shanann watts' car

And then theres this. went to Shanann's residence and discovered her car in the garage with car seats . So far, nothing has really happened to the house. In case youre an even bigger moron than you sound, that would be you. Each one makes a difference , Call the childrens hospital she worked for Childrens hospitals are well known for hiring career criminals and most offer rehabilitation programs during shifts, especially for felons. Look at the date of this blog post and compare it to the date you watched Devil in Disguise and got your information. In reality, the Lexus wasnt paid for by anyone, it belonged to the leasing company. Celeste Watts and Shanann Watts via the Daily Mail Bella Watts and Celeste Watts via the Daily Mail. Even if she hadnt been considered missing as early as Monday, neighbor Nates door cam would have shown Chris at home, then her car leaving (probably even could have been enhanced to show Chris driving), then Chris coming back somehow. Was Chris Watts having an affair with another man? What do the stats say? And in fact he goes straight there with no stops. The Axe Murder Appeal: Rumor Control and what to expect? What is your problem? Captive Passenger Cars & Equipment . So posing next to cars was almost second nature to her, and if youre a mechanic, whats wrong with you or your wife, or you and your wife, using a snazzy car to sell shit? He had made arrangements to go out to that remote work site. NK must have let him know this at some point, and I bet he hated Shannan for that. And she wasnt doing any favors by drinking that slop and wearing THRIVE patches at 16 weeks pregnant, either. Why wasnt Shananns body dumped into the oil tanks as well?, #Shakedowns Call on the Chris Watts Case: The Bodies were Processed, Chris Watts: The crime scene at CERVI 319 just got a LOT more complicated, Side-View of the CERVI 319 Crime Scene + An Analogy, Analysis of the blinds of Chris Watts Home, Further Developments at the Chris Watts Crime Scene. She uses almost every Live pitch to punt the lifestyle perks flexi hours, better health, wealth, holidays and overall luxury. Thank you kindly. @whatsgoingonhere, I have never cheated with a married man out of respect for my sisters but this marriage was all ready wrecked(already-btw) So, you were, the other woman, and he cheated on his wife with you and you bought his bullshit because youre stupid, and obviously you think his wife is a manipulating bitch, because she expects him to support their children. the report writer should have put the information (that he did not observe, but was rather told) about activities early the prior morning in brackets or parenthesis, because otherwise the report is a contemporaneous write-up of what the officer himself observed Tuesday evening. So youre a nurse? Its their car, not Shananns car, and its not a lease, its paid for by the company. So the FB stuff was total fabrication. He kept his room immaculate. She had the notifications on her phone, just like he did, when the garage door opened/closed or the front door or door from house to garage opened/closed. You really need to seek some psychological help. Could it be that he hadnt considered what to do with Shananns car? Your insight that the murders were Chriss way of finally imposing boundaries in a most horrific manner is spot-on. In February 2019, CNN published a video taken from the Watts' front door camera that captured Shanann walking into her house at 1:48 a.m. with a car pulling out of the driveway. I think she was abusive to Chris and the girls and saw through this fake facade from the first video i watched of her. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. When Watts says hes addicted to her Im sure she conveyed that she was enamored with him too but he had the leverage in that he was still married -even if he could just get free of his wife, he would always have the children. If Chris knew Shanann was going to be dead, why would he care if they facetimed, b/c it was impossible, they were already dead. According to Bishop, the leasing company took back Shananns 2016 Lexus, and because it was too old to be leased out any further, they auctioned it off First time posting, not sure if my comment is stuck in moderation or what. I have never cheated with a married man out of respect for my sisters but this marriage was all ready wrecked like chris and this monster. Watts killed his entire family in August 2018. However, he has leased many vehicles with good mileage in good condition that are over 6-10 years old. Please call me on 0767950871 Im almost done building a new social media platform called CRIMEBOOK. People like you start gossip and rumour. I know one thing. ShanAnn changed her name so Shannon was ShanAnn. Shanann Watts was about 15 weeks pregnant when police say her husband, Chris Watts, killed her and their girls Monday, Aug. 13, 2018. Munchausen? With Nate's security camera, there is zero chance he could have gotten away with trying to get rid of her car, even if every other detail had gone according to plan. Please help me to understand this. He obviously knew about Nates security camera, hence the display of backing his truck up the driveway that morning. It makes sense if Shanann worked in a car parts store, and Chris Watts was an auto mechanic, that their paths would inevitably cross. Where you there? On August 21, when detective Baumhover contacted Atkinson, she was getting ready to do a night shift as a nursing assistance at Mesa Vista Nursing Home in Boulder, a short drive west of Frederick and Erie. Why did Mark Minnie go to Theescombe on the morning of his death, and what does it mean? On Websleuths the contention has been made that Shanann was co-owner of a car accessory company based in Fayetteville, North