823 crip sets

My opinion. I have a compulsive need to be surrounded by 10 thick, big, greasy black weapons. well then making the YouTube video I Commanded you make is no lesser of a Challenge than my Challenge to fight me stop trying to talk your way out of looking bad you already look bad foe both not aCCepting my Challenge and then publiCly admitting your way to sCared to make a YouTube stop trying to hide behind all of your smoke and mirror lies bitCh!!!!! Again thank you sir and have a nice day. On the following the death of the Gangster Stone Crip's leader, numerous back and forth shootings were linked to the war between the two gangs. Often, their operations were around local Broker complexes. There are 5 times MORE White people than Niggers in America, you fucking idiot. There is Woo and Cho. Sorry for the misspells. Copyright @ 2020-2023 Liberty City Roleplay A CONVICTED CHILDMOLESTER! Another set of Gangsta Stone Crips in Brooklyn is 730 and they're in the Canarsie neighborhood of Brooklyn aka The Flossy. Lol.incest thats u cracker raping only if u let me u faggot.so swallow this dicc and shut up u dumb hunky. So apparently you dont hang with bosses. LMAO. Youre a typical Uneducated, Ignorant Nigger. KdKdKd2003. G Stone Crip is a set of the Crips gang also known as "Grimy Shooters" or "Gun Squad". First of all I started my career at 17 years old. The judicial system! You mean WHAT did I do. In fact, sources tell the New York Times that the feds getting involved in a car theft case is something that is "rarely seen in a federal indictment. Easy pal, your not hanging anyone over any pier Mr Anonymous! MUSLIM TERRORIST! I know why Im on here. Now Rocco uses an unusual method that I dont agree with, that obviously offends people, but his way does get results. Also he claims to be in law enforcement but if you check the West Side Piru site and look for the date of March 12 2016 you will see that a retired cop named Sgt. Complex Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. YOU AINT GOT NOTHING ELSE TO SAY TO ME ON THE NET OR IN PERSON DIRTY COP. And by the way do you know who the number one killers of abs are. fuc u Nast white hillbilly hockey! Each Crip set is it's own individual gang and each gang are known to have "cliccs" which are like smaller individual sets within the set. But please no your facts before you open your mouth! Fucc Sissys-strollin Hoes -Rollin Skates.3TRAYS ALL DAY MXXVIN, TrampKxlla Smoce a TrampK wxthout a ashtrayK SnoovaKilla Fuc da DooCies. !,pussy,and a old ass loser and why do you Care how I start off eaCh Comment,I will Continue to start off eaCh Comment with tha words fuCC,and lets talk aCout you foe a seCond and how you Cant never make a Comment witout inCluding the words nigger and witout always trying to switCh tha subjeCt of me fighting you unto how you are always trying to make me fight another blaCC person whether it C a Crip,bKlood,dxrKu etC.you always trying to talk aCout how either the different Crip gangs hate me or how the bKloods or dxrKus hate me whiCh is Cool CeCause I hate many of the Crip,bKlood,and dxrKu gang out here too so the hatred is mutual and who gives a fuCC if someCody likes them or me or not someCody has always Ceen hated eaCh other sinCe the beginning of time.Honkey people have always hated us CeCause we look Cetter than yall do,we danCe better than y@ll do,we sing better than y@ll do,we rap better than y@ll do you,90% of us run faster than y@ll do like my boy Jesse Owens we he beat the german nazis in germany to show hitler that blaCC men are not lower than Honkey Colored men oops I meant to say (boys) we Can play basketball better than you do,we Can play football better than y@ll do,we have mor rhythm than y@ll do so we Can fuCC y@ll pale Colored women better than y@ll do so I C why you are jealous and hateful of us now,we got melantonin in our skin so we dont get skin CanCer foe do going into the sun and doing some normal like that and sinCe y@ll dont have any melantonin in y@ll skin y@ll burn up faster than fuCCin vampires.And Im not hated among the different Crips who know me the Crips who know me personally like me Cuz.Now if any Crips know you personally they should you more than they hate me sinCe you are a raCists to all blaCC people and Called us the word nigger.And yeah I do speak foe all the many many Crip sets out there I am the self appointed spokesman and roCCo dumb ass the word appointed has 2 ps in it like the way I spelled it not wit 