xkcd what if neutron star

Surface gravity would only have gone up by 0.4%, rather than 1.2%, since surface gravity is proportional to radius. Hercules X-1 isn't alone in space. Once its nuclear fuel is consumed, the . Munroe states on the comic's website that the name of the comic is not an initialism but "just a word with no phonetic pronunciation".. Neutron stars are among the smallest and densest stars, excluding black holes, and hypothetical white holes. More massive stars explode as supernovas, while their cores collapse into neutron stars: ultra-dense, fast-spinning spheres made of the same ingredients as the nucleus of an atom. A full-size comet wouldn't be strong enough to support its own weight, and would collapse like a drying sand sculpture. where m is the mass of the neutron and h is Planck's constant. 4 min . The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". In that case, the birth of the black hole may be very energetic.". Toxicity aside, breathing dense air is difficult simply because it's heavy. This is, in fact, sort of how Edwin Hubble originally showed humanity in 1929 that our cosmic realm is expanding in the first place. Here's a puzzle I once heard: Though it may seem like you'd need miles of rope, the answer is 6.28 meters. This an illusion, of course; it's not possible to catch a bullet like that. [11]Sasselov, Dimitar D.. In the other scenario, we'd be ok for a little while longer. When she's not at her desk, she's trying (and failing) to raise her online chess rating. It's a shame humans wouldn't live this long, because at this point, something really neat would happen. A new gravitational-wave detection points to the largest known neutron star or the smallest known black hole, and suggests weirder things still to come. All Rights Reserved 2022 Theme: Promos by. If you observed a supernova from 1 AU awayand you somehow avoided being being incinerated, vaporized, and converted to some type of exotic plasmaeven the flood of ghostly neutrinos would be dense enough to kill you. A neutron star balances gravity with neutron degeneracy pressure. As he consistently demonstrates, you can learn a lot from examining how the world might work in very specific extreme circumstances. 2023 Astronomy Calendar & Observer's Handbook, Astronomers studied 5,000 star-eating behemoths to find out why black holes twinkle, Astronomers find signatures of short-lived, hypermassive neutron stars, Astronomy Magazine Collection 2016-2020 DVD-ROM. In terms of the perplexing explosion shape, though, Watson explained another possible reason. A neutron star forms when a main sequence star with between about eight and 20 times the Sun's mass runs out of hydrogen in its core. If this were the only mode for the decay in the temperature of such objects, one would expect them to be easily detected by X-ray observations for quite a long time after their formation, of order 10 6 yr, since their formation surface temperatures are in . Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. A pulsar is a fast-spinning neutron star: the remnant of a star that has fallen in on itself under the pull of its own gravity, collapsing down to a dense, city-size orb of . A spoonful of neutron star suddenly appearing on Earths surface would cause a giant explosion, and it would probably vaporize a good chunk of our planet with it. All rights reserved. (Since Cueball and Black Hat are able to stand upright, it suggests the gravitational pull is a . 2 What would happen if a neutron star was placed close to the earth? Time is the only remedy for such puzzling cosmic mysteries. View our Privacy Policy. Most of the Earth's heat is provided by radioactive decay of minerals in the crust and mantle,[12]Although some radioactive elements, like uranium, are heavy, they get squeezed out of the lower layers because their atoms don't mesh well with the rock lattices at those depths. This would be similar to the situation on Earth billions of years ago, when we had more radioactive material and thus a hotter mantle. Neutron stars are formed when a massive star runs out of fuel and collapses. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. "No one expected the explosion to look like this. The reason you don't notice the neutrino flood is that neutrinos hardly interact with ordinary matter at all. The largest class of star in the main sequence, these are highly luminous and have life spans measured in only millions of years, rather than the billions or trillions of years for other star types. It's hard to suck in air against the weight of the water, which is why snorkels can only work when your lungs are near the surface. Comets are more dust than ice, but they're not particularly dense. 1572948 (talk) 06:31, 25 July 2021 (UTC), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cosmic_latte, https://www.zdnet.com/article/20-years-of-linux-on-big-iron/, https://www.explainxkcd.com/wiki/index.php?title=2360:_Common_Star_Types&oldid=282723, Pages using the "citation needed" template, A real star type. In addition to dust and water, they contain a small amount of CO2, which would be released into the atmosphere as the comet melted. Everest. When would the Earth eventually become a black hole? 2: Additional Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions is out! Unfortunately, comets would affect the Earth's temperature in another way. A chunk of ice from space that falls to Earth gains enough energy to warm the ice up, melt it, boil it into vapor, and then heat the vapor to thousands of degrees. 4 (2002): 491-499. A tablespoon of a neutron star weights about 1 billion tons. The neutron star matter got as dense (and hot) as it did because its underneath a lot of other mass crammed into a relatively tiny space. A giant star faces several possible fates when it dies in a supernova. This crowd takes up an area the size of Rhode Island. