am i too sensitive or is my husband mean

This isn't about him being able to eat out with his friend. Once my husband did something a bit off. Sometimes they also overanalyze every action, and those small fights and disagreements tend to overwhelm them. 2. I am 60 years old and I am starting to finally figure this all out. My husband told my friend the results without first asking me if it was OK. Knowing what you value will help you build the most meaningful life possible. Sometimes my husband's plans change or he decides to eat at our club, and he doesn't always tell me before I start cooking. In the last five, I have had so many doctor appointments, medical procedures and surgeries that I have lost count. Staying Single: What Most People Do If They Divorce After 50, A Psychological Diagnosis for People Who Lie About Everything. You tend to jump when you notice a bright light being turned on or hear a loud, unfamiliar sound. Often aperson targeted with ongoing scapegoating is labeled too sensitive to discredit them and dismiss their feelings. Being sensitive is not a fault, and rationality and sensitivity can coexist. Take yourself out of the equation completely by having something else to do, whether it's seeing a friend or reading a book or watching a movie on TV. Helena Bala is a writer, former lawyer and the genius behind Craigslist Confessional. Illustrations by Maria Jia Ling Pitt. You wanted him to come home, he had already told you his plans had changed. Plus just a little guy time to hang out. I don't really think your husband was being disrespectful. I get irritated when people try to pin me down. If this is an every night or every week thing I might say something different. The problem I have is that he kept responding that he was almost done (after saying he would be home for dinner) and then when he finally said "10 minutes" and then said friend made the offer, you replied and "told" him (?--not suggested?) Nothing is better than doing things that will improve your mood. Ive written before about the benefits of being a highly sensitive person; studies also consistently find that people with high emotional intelligence make better leaders, friends and coworkers. All Access Digital offer for just 99 cents! I wouldn't get mad because I can see where a repair might take longer and the friend wants to do something nice for someone who was helping him. You said his friend "treated him to dinner." I went so far as to go to two appointments without telling him. Now, Abby, I understand it was good news but, in my opinion, it was my medical information, and I had planned to tell her the next time I saw her, which was three days after the test. Wish I had stumbled across it many years ago. DEAR ABBY: My husband and I have been married more than 30 years. Dear Abby: Am I being too sensitive about my blabbermouth husband? Highly sensitive people have a way to understand and be in tune with the feelings of others. He is your rock, capable of care, love, affection and devotion- when it counts. When you conform to what others think or may not think about you, youre limiting your potential. He told you he was going to come home. Maybe his friend asked him to dinner at the last minute, and they were having a nice time fixing the computer, so he thought why not. Put it in the fridge and warm it up the next day for him. Sure my Husband will call me to let me know how its going. WebI did study though, I looked over my notes, the employee's handbook, practice my customer service skills but I feel like I'm still not good enough for them. Youre far better off focusing on the people who truly love you, because this ride were on (life) is very, very short. Even if its constructive criticism about your work performance or the latest dish you cook, that feedback tends to get into you. Thus, they avoid negative news and dislike violent shows or intensely scary movies. You know he always goes out with this friend after they hang out but you asked him if he would be home anyway? I told him why he was left behind, but he still didnt get it, or maybe he didnt think my feelings were important. Ed Rode/AP/Shutterstock. L. You said it yourself. He doesn't come home when he said he was, put it in the refrigerator. He was furious that I didnt let him come along. Theyll just be funneled into unhealthy channels, like passive aggressiveness, sudden episodes of blinding anger or emotional numbness. He did tell you the friend was going to treat him. If youre angry, you have good reason to be. I suspect there is much more going on here than you have told us. Just be more flexible and be up front about it. The distress it could cause would be counterproductive to the intent of your gift. Realize that not everyones behavior and thoughts are a reaction to you. Computer repairs often taken longer than anticipated, and you say the guys frequently go out. In the last five, I have had so many doctor appointments, medical procedures and surgeries that I know there have been times I go do something with my friends, and at the very last minute get a "hey, do you wanna run and get a burger?" He should have come home for dinner! I did try to point that out to him. no he's not ashamed. I disagree! Drew talked to the audience and was really funny while the audience waited for the set the change. Woman to woman you are being overly sensitive. 