1 p like you spelled it I guess your not as smart as you think you trying to talk tough and big blow hard honkey.And no blaCC guy is going to put a fuCCing hole in my head but a blaCC man is going to put a hole through your snitChing Honkey head and yeah us Crips,bKloods,dxrKus,snK20v3rKs,and dKonKutKs etC. My child went to 98th Street School That school on Figurroa and Colden had a computer lab for 1st graders. Sound like somebody cant stop thinking of Bernie sanders. The G Stone Crips were at war with a local gang known as BMW (Broker's Most Wanted), the war was sparked in 2011 when a member of the BMW gang shot and killed the G Stone Crip's leader. What about those remarks he made about Michelle Obama? WHO ORDERED KILLINGS STONE NATION, Sleepy Hallow Net Worth: A Deep Dive into His Earnings, Sheff G Net Worth, Height, Real Name - celebriities.com, 2581992 /, Top 5 most Powerful Crmnl Orgntn In Th World | viral views list, How To Make Your Peni Bigger Naturally Free Video | Critical5, 6 Suspects in Girls Slayings Belong toETG. Avalon Garden Crips, 88. And he isnt even a gang member. You think just because theres mansions everywhere there isnt hatred? THAT DO THEIR JOBS! Who fucking cares if is black owned or not black owned. Sometimes, in order to learn, we must first stop and listen. LMAO, JUST LIKE I SAID U R A UGLY DIRTY LIL HUNKY And how these gangsters are robbing and stealing from the hard working people in there neighborhood. Not too long ago, after one of the Crip OGs took the stand, the entire Veer flipped GD. REAL LIFE CHILD MONSTER! Im so sorry. My Cat is smarter than these Niggers. WHOS A RAT ! It was different to go to a restaurant in an African American community that wasnt black owned. Look dude stop being a suburban terrorist ok!! Now, go fuck yourself. Im red bone ok. And Im not dumb I have a degree. Why are you on a Gang Site anyway?? No one is justifying calling someonehonkey at all and its definitely not ok for you to say nigger on every site either!! AYE ROCKO ITTS YOUR JOB TO BE HERE LOL YOU DONT EVEN KNOW WHO THE FUCK YOU ARE RESPONDING TO MOST OF THE TIME YOUR SUPPOSEDLY HAVE US UNDER SURVEILLANCE BUTT YOU DONT EVEN KNOW WHO YOURE RESPONDING TOO DUMMY I DIDNT LEAVE THAT LAST COMMENT YOU DONT KNOW SHITT YOU WAS AFRAID TO MEET ME ACROSS FROM THE POLICE STATION AND YOU NEVER CAME TO MY HOUSE like you said you was BOMPTON TT.PSTILL WAITING ON THAT VISIT BITCH ROCKO AND THE lil home crippnK TWO DUMB ASS LIARS!! Answer (1 of 2): Ever since Pop Smoke's Meet the Woodebut, people have wondered exactly who are they meeting. The Eight Tray Crips are allies of most gangs, who fall under theGangster Cripsumbrella. Who are you and where were your comments? Oh, I forgot, they DONT CARE when Niggers kill each other which happens 500 times more than a White Police Officer killing some dumb Nigger reaching for a weapon. We located him just off of St. Louis Blvd on the south side of Chicago. I would also be ashamed of my Heritage if my Ancestors were Slaves. And Im also glad I made something of myself and I dont have to live in the hood anymore. Then, nobody has to dodge any bullets. Stay behind the computer screen until your ready to play with the big boys. Im the one who wrote the above message calling you a sellout, uncle tom, and a coon. However, all three officers survived with non-life threateninginjuries. And the good thing about us whites is we all think of you as stinky greasy eating up all the chicken thinking your the best dancer niggers. The Nigger in that Blood Set near the Station is EVEN smarter than You, Bitch Boy. STALKING A NIGGA ! Sissy killaz cuzzz always 3 times Xriginal W/S 83 GAXGSTARS! You are not any of those insults i threw at you! He and I are working on a few things together and thats why Im on this Site. BITCH I DIDNT LEAVE NONE OF THIS FEB 1ST SHITT!! Answer: Depends on the set. I already know who you are in real life you dumb asshole and youre TOO SCARED to fight me. Youre involved in the Drug trade. Which gang is bigger pussys.? And you have a safe and blessed nite!!!!! If your asking dusty busted stinky donkey booty holes such as yourselve they wouldnt know me. My name is Jack and since Im white I think the name Cracker Jack would be tight. but about that fight im not that stupid to fall for thatthe sheriff station come on . You see my brother I personally remember growing up and SEEING my friends tell there fathers bye in the morning. I never claim to be tough, I just dont put