james white alpha omega tattoo

The whole point of the thing is that its just as irrational for Catholic Answers to do the auto-forward given that those who follow White are unlikely to stay and read the site as it would be for White to do it, just to have something to complain about. Domain Name:JAMESRWHITE.ORG There seems to be alot of talking past each other and just general crankiness. . Dale you know the really funny thing? Alpha Tau Omega. While the placement of the Greek letters is pretty much the same as the first one, instead of an anchor, there are two olive branches on both sides of the motif. Maybe, if you want to get to the bottom of things, considering you indulge conspiracy theories, its a start. That is what anti-catholic is, you know. This is a rather convient way to win a debate without ever having to defend a word you say. Try explaining it in your own words so that a simpleton like me can understand. the pictures dont pertain to all Roman Catholics, just to schmoes like you. When all this started Dr Beckwith was asking a pretty tough question. Dont talk to me about his theological positions or his possible lack of charity in other areas. I choose not to rn out and buy Whites book. I am in the wilds of eastern Mississippi but we got a program in anyway! Dr. James White vs Keith Giles, First Lutheran Church, Houston, Texas, 2/8/23, Road Trip Dividing Line: New Plans, Greear on the Churchs Failure, Fesko against Van Til, Preview of Radio Free Geneva, No EFS, Predicate Adjectives and Scripture, the God Who Works All Things, Ratzingers Posthumous Truth Bombs, FBC Orlando, Andy Stanley, Road Trip Schedule Debate: Is God Necessary for Ethics? The ongoing attempt by his followers to defend it is outrageous and disgusting. If you wish to follow Christ, yes, you must. It smells like a prank, like someone causing trouble. He has an unhealthy craving for controversy and for quarrels about words, which produce envy, dissension, slander, evil suspicions. Your opinions dont matter. Mary Kay, There were disagreements as well over the Old Testament Canon. Had you been truly a fair-minded individual, you would consider ALL of the evidence and not merely this post (as it seems this is the only thing youve looked over so far) and only those things that seem to cast negative light on Jimmy Akin or rather how youve negatively characterized him. The offer to forgive must be there, as it is with God. Given that you are willing to offer an opinion on the call when you dont recall it by your own admission, it seems that you also have a habit of offering opinions without checking the facts. James White does not. Ive been defending the posting of these pictures.. I also discussed Dr. Kevin Youngs amazing assertion that I declined the debate challenge I offered Got started a little late so we didnt go a full hour but covered some Tweet theology, including responding to Leighton Flowers and looking at some Thomas stuff. Sorry to repeat what you wrote before. He has failed to do this or did he really think that Catholics would find his pictures funny? Really Esau? Where was the big long post by Jimmy Akin condemning this fellow? No, that belongs to the one who thinks Germans are a race. From my interactions with you, you evidently arent a very rational person. Not that it makes much sense as a reference/joke, but yes, that diction *was* in my mind for some reason. God bless you for your remarks! and go on to sing Kumbaya right afterwards? Labrialumn, It seems here we have a presupposition that God will only act in the way Mr. White conjectures. 11:00am MST and good for the soul. or accept the harsh criticism. Also, there is some point of Catholic history not allowing religious liberty and actually persecuting or killing people. Jesus, Here is an excellent 17:21 minute video Lisa, The comment has nothing to do with your race, gender, faith, sexual preference, political affiliation, or physical appearance. Scriptural sufficiency, as always! I follow the Bishops, because they are the successors to the Apostles (IOW, I believe in Apostolic succession, which, BTW, is in the Bible). 877-753-3341 (US Callers Only). Box 5121 This does not mean that White does not know anything. You cant seriously expect any thinking non-Catholic to just accept by fiat that the medieval Roman empire just .. didnt happen, can you? Akin has not scheduled a debate, at least publicly. Both alpha and omega symbols have different meanings and when put together, these two Greek letters open the door to a wide range of interpretations and symbolism. He is not functioning as a rational agent on this topic. The Prophecy of Ahijah[9] Jorge Just as Mary said. Given that you keep referring to James Whites arguments all the time, I think TeddyRuxpin would be a better handle. If you want to find the exact situation, go to Chapter 5, though I doubt many, if any, of you own the book. Mary, In this syllogism, Roman Catholic is qualified, ergo it is not a universal, but a particular. You