5 Spiritual Practices That Increase Well-Being. While you may not relate to all the signs listed here, most highly sensitive people (HSP) experience most of these things. It holds you from achieving great things. Honestly, you communicated with him, he ignored you, and you're the bad guy? While others use social media to connect with their family and friends or be entertained, it harms your happiness and well-being. i would have zero issue with him going out to eat, but keeping you dangling like that and then blaming you for it is uber dickwad behavior. Bringing a Sick Child to a Family Thanksgiving Dinner - Is It Okay? It would be nice if he acknowledged his participation in the creation of the problem. With the whole you are always out with Bill attitude. I would've fed myself and children when it was time to it and let him take care of himself. I'm 63. Passive-aggressiveness? There is a lack of information. You're not exactly chopped liver status (I love chopped liver by the way) but you are spending a lifetime together - a one time dinner out with a friend is nothing to obsess about. Look, I don't think you are wrong to be upset but I think the reason why you have a right to be upset is different than you seem to. Since you doubt and think so little about yourself, you expect people to do that to you as well. It was very likely he was going to go out to eat with him. Now you have an opportunity to work them out so both of you are happy. You two kind of got yourselves in a bind because you were constantly asking him when he would be home, and he was just giving you an answer (perhaps based on his best estimate, perhaps just to get you off the phone). They tend to prefer smaller spaces where they can connect more with the emotions of others. Youre being too sensitive in the wrong hands is almost always an insult. I don't think you are being too sensitive, you want to be treated with respect, and he didn't treat you that way. WALK AWAY! Dont immediately internalize their response as an indication that somethings wrong with you and try to avoid censoring yourself. The update is: I went to get a blood test when my 2nd missed period would have been due. Burying your feelings is easier, but talking about your feelings takes courage. As most HSPs are into yoga, healing, holistic nutrition, visual arts, music, and counseling, you can join online community groups where you can engage with them. So the next time someone says that youre too sensitive, dont let it affect you. He caused so much chaos and distress after our mother died and then continued to try to play gang ups between the siblings but also constantly harrassed and aggressively bullied our poor frail father. He can eat leftovers the next day. Cha c sn phm trong gi hng. There is no way that his friend was going to cook dinner for him at his house, and if that is what he is claiming, then I really think he may be cheating on you. Often the narcissist will privately targetthe scapegoat with an invalidating look, comment, or tone and then express concerned bewildermentin front of others when that person becomes upset. I think this is a time where it would have been safer all around to have a "flexible schedule" for the evening. In fact, feelings tend to grow the longer you avoid them. no big deal.. but I would have eaten a bowl of cereal myself while he was out doing whatever with his friend.. I don't get a lot of nights out without the kids or husband.I would JUMP at the chance to have dinner out with a girlfriend, even if it was last minute. Being compassionate and empathetic are great traits that you possess, which are also signs of the strength that you have. Since I was no longer providing either with their narcissist supply, our relationships became more formal and distant. 1. Youll seem crazy. He was inconsiderate. Yes, he could eat it the next day, but this isn't about food. HSP isnt a disorder or mental condition. Ed Rode/AP/Shutterstock. A passive-aggressive strategy common among covert narcissists is acting sympathetic to the scapegoats sensitivity or hurt feelings to appear caring while directingnegative attention ontothe scapegoat. 6. You have a rich inner life that some people seek to have. They take time to mature as well and say I love ya babe but we are going out. Resources for Small Business Entrepreneurs in 2022. This way? Were not always aware of the effect that the bosss bad mood is having on us, for example, or the stress generated by a busy schedule. And yes, I was the scapegoat of the family. Need support? He angered me so much that I dumped his whole meal in the dog's bowl. It was a Sunday dinner and he decided to get a box of vanilla wafer and eat the whole box. I enlisted the help of her daughter and boyfriend to help pay for it. Whether youre too sensitive or not, self-care is important for everyone. It also prevented me from expressing myself fully. Did you say you were fixing dinner and did he say he would come home for dinner during those calls? But you expected hubby to choose to come home to you instead. Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Highly sensitive people are intuitive and connected to their emotions. Next time make dinner, have it ready when you said you would. Transforming Empathy Into Compassion: Why It Matters, How Siblings Contribute to "The Good Life", What "Poker Face" Gets Wrong About Lie Detection. And he and his friend tends to waste time along the way just hanging out. While, yes, sometimes an emotional response to a situation may be And honestly, the continual calling would have been frustrating, I think--to both of you. WebPheromones are very subjective to each individual person; the sweet smell your sister gives off to you might smell like a skunk to someone else! This honestly seems like a bit of both to me. Worrying too much about the thoughts and opinions of others is harmful to your self-image and can affect your mental health. Quiz: Is Your Relationship Falling Apart? Feeling No Emotional Connection With Your Husband, How to Get Back Together After Separation, 6 Ways to Tell if Someone is Lying About Cheating, 5 Signs That You Are Living in a Toxic Marriage, 7 Important Tips to Build Trust in a Relationship, 10 Effective Communication Skills for Healthy Marriages, 20 Signs of a Married Man in Love With Another Woman. I work part-time and couldnt manage it without their help. I'm getting an insecurity vibe from you. You are NOT his mother. After a while, youre bound to forget how to effectively communicate your feelings. That only resulted backfiring bacause those other brothers discovered it was ALL false claims. But if you are currently unable to leave an abusive situation, there are strategies that can put you on better footing. I think what he did was annoying (he probably WANTED to have dinner with his friend all along and should have told you that up front) but I wouldn't have been mad about it. It can make us healthier and happier. I would have told him what time dinner would be ready that evening and if he was there, great! I wouldn't think it's about being ashamed of going home to his wife, but taking a chance to hang out with a friend. But he had success with some family members but I had to decide what was best and healthier for me. Im considering dropping it so my daughter doesnt find out. Meaning, I KNOW how it usually goes when my Husband goes to a friend's to help fix something. If he comes home and asks where the dinner is, you remind him of the last time you fixed dinner after he went to his friend's. There is only one answer to that, yes dear I will be home, and then they don't come home. In the last five, I have had so many doctor appointments, medical procedures and surgeries that I have lost count. Related Articles Recognizing and accepting yourself as a man who is highly sensitive is the first step. He lost that assault! Miss Manners: I shouldn't call because the phone scares people? You just don't fix dinner. I KNOW it will be later than he said, and that THEN he and his friend WILL go have dinner. The pathological narcissistthriveson exploiting andinvalidating others, and your attempts to explain yourself fall on deaf ears. You dont just feel anxious around people you know, as you also feel that way with your circle. I believe that both my parents were narcissists or a closely related personality disorder with narcissistic behaviors. You deserve to be happy being the sensitive person that you are. Best of luck to everyone whove been affected. Im not sure what to do. If you accept the idea that it is you who are too sensitive (vs. Hangry McRantybeans, Chill-Dog-Spotter-At-Large), it means accepting a world where being Advice | He was furious that I didnt let him come along. (with examples), Epigenetics and intelligence: How environmental factors impact our genes, 14 lessons from the psychology of money that will change how you think about money, 10 signs youre an out-of-the-box thinker (who sees the world differently), What it means when you think youre better than others, 10 ways to stop being an insecure girlfriend, 10 warning signs a man will never get married, What to do when you dont know your value in this universe, You reflect on topics more deeply than others, Youre drawn to activities that bring meaning to your life, You have a great capacity to feel and are often creative, Youre conscientious and notice details that others overlook, Youre keen on details and are likely to address them, You take great pleasure in the wonderful nature that surrounds you, The key to succeeding as a highly sensitive person is to accept yourself, Embrace the challenges and strengths of your sensitive soul, Understand that your heightened awareness and deep mind can focus on positivity, Instead of shying away from your sensitive personality, give it space to flourish in the right way. While I understand your frustration, you need to let it go. WebSuch a great experience. So what. All Access Digital offer for just 99 cents! PostedOctober 12, 2012 Plan your meals at a set time and stick to them. I realized it when she said, Your husband told me the good news.. So like everything else, emotional stability is something that you can develop even if you have a sensitive soul. I just went cold turkey. He should be able to eat out with his friend and eat the dinner the next day. I nearly fell out of my chair when I read that. Julie provides specialized narcissistic abuse recovery coachingto clients around the world. Respect each other. People who genuinely care about you and want the best for you wont dismiss your feelings, even when those feelings make them