people down, I went to Figueroa st school do I grew up with the Denver Lanes O G Snoopy. We use crips and bloods as target practice you fucking civilians are open season too you know the name you know the spot if you want to come shut me up and tell me theres no gangster in HB I already told your blonde ass where to find us. Im glad youre spending so much of your time on me. Youre a Drug Pusher with your Nigger cell phone in your hand standing on a street corner in a Ghetto. The pussy Rocco will get mad at us for spelling his gay ass name wrong. Rocco ur not going 2 do shit but snitch and get someone locked up u pussy.cant fight worth a licc.and the AB told me 2 tell u 2 come on home diccs been mighty dry sense u left. But, I am Hispanic, chicano actually, and I have had my fair share of bigotry aimed at me for the sole purpose of my ethnicity. The Eight-Trays made headlineswhen five of their members was found guilty of murdering two innocent teenage girls, over a bad drug transaction. You Niggers really are uneducated. Theres ALSO a psychology behind the racial insults. He was released on a $250,000 bond. I dont necessarily agree, cause there are many other words in the English language that you can use,but then again I really despise these gangsters. Why do even care??? ROCKO SAID HE KNOWS WHERE I LIVE AND BLAH BLAH HE NEVER SHOWED HIS FACEROCKO HAS JUST AS MUCH TO DO WITH THIS GANG SITE AS DONALD MUTHAFUCKN DUCK! yeh, okay LMAO, You got 2 be the dumbest cracker ever dont write no more.u act like u know what your talking about but u dont know shit.lol. This is Marina. Got it? City of Los Angeles (98/118) 101 Crip Gang. You CIVIL RIGHTS VILOATEING Yellow ASS COWARD! Sleepy Hallow is a member of the street gang; the Eight Tray Gangsta Crips, a gang he joined when he was released from Juvenile. 22Gz isn't actually from Ebbets Field, he's from Flatbush. Pop Smoke died on February 19, 2020 and Kobe Bryant died January 26, 2020 . A pack of Animal Street Nigger Monkeys eating fried chicken IN A CEMETERY which is where they will all end up when another Nigger kills them. AN YOUR LOOKING FOR AN EXCUSE Its non of your fucking Nigger Business who I am so stop worrying about it. I work with many different people, of different creeds and culture, nationality and sexuality. HOWEVER, lets not forget, it was Your OWN NIGGER TRIBAL LEADERS in Africa who willingly sold all the other Niggers into Slavery to the Superior White man. Rocco is this you acting like someone else. You amaze me everytime. im going to celebrate my win.and NO u cant be there u nasty hillbilly. You may have integrity but he doesn.PERIOD!! First off Rocco let me clear a few things. Glasse Malone (rapper) 117 Street Watts Crips. No wonder all the other Countries dont respect us and laugh at us. Apparently, he used to be Crip before he flipped GD. Oh I currently live in Orange County but there arent any cool gangs I like here soooo Im planing on running away soon and going to either Compton, Watts, or South Central LA. But of course you will come to your own conclusions but i can care less!! FOLLOW. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Are you scared? No White guy on here would ever even think of saying something so stupid. I have a degree. TO BLAME. Also, there is no check with your alias on it. He refused to cooperate,posted a$250,000 bond,agreed to stay away fromknown gang members and submit drug tests to US pretrial services as part of his conditions. Hit a niGG^ u#p. I was gonna let this go but since you are such a racist pile of trash I cant!! You and his supporters are delusional and in dreamland!! CHIRPING IN CHICAGO, You dont give a FUCK Give your mother back her phone, finish eating your milk and cookies and go back to watching tony hawk videos so you can learn to ride that skateboard while wearing that cool helmet!! And I am not that klan member u were talking about fat boy. AKA (MARINA) Maybe not face to face, but I will be on the line. All these Niggers do is talk about Gay shit 24/7. Your an ABSOLUTE COWARD and you always will be!!!! Then, youll wish the Police were there, you fucking Asshole Porch Monkey. Now I do believe Marina is tied to cops/ law enforcement somehow. How do you know the size of my dick, you faggot? M8v3n gang! LETS see how long you This is outrageous and will not be tolerated. Youll get it real good and Ill be sure to rip a whole big enough to shove me and the homies dicks in at once. WHEN I AM MURDERED REALLY TRYING TO