dont actually consider that act itself as a convenient way to win a debate without ever having to defend a word he says??? It is not conducive, constructive, or Christian. Thus, I follow the Bishop of Rome (the successor to St Peter on earth), because the Catholic Church is, I believe, truly Christs Church. So far, you have declined to explain. Stubble, http://aomin.org/index.php?itemid=2185&catid=7, courtesy Philip Pullmans interview with Third Way Magazine, http://www.catholicapologetics.org/ap050200.htm, http://jimmyakin.typepad.com/defensor_fidei/2007/08/amazing-simply-.html, http://jimmyakin.typepad.com/defensor_fidei/2007/08/james-white-has.html#c79351988, http://jimmyakin.typepad.com/defensor_fidei/2004/10/forgiveness_rev.html, http://www.catholic.com/thisrock/2003/0309bt.asp. It was that, or start yet another denomination. Esau, you contradict yourself. Accuse other side of being murderous mob rather than actually making an argument, OK. I dont see the comparison between what Jimmy did and what White did. Ive listened to James White. I dont think the same can be said for Robert Sungenis but I am not completely conscious of the situation so its difficult to comment intelligently. After 30 minutes of accusations, he responds not with a dissertation, but with maybe a single paragraph worth of words, mostly from scripture, and always ending with a question that is not intended to be answered, but something to be contemplated on. Yes, to an extent they did. Good read, if youre allowed. To think that Protestants were behind the site directing traffic to CA is highly unlikely and sounds like something OJs Lawyers would have thought up. Those are the remarks of a troll. refusals by his opponents to address his unassailable points. Domain ID:D148791841-LROR 1) James White is critical of Dr. Beckwith. Esau, I cannot speak to Jimmys motives, but in my opinion the outrage is convenient in that it allows a clean break while simultaneously indicting James White. Chuckto the extent charity isnt shown to Dr. White, Id agree. Your latest comment, just like Churchmouses, is all too revealing: What name-calling did Jimmy Akin resort to? Enough of this nonsense. Considering all that information, it is easy to understand why alpha omega tattoos are certainly one of the best kinds of tattoos for men and women. The Acts of the Kings of Israel[18] Every single non-denomination of Protestantism, on the other hand, is a doctrine of salvation unto itself open only to her vaunted members who have the cunning to see Pastor So-and-so is right. And those who obsess about their victimhood can never be heroes. As you have, I can see. Something to think about. I read the Scriptue Alone Controversy and I loved the analogies he drew and the way he explained the many theories involved in this subject and compared and contrasted them with the catholic position. Somebody bring me up to speed. Its pretty clear bill912, it would only take light reading to understand Whites book. I, on the other hand, being only a child, & having espied a naked man in the middle of the highway, am unafraid to say, once again: The Emperor is as naked as a jaybird! Such words are comforting both to us and to our opponents, for they convince us of our rightness and our opponents of our wrongness. Either you believe what the Bible says, or you do not. Im sure Jimmy would have, and indeed has, no problem respectfully discussing or debating theological issues with non-Catholics, under normal conditions. Ive made no mention of that. Ed, do YOU have an urge to say it depends on your interpretation? And, it is becoming obvious, you were just trying to make a fight. What knowledge of the canon was established? What is the man afraid of? What he likely doesnt realize is that he could spend three months or three years documenting the charge, and White would still do the same thing. If they are utterly ignorant of human nature, maybe. I, as a Catholic, rely on the authority of the Church, as vested in Peter by Jesus. Really, I dont think its unreasonable to request that information beyond go read this book be provided when having a discussion. Lets just say certain quarters will be talking after this program! Its Akins Law that includes comparisons with Islamists. seeing as you deem him important enough to name your apologetics website after him? Nope. I know your heart is in the right place, but why to you feed the trolls? At Alpha Tattoos and Piercings we will be providing you the highest quality, custom Tattoos and Piercing in a relaxing, clean environment. You have said multiple times (quoting Dr. White) that God would divinely reveal the Canon. I dont remotely claim to have walked it myself with any consistency. But I didnt ignore the thrust of the argument. //So no one should respond to Hittchens or Dawkins because they are sometimes offensive? one King James Bible Only preacher who teaches Lordship Salvation. If you want a tattoo depicting both these Greek letters, then please read through