be checked every time you reapply to make sure you can still get a Blue Badge. WebGo to City and County of Swansea Council website You can only use this service to get information about the Blue Badge scheme from councils in England. A Blue Badge usually lasts for 3 years. When a badge has been lost, stolen or destroyed, or has become so damaged / faded that it is illegible, the local authority can issue a replacement badge. The maximum fine is 1,000. Find out if you qualify for a Blue Badge. It is for local authorities to decide which delivery system to use and whether the delivery address should be to the applicants home address or to a local authority office where it can be collected. The eligibility criteria for a temporary Blue Badge is based on the applicant being unable to walk or having considerable difficulty walking, and uses the same measure of mobility as used for the permanent eligibility criteria. In the case of stolen badges, it is recommended that the authority ask badge holders to provide a police crime reference number for the local authorities to include in their records. Making use of their specialist skills and resources can enable the enforcement operation to better target their attention, improving success rates. Provided that the applicant can evidence one of the criteria listed and can satisfy identity and residency checks, a badge should be issued. This allows a more comprehensive analysis of statistics by local authorities and Welsh Government. Depending on the circumstances and local policies, the vehicle may also be removed to a pound. With certain restrictions, a blue badge enables the holder to park: Free of charge at a parking meter or pay-and-display bays. It is important that local authorities deal with applications made by transsexual and transgender people sensitively, and issue badges under the requested gender. more information about Blue Badge eligibility. See regulation 9(1)(b) of the 2000 regulations. Check if you are eligible for a Blue Badge, Please select the option that applies to you. You should reapply 12 weeks before your badge expires. To summarise, the 2013 Act: The 2013 Act enables enforcement officers to inspect and retain a badge without police presence if they have reasonable grounds for believing that the badge: In using these powers, it is expected that enforcement officers take appropriate steps to establish reasonable grounds for retaining the badge. The Slack Workspace is dedicated to Blue Badge Digital Service and wider Blue Badge Scheme. The Pavlik harness is made of canvas, with straps, Velcro and buckles. A replacement badge is valid until the expiry date of the In order to streamline administration when verifying an applicants proof of entitlement, local authorities should consider using electronic records held about the applicant by other council departments and agencies, where such records are accessible and up to date. In order to meet this duty a public authority must embed equality considerations in everything they do, including decisions relating to the design and delivery of parking enforcement. The BBDS will enable quicker and easier verification checks by civil enforcement officers. Discrimination against transsexual and transgender people is unlawful and good practice is to regard the individual in the gender with which they identify. If a person collects a badge in person from the local authority this can be an opportunity to highlight to the badge holder key facts pertinent to the use of the badge. When you receive your Blue Badge you will also get a copy of the booklet 'The Blue Badge Scheme: Rights and Responsibilities in Wales'. 8. Changing or handing back a Blue Badge. Sheffield City Council incorrectly assessed people for disabled blue badges, says an investigation by the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman. WebBlue badge holders are being reminded to check their badge is still valid and to get it renewed if it's within a month of expiring. See regulation 8(3) of the 2000 regulations. The detailed requirements of the photograph are provided in the guidance accompanying the application form. This eligibility criteria is for people who are unable to apply for PIP because they are not of working age or choose not to apply for PIP. The applicant will need to provide healthcare professional evidence that, as a result of their permanent and substantial disability, they are unable to walk very far without experiencing severe difficulty. Publicising a helpline (if sufficiently resourced to be useful) also serves as a deterrent to potential fraudulent Blue Badge users and it instils confidence among people with impairments that the council is responding to this serious issue. You do not have a child under the age of three who has a medical condition which requires bulky medical equipment or needs to always be near a vehicle. Local authorities can sign up to this service at no cost to themselves. In the absence of any other proof, it is recommended that local authorities accept a utility bill. Publicising the consequences for people with impairments who meet the eligibility criteria who are unable to park close to where they need to get, and publicising the potential consequences for offenders of misusing badges, could reduce the number of offences. The badge holder will also be given the booklet Blue Badge rights and responsibilities so that they are aware of how to use the badge and avoid inadvertent misuse. Where a badge is displayed on a motor vehicle, section 21 of the 1970 Act provides a power for constables or enforcement officers to require any person who is in the vehicle, or appears to have been in, or to be about to get into, the vehicle, to produce the badge for inspection. Welsh Government has no power to intervene in decisions made in individual cases. a recent digital photo showing your head and shoulders, your National Insurance number (if you have one), proof of identity (such as a birth certificate, passport or driving licence), proof of address (such as a Council Tax bill or government letter). It may be advisable where visitors from another country have contacted the local authority about using their Badge in the local area that details and possibly an image of that badge is shared with enforcement officers to avoid advice conflicting with the issue of parking tickets. They should produce appropriate evidence of authority when exercising their powers; otherwise there is no obligation on an individual to hand their badge to the enforcement officer. You can request it for yourself or someone else. The issuing authority may wish to warn the holder about the seriousness of misuse when returning the badge. This could mean your local council may not be able to process applications: If you reapply for a Blue Badge your local council should reply to tell you about the situation in your area. WebUse our checker to find out if you are eligible for a Blue Badge. You need to reapply for it every 3 years. Good practice: local authorities should process all applications through the BBDS. Local authorities will need to carefully consider the evidence provided by applicants. 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swansea council blue badge

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