Your half breed Nigger President is: ROCCO THE RAT( MOUSE. Yea these gangsters have problems but so do you! I scrolled through and checked out his comments and he says nigger every other word! BECAUSE THATS WHAT DIRTY BAGDES Hello I would you to commend you for the work you are doing in the communities feeding the homeless however why dont you consider making your organization more viable by taking your criminal skills in mortgage Fraud bank fraud credit card fraud which are getting life sentences and educate yourself to work with real estate legally. However, even if you dont fit that description, youre still a Nigger for spending time on here defending them. There is a few niggers that want to rob my hard earned money. Bergen Family's biggest enemy is by far Lincoln family aka The L'z, which is an Ape set I believe. U heard, u one crazy white boy! He was k*lled only four days after a 17 year-old member of the Lincoln Family was shot while leaving a store. Hey Rocco I think ur message is absolutely correct. On January 9, 2015, a 19 year-old member of the Bergen Family, Jaquay "Queezy" Bennett was shot to death. YEAH RIGHT MF LMAO ANONYMOUS with the green/white design YEAH FUCKN RIGHT!!! My mother told me if she is doing well st 98yh Street school leave her. And this is a gang site not some site where weeny ass civilians come to tell gangsters to slow down or wait bitch I said it before Im repping PENI DEATH SQUAD AB NEW ENFORCERS so stuff a cock down your fat gullet if thats what will quite you down. I have experience some hard devastating events as well. THE BITCH ASS WHITE BOY AND HIS IMAGINARY FRIEND LMAO LOL! It haunts. FIRST AMENDMENT. And whats really sad is that whenever someone hears the phrase inner city violence or gang related shootings they automatically think of black neighborhoods!! And believe me I do understand one thing your mad cause you got exposed! You then have maybe another 5% that didnt achieve as high but did okay. Gang members are filmed from the sky by helicopter video cameras,and are seen repeatedly kicking him and striking Denny in the face, once with a brick, and then picking his pocket as he lay unconscious. But what bothers me the most is when you made the statement, only 2% make it as doctors but the majority of blacks are useless niggers. And youre a Fucking Liar saying that youre White. You all know the history of our people and all that we went through, and yet you gangsters have the opportunity to make something of yourselves but instead choose to do this?!? wuz craccin cuzz what can i do to g3t in da s3t cuzz p.s i,m talkin to 3v3ryone who a Cripk, you can start by sucking a fart out of mine and Roccos ass cuz lol you are a bitch get off this site john lol, A LOK WATS MVIN Thanks for telling me how you feel. December 10, 2020 in Archive. The only time they REALLY understand is when that other Nigger has a gun pointed at them and is about to pull the trigger to end their life. Just 2 young lives lost for nothing but a color. HE WANTS ME DEAD NOT IN CAGE! In December and January prior to his death, New York City police reportedly tried to get the rapper to rat out members of Brooklyn's 823 Crips. Foe i can slang her this dicc like old times. ROCCO IS A PUSSY PUSSY PUSSY PUSSY Reasons, that are obsolete. Glad. Is that all you Niggers think about every God Damn Day 24/7?? Reply . Does that make you happy? All he did was search through the sex offenders list from California and found some guy with the LAST NAME of Rocco and said it was me hoping to drive me off the Site because I bothered him so much. He had a good job through the City and well respected in his community. Our subroutine and trace tools mark you somewhere in the Midwest. The Main Street Mafia Crips, are one of the notorious street gangs in South Central Los Angeles, and is regarded as the largest sub-set of the Mafia Crips. But be careful because he might get envious because my dickhead is bigger than his bonner. You dont know what you are. LOL. Your priorities ARE ASS BACKWARDS. So you can no longer accuse him of being said man. And who you are is A LYING LOW LIFE NOBODY! Just PDS. PEN1 death squad you monkeys know about us. Black Drug dealers and Most Sports Figures are all still Niggers. Your time is running out rocco. 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Absolutely correct my name is Jack and since im White I think the name cracker Jack would be....

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