this article. Thank you Carebear and friends! in Judaism the same type of traditions exist and they are known as Talmud (Oral Torah). Im sorry. Whites actions dont excuse Jimmys lack of charity, but on a scale of severity Id say that Whites post was much more egregious. No one called Roman Catholics murderous No, thats because I am dense but thats another issue. You insist that it neccessitates the rejection of the FACT that God used the councils to establish the canon of the Church. Registrant FAX Ext. You have your own doctrines? So no one should respond to Hittchens or Dawkins because they are sometimes offensive? Ok, now lets see how youre going to prove that Carebear didnt consider ANY of the evidence. Mike Petrik- Dude, chill. There is one last thing I would like to note. Let is speak for itself. I was responding to a post by Carebear. 877-753-3341 (US Callers Only). Pretty soon shell be telling us about how she rejoices whether or not whatever. If you have read at all, I already showed how I believe God used the church body to reveal divine canon to us. What? That is total heresy! I thought it would be cool to let folks get in touch via Zoom and ask about a textual variant they particular are interested in. In simple words, Dr. White has created two dead jokes (or as professional comedians call them, humor killers). The Book of the Wars of the Lord Is making such a claim excused by someone elses previous claim? That could describe you too Mary Kay. Mary Kay, The gnostic Baptist in me in wanted to run away. Purely in terms of strategy, he must know that this is hurting his cause among both his co-religionists and those he presumably seeks to woo from the One True Church. And who knows? Registrant Organization:to attn. Wow. Charity does include admonishing the sinner which Jimmy does by shaming Mr. Whites actions. Now, I realize that there is tension between Catholics and James White because he challenges the teachings of the Catholic Faith but dont let that distort your judgements. The Danger of Roman Catholicism 7pm Nightly February 10-12 FIRST BAPTIST OPELOUSAS 3835 I-49 S. Service Road Opelousas, LA 70570, February 8, 2023 Debate: What is Marriage? I thought that this was an apologetics website, but I see little apologetics going on. An unnamed poster wrote: Not exactly the Ivy League. Well settle for ANY of the evidence. I find it amusing that most, if not almost all of those accusing James White or wrongdoing are foregoining any possible transgression by Akin or any one of his cronies. Which is correct? Lordship Salvation and misrepresents the heart of the debate. Posted by: CareBear | Aug 10, 2007 11:30:58 AM MY HEAD HURTS. I have a fuzzy memory, but I seem to recall that Akin did just that a few internet feet above where we dialogue now. About So you should be thankful for the checks-and-balances provided by those of us outside your walls. Someone named Guardian posted a link to Jamewrwhite.org, it re-directs to Catholic Answers, three hours later Mr. White is ranting that we did it, and the threat kind of devolved into trying to explain that it would be a really stupid thing for someone pro-Catholic Answers to do. Brave behind a keyboard when your opponent isnt here arent you? God knows the true Canon (he knows what he wrote). For one, it can appear as a negative point against these folks; secondly, it places too much importance on the likes of James White. discipleship. Now instead, you ought to forgive and comfort him, so that he will not be overwhelmed by excessive sorrow. Comparing foaming-at-the-mouth bronze age fanatics to Catholics who disagree with him is completely absurd. CareBear, Thats all well and good, but the artist who changed the picture changed the story in so doing. Except White did not call all Roman Catholics Islamic Terrorists so yes, Akin jumped the gun and acted irresponsibly. Thats why they are ironic and funny. And how can I be forgiven my sins if I havent dwelt on them, considered them, determined why I committed them, and resolved to repent? Heisenburg, thats a nice thought. I cannot relate to you the ugliness that came out of that event. If so, then please provide a specific example. Ill choose to not read Dr. Whites book at this time. Perhaps SOMETHING will be achieved that way. Third, it actually produces a queasy feeling in my gut when I spend a couple of hours trying to put together a good, meaningful post, that expresses legitimate disappointment in the theocracy (definitely a theocracy) promoted by Rome, only to have it thrown off as utter nonsense. As for my depth of study in church history (including the Father), I consider it sufficient to justify the statements I am making. Though he carelessly places his comments on his ministry website, I would hope they are not one and the same. Someone may be completely mistaken to suggest that I am lacking charity, and it may be that I should in no way take their advice. Churchmouse, that is the height of rudeness. If you are not implying that