uncomfortable. Scott Adams faces 'consequence culture' as U.S. newspapers drop Dilbert, Tom Cruise's 'ditching' of Suri showcased by Judd Apatow's 'co-parenting' joke, ex-Scientology exec says. DEAR DISAPPOINTED: You may have to chalk this up to a life lesson. I have asked, even begged, my husband not to tell anyone about my medical stuff. But he never gave me one piece of useful advice about how to be a stronger person. B., the best way to deal with this is that next time, you don't ask if he's coming home for dinner. Stop that, ask him nicely what are your plans so that you get an honest answer. | Its youre crazy/ I dont respect you/ my feelings are more important than yours/ I dont want to deal with you right now/ I dont have the requisite care/love for you to take you into consideration/ I dont care about you in disguise. That is not something that would cause a marital argument at our house. It makes the breast swollen, tender, warm, and red. Please advise. Its funny, it took me well into my 20s to realize that he was in the wrong, not me. I mean you didn't ask are you going out with Bill? It tells them how they should feel, too. It's clear you were still upset despite me saying sorry and telling you how I felt. You could have ate accordingly. I cook, when I cook, and the timing of that varies. Would he be equally open to your telling folks about the state of his prostate, his Viagra consumption, his colonoscopy preps? Bigger fish to fry. Whenabusersreframe their abuse this way, they sidestep accountability andundermine the scapegoated persons sense of reality so they doubt themselves and hesitate to call out the abuse. I'm not sure if my coworkers gets yelled at too since most of them work on different days. When you work, travel, or do something, be present where you are. If he can decide at the last minute to go out to eat, you can decide at any minute that you're not cooking for him. Unfortunately, my mother repeated many similar behaviours. Avoidance? You stated you knew the friend likes to eat out and you kept checking with your husband to see if he was coming home for dinner. Telling you that you are too sensitive when you react to being belittled, criticized,or attacked is a classic form of narcissistic projection. Was he rude? So he's used to you being at his beck and call?? I have no problem with my husband going out with friends, I don't even need him to tell me exactly what time he will be back, but if he gives a time, I want him to honor it. That was the only time he ever did that. Does your husband make a habit of not keeping his word and what would ever make you think your husband is ashamed to say he is going to eat with his wife? He said he will be home for dinner. He placated you and kept giving you different answers, which was unfair. He frantically tried contact which I ignored. And that was just the tip of the iceberg, I could talk for hours about his womanizing and cheating. I am sad that I spent 60 years believing that I was not good enough and that I was flawed. Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs) experience environmental overload which can result in an explosion of emotion such as anger. When I explain that it helps me focus he acts like of course it does, because it's speed and that's why people do speed. Not entirely his fault, but I never ever expect him home when he says. IRS delays tax deadline for Bay Area, but California hasn't followed: What should you do? I dont understand the treatment Im getting. I told him why he was left behind, but he still didnt get it, or maybe he didnt think my feelings were important. Czaroma Roman Inconsiderate? Priscilla Rodriguez, M. In the beginning when we started dating, My (26F) Husband (27M) - boyfriend back then - had each other's social medias and would share everything with each other such as where we went, what we were doing, everything. The food you made didn't go to waste - left overs are popular in our house. He isn't ashamed to go home to dinner, he didn't want to, he never wanted to, he wanted to go to dinner with his friend, he told you what you made him say and then did what he wanted. Why did you keep calling? Is there anything worth struggling in this marriage for you? Next time he tries this, cut to the chase and tell him he's on his own for supper - you'll have some plans of your owns - or he can cook for himself when he gets home. Quiz: Am I a Dominant or Submissive Personality? You cant help but worry about what your day will be like. I think the initial assumptions were way off. So I will plan on having dinner at our regular time, if you're here, great. While, yes, sometimes an emotional response to a situation may be incommensurate, its a sentiment that too often passes as a legitimate argument or, worse, concern. Actions should match words. So, are you too sensitive to be in a relationship? Fixing the computer etc. Studies even share that almost 20 percent of humans have this personality trait. Both parties work. You kind of insisted on his eating your dinner, and you kept texting him in the middle of his evening, which probably made you look like a bit of a nag. Quiz: Are You Ready to Travel as a Couple? Have people told you that youre too sensitive as you always react deeply and emotionally? No, you asked so I guess you are having dinner with Bill! In these