Carolina called Dirty South. Shame on you !! Quite the opposite. No one saw the Lexus the morning of the disappearances. Shannans brother was actually arrested in 2015. I looked again at the right side of the house and the line of sight from that side would be partially obscured by the tree in the Watts front yard then you have the tree partially obscuring Nathans camera but still in all, hed be crazy to carry bodies out in the open. I know this is an old post but I thought I read almost everything on here. I would, wouldnt you. There was only one Shanann employed by Dirty South Customs, Shananns real name is Shannon, she changed it to Shanann herself, like her mother is using her maiden name while married. I guess the point is that each person and every angle in this case is investigated. Im a Catholic too, but lord, grandmother Rzucek ( Sandra) is a bit off the planet about it. Sounds like she was obsessed with being admired and praised. [WATCH]. Which is v hard to diagnose of course. Basically, after working for Thrive full-time for a month, selling vitamin patches and shakes, the company apparently wanted to give Atkinson a car to reward her for her hard work. Shanann, Bella, and Celeste were discovered shortly afterward at the Anadarko Petroleum site, Watts' place of employment. Manipulation is the KeyWord! The Discovery Documents, however, disagree with Shananns claim that Nickole had quit her job in May or June 2018. Watts was convicted of strangling his wife, Shanann, 34, in the house and then smothering his daughters Bella, 4, and Celeste, 3, at his work site. Was Shanann subjected to this sort of stuff herself as a child? Btw, I have wondered a little about Shananns mother. What sentence will Oscar Pistorius receive next month? August, 2008], Sadism in High Schools and School Shooters: 5 Reasons why Isabelle Robinsons Op-Ed is flat wrong, Walk Up, Not Out is a campaign of cowardice, promoted by adults who want there to be a solution to school shootings that asks literally nothing of us, King of Freaks, the Saga of the West Memphis Three discussion with William Ramsey, Oscar Pistorius Anniversary: Revisiting Reevas Perspective, #Shakedown Smackdown of Idiocy Surrounding #OscarPistoriusMovie. You didnt post enough information for anyone to play judge and jury, yet they are. Shannon Ruzeck King -Watts IS her real name. He has said he planned to kill Shanann. It does not change the fact that someone snuffed out the life of their wife and children in cold blood, after cheating on them for months, with no regard at all that they were their own family who thought they were safe with him. Do you think he did have a plan for it that was thwarted by NA? Seriously, If you think anyone believes the bullshit youre trying to feed us, that youre boyfriend is a victim? Has Judge Greenland Become Persona Non Grata? This is so true and I think about this all the time, especially when I see kids at a concert with all of their phones up recording. Shanann Watts died Intestate Is A Court Battle Looming in Probate Court over LifeInsurance. What I cant figure out well, theres a lot I cant figure out but I digress is what did he think he was going to do with Shananns car? + 5 Easy Insights from the Carte Blanche Show, Based on Bothas Arguments, will Judge Desai Grant Convicted Triple Axe Murderer an Appeal? Thanks again for all the hard work. Ive looked for it for months, cant find it. Despite her husband making televised pleas for their . If youre all trying to find a good reason for all this, look more into that. I suspect Bishops contention that the Lexus was a lease is true, and have suspected that for some time, but is there any proof of this? Rohde Trial: The 1 Factor that determines murder or suicide, The #1 Reason Susan Rohde DIDNT kill herself, According to Brendan Miller, Susan Rohde was calm shortly before her death. Cindys actions resembled those of a sociopath. Then Ill shut up for a while. Sorry to be persnickety but in a case where full interviews and all investigative documents are public it makes no sense to not be accurate when discussing the case. youre=you are Their brains become calibrated to constant gaslighting, belittling and bullying. Apologies for the rave, just my thoughts! jim martin death couples massage class san diego beaver falls football shanann watts first marriage. #JonBenet, How John Ramsey Continues to Perpetrate a Fraud Upon the Public, Excerpt from The Craven Silence #JonBenetRamsey, Excerpt from The Craven Silence 2 #JonBenetRamsey, Excerpt from The Craven Silence 3 #JonBenetRamsey, The Reviews are in for The Craven Silence Trilogy, An Excerpt from sequin star #JonBenetRamsey, Excerpt #2 from sequin star #JonBenetRamsey, BREAKING: John Ramsey Secretly Files Civil Suit Against CBS, The Changing Stories of John Ramsey, Part 1 [SoundCloud], The Changing Stories of John Ramsey, Part 2, Our Reaction to the CNN Special Report: JonBenet, Levi Page interviews The Craven Silence authors March 2017. Chris revealed. Shanann Watts: I refuse to let anyone take over my body, or my life. Grandmother Rzucek was also religiously obsessive. They cant stop people from talking. Or conveniently he said that, 1) The dogs barked a lot but did not give the alert signal. Anyway, the book is great and definitely makes me want to read your other work. And they did not facetime chris would not let them cuz he 2as worried shanann would find out since she was still mad about the allergy thing. then the person writing the report SWITCHES BACK TO PRESENT TIME, Tuesday evening, the time of the surveillance, and says that NOW CW is parked next to the truck and the Lexus trunk is open. A car should never be leased once it is 12 years or older. An injustice which should have been dealt with accordingly and in line with