Ive said anything untrue, then you should consider exactly what youre saying and shooting your keyboard off are rather hostile and aggressive phrases, an insinuation of wrongdoing which you can not substantiate. Engage my posts from 5 days ago and then well get to yours. Thatd be a really uninformative debate. Oh, and I see White has followed the template over at his blog: (1) stir up trouble with a bonehead statement; (2) act the victim when called on it; (3) change the subject by proffering some hobbyhorse topic/argument; (4) shake his head sadly while professing his allegiance to the Gospel [sic] and noting his opponents assumed allergy to the same; and (5) claim victory, after noting throughout, sotto voce, his obvious merits. He who abides in me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for without me you can do nothing. Its certainly pointless by now, being a well-blasted trench, seeing as we are now fighting White War MCXLVI. He chose many disciples. seeing as you deem him important enough to name your apologetics website after him?. Esau, as a limited human, do you have the capacity to consider ALL of the evidence? Word of the day, insane: I thought that this was an apologetics website, but I see little apologetics going on. Dr. Beckworth, however, has not slung mud. The Gospel according to Matthias The specific context has to do with the fact that Dr. Beckwith, former ETS president, having degrees from various institutions most theological in nature, seems ignorant and downright uninformed about the supposed basis for the decision made to go to Rome. And the analogy fails as a factual matterIslamic understanding of Quranic inspiration is of a wholly different order than even the most rigorous Christian understanding. 2 . I was addressing the Roman Catholic apologetics community. Missed Vances post before I got out the door. 15 Therefore, brethren, stand fast: and hold the traditions, which you have learned, whether by word or by our epistle. Certainly his renown is based on apologetics much like Jimmy Akin, but there has to be an overriding concern for souls or its all just hot air and gamemanship. Please feel free to visit me at The Porters Lodge. The steve that wrote at Aug 11, 2007 10:50:06 AM First you assert there is no reason, then you observe it could be done to discredit Catholics. Could It Get Any Loonier? Not just as Catholics but also as devout Christians. Which is why I rebuked it. *YAWN* It seems like the lady doth protest too much, methinks. Or, perhaps, like many people he is more polite in reality than online. Read Whites post on this, he aks some diffult questions and quite frankly it is Jimmy Akin and Dr. Beckwith who have evaded these important questions and have focues on this did you read rtrent fiasco. But he didnt. A humorist is a person who writes or performs humorous material. is counted for righteousness. It even goes so far as to deny the idea of an eventual millenial kingdom on earth which gives so much impetus to those protestants dreaming of the immanentization of the eschaton a very gnostic idea. She was responding to a very silly post, given that anyone who even half-heartedly scanned the comments here could clearly see that a large number are not indignation. Originally posted 5/22/2013 James White and Justin Lee dialogue on the question, Can you be a Christian homosexual in Helena, Montana at the 2013 Reformation Montana conference. There is nothing wrong with Whites assertion that God would know what he wrote (or inspired to be written), and that if he chose to he could name them all. But then, as others have pointed out, youve got Catholic apologists doing the same sort of jokes from their side. Eric, and, here, accuse Jimmy Akin and Crew that were the ones responsible for this act. James White? If folks do want to post comments on CAF then please read the forum rules and then go to the thread discussing Dr White on the Apologetics forum. Christ gave them all power and authority, saying, He who hears you hears me: he who rejects you rejects me.(Luke 10:16) and Whatever you bind on earth shall be bound also in heaven (Matt. Killers ) authority of the evidence and Piercing in a relaxing, clean environment debate.: not exactly the Ivy League mary Kay, there is one last thing I would hope they not! Wanted to run away chuckto the extent charity isnt shown to Dr. White ) that God will act. Ones responsible for this act why to you the ugliness that came out of that event think! A rational agent on this topic Vances post before I got out the.! Lady doth protest too much, methinks he who rejects you rejects me it with... Is in the wilds of eastern Mississippi but we got a program in!! Called Roman Catholics Islamic Terrorists so yes, Akin jumped the gun and irresponsibly. What name-calling did Jimmy Akin resort to and those who obsess about their can! 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james white alpha omega tattoo

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