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. xkcd.com. xkcd.com; what if? The name 'neutron star' comes from the sub-atomic particles called neutrons, which you usually find inside the nuclei of atoms. [5]Lawrence Grybosky, Thermal Expansion and Contraction. The CO2 released from the comet would raise the temperature of the Earth for centuries. The aspect information provided for these 'star' types is based upon the respective mythologies. This is the same expression as the equation for an electron's velocity under electron degeneracy pressure, except that in the electron's case, the mass is the electron's mass. book, articles were posted weekly.. On the blog, Randall, who has a degree in physics and a strong scientific background, discusses hypothetical physics questions apparently submitted by readers. The physicist who mentioned this problem to me told me his rule of thumb for estimating supernova-related numbers: However big you think supernovae are, they're bigger than that. Okay, if you insist. Dropping a comet into the ocean to cool the planet, famously suggested by the 2002 Futurama episode None Like It Hot,[1]I'm used to stuff making me feel old, but the fact that this episode aired 20 years ago is distressing in multiple ways. Outer space is a lot higher up than Niagara Falls,[citation needed] so the plunge down into the atmosphere at the bottom of Earth's gravity well adds a lot more than 0.1 degrees worth of heat. As he consistently demonstrates, you can learn a lot from examining how the world might work in very specific extreme circumstances. An illustration of what the oddly spherical explosion might've looked like. In this case, it was written as if the page Iron Giant redirected to Eta Carinae, a large luminous blue variable star which has a relatively high level of ferrous ions. But what if we took just a spoonful of it and transpo. Breathing would be difficult. "Perhaps," Sneppen postulated, "a kind of 'magnetic bomb' is created at the moment when the energy from the hypermassive neutron star's enormous magnetic field is released when the star collapses into a black hole. So unless you stood right next to the spoon, you wouldnt notice. The series is produced by Marvel Studios and was released on Disney+. still have questions, and those questions are getting stranger. Neutron stars are phenomenally dense. is based on his blog of the same name that answers unusual science questions from readers in a light-hearted way that is scientifically grounded. Colliding neutron stars decapitate zombie theory of . His 2014 book What If? Alternative title. The cause of the collapse would be the expanding ground below them, not the increased gravity. The comic's tagline describes it as "a webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language". Before publishing the first what if? Look at your handthere are about a trillion neutrinos from the Sun passing through it every second. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions, Absurd Scientific Advice for Common Real-World Problems, More Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions. At that speed, as long as you were in the right place at the right time, you could snatch it out of the air. You get the point. It does not store any personal data. A neutron star may have around 1-2 times the mass of the Sun, but is contained in a sphere only 20 km (12 mi) wide. One is that dropping things from space creates heat. 125. In the series, the only human survivor of a disaster on the ship was a low-level crewman who was put in stasis for three million years, making the ship very ancient compared to humanity, though perhaps not compared to a star. A comet crane generator could cut our energy-related greenhouse gas emissions to almost zero. At what point do these two unimaginable things cancel out to produce an effect on a human scale? How long should I wait to text after being left on read? It looks like it should be "1" or something, but it's not. [2] However, if you have a very precise pendulum clock, you might notice something oddby the end of the day, it would be three seconds ahead of where it should be. Use the fact that a Neutron Star has about 1.4 times the mass of the Sun, that the sun's mass is about 333,000 times the mass of the Earth, and that the radius is about 10 kilometers (as opposed to the Earth's radius of 6371 kilometers). But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best.". The first is the internal relaxation stage, lasting from ~10-10 3 years, ending when the neutron star reaches thermal relaxation. 3.262 light-years, or a little less than the distance from here to Alpha Centauri. You might notice the difference in weight on a scale, but it's not a big deal. If you want to be mean to first-year calculus students, you can ask them to take the derivative of ln(x). Overwhelmingly Large Telescope xkcd comics i enjoy . An invention of Randall's; likely a form of the Greek, An invention of Randall's, and also a reference to, An invention of Randall's, and a reference to, dangerous to observe at optical wavelengths, An invention of Randall's, and a reference to the. And apols again to the first explained who seemed to appreciate their submission as only a placeholder so I overwrote rather than integrated. 2: Additional Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions is out! The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. Small chunks of ice falling from space disintegrate and boil away before they reach the ground, warming the upper atmosphere. If the mass is more than about three solar masses the star will collapse into a black hole. The indigo banshee might be a neutron star, as they are the smallest stars known (<20 km radius, the indigo banshee is even smaller than the white dwarf, although not by much here just to make it differentiable), extremely hot (100,000 - 1,000,000 K: the hue shifts beyond blue into indigo territory), and often show weird activity patterns . However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. This means that when a particle accelerator (which produces neutrinos) wants to send a neutrino beam to a detector somewhere else in the world, all it has to do is point the beam at the detectoreven if it's on the other side of the Earth! So while you could lift a spoonful of Sun, you cant lift a spoonful of neutron star. Albert Sneppen, first author of the study and a doctoral student at the Niels Bohr Institute, suggests that perhaps a huge amount of energy blew out from the center of the explosion to create its oddly round shape. How do I move data from one tab to another in Excel? When the Moon passed this boundarycalled the Roche limitit would gradually break apart and Earth would, for a short time, have rings. 16. people had noticed that the continents fit together. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. If it were suddenly set free from its gravitational field, it would blow up under earth's gravitational field. When it comes to shape, though, neutron star collisions seem to be key. The very central region of the star the core collapses, crushing together every proton and electron into a neutron. The neutron stars we can observe average about 1.8 million degrees Fahrenheit, compared to about 9,900 degrees Fahrenheit for the Sun. 22:37, 16 September 2020 (UTC), [1] remained on Wikipedia for all of six minutes:/ 23:40, 16 September 2020 (UTC), Ten minutes, surely? Join us on an imaginary adventure grounded in scientific theory through time, space and chance, as we ask what if some of the most fundamental aspects of our existence were different.Feedback, inquiries and suggestions: https://underknown.com/contact That's why the phrase "lethal dose of neutrino radiation" sounds weirdit mixes scales in an incongruous way. If you built an icy waterfall from space, the water would arrive at the bottom as a river of superheated steam. Shemozzle 7 yr. ago. Your pendulum clock would now be ahead by five days. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. "Supernovii" is discouraged. Circumference is proportional to radius, so if you increase radius by 1 unit, you increase circumference by 2 units. Red giant: 3-2000 R; 0.3-50 M, 2500-4000 K, 0.3-650000 L. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Supernovae[4]"Supernovas" is also fine. The embedded Station Explorer for X-ray Timing and Navigation Technology, or . The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". These are formed when stars at about the Sun's size finally die, after their red giant phase. The heaviest neutron star ever detected is shredding its companion while spinning on its axis over 700 times per second. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. "Wu, X., X. Collilieux, Z. Altamimi, B. L. A. Vermeersen, R. S. Gross, and I. Fukumori (2011), Accuracy of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame origin and Earth expansion, Geophys. When stars at about the Sun's size begin to run out of fusion fuel, they expand to become red giants, and the outer shells expand and cool. But the thing is, measurement checkpoints have to be as uniform as possible for the best mathematical results. The mass sun is 400 times heavier than the mass of the moon. 2 is sure to be another instant classic adored by inquisitive readers of all ages. What would happen if everyone on earth stood as close to each other as they could and jumped, everyone landing on the ground at the same instant? Fireworks sparked by survivor of stellar collision, Venus and Jupiter will soon share the same tiny part of the evening sky, Catch two great conjunctions: This Week in Astronomy with Dave Eicher, A new place to look for alien life: The photosynthetic habitable zone, Observe the constellation Auriga: This Week in Astronomy with Dave Eicher, Zodiacal light and how to see it: This Week in Astronomy with Dave Eicher, Explore the constellation Orion: This Week in Astronomy with Dave Eicher, Mars passes behind the Moon: This Week in Astronomy with Dave Eicher, Comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF): This Week in Astronomy with Dave Eicher, Venus-Saturn Conjunction: This Week in Astronomy with Dave Eicher, My First Telescope: This Week in Astronomy with Dave Eicher, Preview: This Week in Astronomy with Dave Eicher, STARMUS VI: The out-of-this-world science and arts festival will see speakers including Chris Hadfield and Kip Thorne celebrate 50 years of exploration on Mars, Queen guitarist Brian May and David Eicher launch new astronomy book. The millions of people around the world who read and loved What If? Measure how distances between various cosmic objects increase over time and you can extrapolate how the universe is ceaselessly ballooning outward. [1]This was confirmed by Mythbusters in episode 4 of Season 4. 11:02, 30 November 2020 (UTC), No, not really. Neutron stars squeeze up to two solar masses into a city-size volume, giving rise to the highest stable densities known anywhere. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. It makes no sense that it is spherical, like a ball. serious answers to absurd questions and absurd advice for common concerns from xkcd's Randall Munroe. What would happen if everyone jumped at the same time Xkcd? Neutron stars have an important role in the universe. When Google isn't enough to satisfy your scientific queries, ask Randall Munroe. To avoid another Drain the Oceans scenario, we'll assume the ocean expands, too. [10]Over decades, the force of gravity would grow slightly faster than you'd expect, since the material in the Earth would compress under its own weight. Sunday, SpaceX shared photos of a stack of ~790 kg Starlink V2 "minis". Gravity would take a long time to increase. Order here! What if a tablespoonful of a neutron star was brought to Earth. When big stars (at least 20 times the size of our sun) die, they become black holes, but when smaller stars (between about eight and 20 times the size of our sun) die, they turn into neutron stars. is a blog hosted on the xkcd.com domain and written by Randall Munroe with entries posted occasionally. The release of magnetic energy could cause the matter in the explosion to be distributed more spherically. To detect neutrinos, people build giant tanks filled with hundreds of tons of material in the hopes that they'll register the impact of a single solar neutrino. comics from xkcd. An idea of the true size of a star has only really been possible since the development of modern instrumental astronomy, which can also determine the different conditions that make a red dwarf or a red giant 'red' and other key aspects of their nature that are summarized for each example. As uniform as possible for the Sun so unless you stood right next to the first is internal... Stack of ~790 kg Starlink V2 & quot ; degeneracy pressure and boil away before they reach the ground warming! User consent for the Sun passing through it every second between various objects. Neutrinos from the Sun cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the.! A giant star faces several possible fates when it dies in a supernova a of! 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xkcd what if neutron star

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