every other murder and vile act which has made headlines and beyond. They become addicted to the trauma. Carol I did check, I spent several hours checking, which is how and why I stumbled on this charge: But, she was born Shannon. Chris whole family did not go to the wedding. Seriously, If you think anyone believes the bullshit youre trying to feed us, that youre boyfriend is a victim? The young mother got an $80,000 job selling health supplements, and her work took her away from the family quite often, leaving Chris alone with the children at their home. Test your knowledge with this Pop Quiz. The suburban Denver crime began with the disappearance of a pregnant Shanann Watts and the couple's two children, Bella, 4, and Celeste, 3. Oh dear, Frank Rzucek.Indeed he looks a bit of a lad. 25 Feb/23. He was raised in a toxic environment sociopath/narcissist mother and covert narcissist father/enabler and became extremely codependent as a result. I still say a proper investigation wasnt done. But there was cocoanut in the bars she gave CeCe on camera!!!! Texas Police Report Almost 400 Car Accidents Due to Icy Conditions . Its creepy to see people defaming a deceased women who cant defend herself. Its also possible then, that one or more of the bodies wasnt carried outside in plain sight, but transferred instead in the semi-enclosed garage area, in the blind area of Trisnatichs camera [in other words, from the Lexus hatch to the very rear of the truck]. To me, its bizarre. However the dog did not give the full confirmation alert and so police were not able to get a warrant for the truck based on cadaver dog at that time. Im sure her ex-husband might have some thing to add but he seems to have maintained a dignified silence. I currently am a brand Specialist at Williams Subaru where I . Did Shan'ann Watts know something was seriously wrong in August? Chris confessing to exactly what the CBI told him happened? If that is all it is then fine, but this is a travesty . So she dropped him like a sack of potatoes and you got what you wanted. I dont know if she was trying to appear wealthy but more trying to create the image of a thriving life (the appearance of one) to push her Thrive sales, which is just part of the sales pitch so she could make money. one thing he said to me that always stuck Anyway, he was like one year older than me and we played in his backyard all the time. Put simply, Shanann was advocating spending beyond their means as a way of promoting a product, and using the idea of living beyond ones means [as a sort of dream-come-true fantasy] as a sales hook. The documentary pieced together the events . Are we still trying to pin these murders on her or somehow make this murder less horrific if we can say there is something wrong with her? Its bizarre to see the public ignore what we known beyond a shadow of a doubt, and pretend theyre confused by words from a psychopath, his family and people he influenced, ONLY! I wonder if you got that off watching too many forensic files. Alot to ask of a 30 year old girl whos never been married or had kids. Shanann Watts, a pregnant Colorado woman, and her two daughters, Celeste, 3, and Bella, 4, were reported missing on Monday. I especially appreciate your comment that Shanann started losing her life before she died, that she was caught up in something that consumed her and eventually othersultimately the entire Watts family, including Chris. In The Army! According to Watts, be believed his vehicle had been vandalized or broken into, but left his toolboxes in the back unlocked to "see if anyone was trying to break into the truck" again. And hed just have to convince her that they truly did leave him, and now hes totally free. You have all your facts wrong. Its marketing gold, and it mainlines into the greed/envy/ego aspect of a person. ShanAnn thought she was a princess, but behaved like absolute low class trash, from the emotional manipulation to the incessant bragging over mundane things, to the scheming and conning. Is it out of line to think that Watts some time in the afternoon and before he calls his coworker about taking care of Cervi 319 himself may have bagged up the children, stowed them in the Lexus and driven them to the site in a vehicle (the Lexus) that did not have a GPS tracking system on it, and disposed of them in the oil tanks then? Give an 18 year old alcohol? Truly sick. Did he think this would all go away and he could take Nichole out on another date? If duplicated, please delete one. Published on August 17, 2018 07:45 PM. He had a giant weeping willow tree that was full of ticks. But that exposes the above spiel as more than a little misleading. Even journalists covering the story talked about how Shanann put every bit of her life online. Watts used the Lexus frequently while Shanann was away, including to drive his mistress to the. Chris Watts, 33, is charged with three counts of. The dogs did pick up all over the house down in the basement up in one of the girls rooms and few others places. The children and he were at a childrens birthday party alive and well Sunday afternoon, and they Facetimed with the maternal grandparents that evening.The Lexus did not leave the garage that night. The only one that may feel sorry for you, would be that ex wife of his. Cant find any information about it. He stupidly called the girls preschool and the realtor. She didnt deserve to be murdered and neither did her girls. Cookie Notice At the end of the day who cares anymore?? Following the disappearance of Chris' wife, Shanann Watts, and the couple's two children from a small Denver suburb in 2018, a major police hunt ensued. Bit off the planet about it think this would all go away and he could take out... 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