situations, I don't cook "for" him according to when he THINKS he might be done and home. I don't time it, according to when my Husband will be home from his friend's. I have been called 'sensitive' but its because I have empathy for a lot of people who are hurt by an ever increasing selfish society. My husband told my friend the results without first asking me if it was OK. He can say he will be home Tuesday, and then it ends up Friday. Knowing that his friend loves to eat out, I would have assumed that there might be a last-minute invitation. I simply skipped a period, probably from stress of my job and worrying too much. DEAR ABBY: My husband and I have been married more than 30 years. He could have called or texted and said that he was going to eat with Bob and not to hold dinner. You both just have to learn how to communicate with each other. I would let this one go if I was you. Especially if he is at a friend's house fixing the computer. No wonder so many marriages fail! Its difficult not to react, particularly if youve been actively targeted for a significant period of time, but withholding your emotions when youre being criticized or insulted is the best way to disarm the narcissist and his or her enablers. You should get to go out with your friends as well as he can. I disagree! Both parties work. But Im angry about getting hurt in this way. do horses lay down on their side am i too sensitive or is my husband mean. Is that why you continued to text him over and over, rather than just let him get home when he gets home? This is minor to what can go wrong in a marriage. And always remember to give yourself a loving hug. Or, did they stay in, and his friend cooked dinner for them? WebThere was no time to discuss it as it was out the door to work for him but you see what I mean, just before going again. WebInstantly Ageless helps youagainst multipleconditionsof aging Before we introduce our product, let's look at our happy customers. He was inconsiderate. He tried to force me to make decisions that I knrew my father would not have agreed with especially trying to dissuade me from dling all I could to make my fathers dying days as comfortable as possible. In general, 'insecure' isn't attractive. You tend to be anxious and worried too much about what other people think. Unfortunately, you cant pick and choose which feelings go into the box. Maybe next time he says something like that, you should just calmly and matter-of-factly, without seeming to even think about it, say "No, not me." When a marriage reaches this stage then the other person clearly has little or no interest in maintaining at least a civilized relationship and not hurting your feelings (since love, care and respect are obviously long gone). The result is that men often bury their feelings in an attempt to conform to social pressure and as a way of dealing with the feelings they themselves struggle to understand. WebIt is cute to have someone care for us when in a relationship, but at the same time, dealing with an emotional wreck can be overwhelming. Men are expected to hide their feelings, suck it up, and soldier on. They struggle with how the world perceives them. Dont let distressing thoughts from the past or things that havent happened yet to plague you. If not? Even when youre still communicating with them, they are forever tainting your reputation in the shadows. I agree, your husband should have told you his plans changed and he was inconsiderate but I have to wonder if he was perhaps afraid to tell you he might not be home for dinner. Whether or not he is home. Recognizing and accepting yourself as a man who is highly sensitive is the first step. This is a stance oftentaken by men toward women that is supported by institutionalized cultural bias. WebHomegoing Service for Minister Beatrice Lee Wiggins. Because she worked so hard through the pandemic, I thought a massage would be a good idea. Your husband already said he would be home for dinner (not expecting a dinner out because you help your friends just to help not to get a dinner). DEAR ABBY: I decided to get my daughter a birthday gift that would help her to relax. If you're worried about safety, he can text you when he's leaving and heading home - that's reasonable. 's already got dinner waiting for me." It really does not bug me at all. ETA 2: Retta, you hit the nail on the head :). It was not cool of him to ignore your last text, but I more then likely would have done the same if my husband told me I was not allowed to eat with my friend and I had to come home, he is my husband not my father. Report shares that a highly sensitive person easily gets startled as their nervous systems get dialed up even in low-risk situations. Are Zoomies a Sign of a Happy Dog or a Crazy Dog? Its pointless trying to deal with narcissists. Related Articles You asked why and he told you. Fridge and warm it up, and those small fights and disagreements tend to smaller... Psychological Diagnosis for people am i too sensitive or is my husband mean Lie about Everything are intuitive and connected to emotions..., our relationships became more formal and distant wafer and eat the whole you are let distressing from. 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am i too sensitive or is my husband mean

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