distance from capernaum to gerasenes

One of the most significant sites on the eastern shore is the place where the so-called swine miracle is thought to have occurred. During the second half of the sixth century, the diaconicon was remodeled to house a baptistery. To get any further with working out where the event took place (if it took place at all) we can turn to church history. The house of Andrew and Peter seems to have been not far from the synagogue in Capernaum . The water of the lake is clear and sweet. The Response of the Released Demoniac(5:18-20) The Lord granted the only request of these residents, which was for Him to leave. This describes the district in which Christ met and healed the demoniac from the tombs, where also took place the destruction of the swine. To the North of this the waters of the sea almost touch the foot of the steep slope. The monastery compound covers four acres and is surrounded by a well-preserved wall that was originally plastered over and decorated with an incised palm-branch motif. Superior buildings are rising outside the ancient walls. Thomas P. Halton, trans. The ancient walls may be traced in almost their entire circuit of 2 miles. This is true even today. The multitude following on foot along the northern shore of the lake would cross the Jordan by the ford at its mouth which is used by foot travelers to this day. He calls the inhabitants Syrians, when, at the beginning of the Jewish revolt, the district round Gerasa was laid waste. 6.211. (d) In support of the single-city theory it is further argued that(i) Jesus withdrew to Bethsaida as being in the jurisdiction of Philip, when he heard of the murder of John by Antipas, and would not have sought again the territories of the latter so soon after leaving them. Tiberias: 32.795858: 35.530975: Capernaum: 32.88033: 35.573307: Distance: 10.19 km: This city may be located at et-Tell, a ruined site on the East side of the Jordan on rising ground, fully a mile from the sea. Some would identify the place with RAMOTH-GILEAD, which see.The site is now occupied by a colony of Circassians, and there is reason to fear that, unless something is done to preserve them, many valuable remains of antiquity will perish.W. In some places, the wall actually touches the boulder. Fertility:The walnut, the palm, the olive and the fig, which usually require diverse conditions, flourish together here. These motifs were taken from artists notebooks that were used throughout the Mediterranean world, not only during the Byzantine period, but also before and after. In the northern part of the enclosure, we excavated the remains of the residential quarters of the monastery compound. Pompey is said to have restored it, 63 B.C. Seen from the mountains the broad sheet appears a beautiful blue; so that, in the season of greenery, it is no exaggeration to describe it as a sapphire in a setting of emerald. Every effort has been made to accurately determine the rights status of works and their images. This is doubtless to be identified with the village of Bethsaida in Lower Gaulonitis which the Tetrarch Philip raised to the rank of a city, and called Julias, in honor of Julia, the daughter of Augustus. Many are the ruins of great and splendid cities on slope and height of which almost nothing is known today. Sohow did this problem arise? (St. Matt. The gospels. The name Samak, which means fish both in Aramaic (the vernacular of Jesus time) and in Arabic, reflects the fact that these fish were as important to the ancients as to people today. , Freeman-Grenville, Chapman, and Taylor, The Onomasticon by Eusebius of Caesarea (Carta Jerusalem, 2003), 45. The place might therefore be called with propriety, either "land of the Gerasenes," with reference to the local center, or "land of the Gadarenes," with reference to the superior city. Gardens and orchards are being planted. Facebook. , Joel Marcus, Mark 18: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary, vol. Josephus explains that the country of the Gadarenes reached the shore of the lake: the villages of the Gadarenes happened to lie on the frontier between Tiberias and the territory of the Scythopolitans.4. After Herod's death it was joined to the province of Syria, 4 B.C. Robert L. Webb and Mark Allan Powell, vol. Harry M. Jol, Gloria I. Lpez, Haim Cohen, Michal Artzy, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Mark 5:1-20, Luke 8:26-39, Matthew 8:28-34, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Gergesa&oldid=1129180387, Articles needing additional references from January 2009, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 24 December 2022, at 00:24. Twitter. John 1:44 Now Philip was from Bethsaida, of the city of Andrew and Peter. The road then crosses a second promontory, and proceeds along the base of the mountain to Tiberias. used the phrase "Bethsaida of Galilee" of a place only recently attached to that province, writing, as he was, at a distance from the scene, and . (iv) The present writer is familiar with these waters in both storm and calm. , Amanda Witmer, Jesus, the Galilean Exorcist: His Exorcisms in Social and Political Context, ed. Nearby, halfway up the steep slope was a separate towerlike structure. Jesus is in Capernaum, he gets on a boat, sails across the Sea of Galilee, ends up in a storm, and calms the water. Considerable portions have also passed into the hands of Jews. See CAPERNAUM. According to Luke 3:23, Jesus was about thirty years old (quite old in those days) when he began his ministry. 8:4-18 Sea of Galilee. You need 2 hour to reach Jerusalem, Israel from Capernaum, Israel, if you are travelling by car. Ewing. Northward the plain widens into the marshy breadths of el-BaTeichah, and once more we reach the Jordan, flowing smoothly through the fiat lands to the sea.3. If the boat was taken from any point in el-BaTeichah towards et-Tell, no east wind would have distressed the rowers, protected as that part is by the mountains. A steamer plies on the sea between the station at Semakh and Tiberias. Mark 6:45 Immediately he made his disciples get into the boat, and to go ahead to the other side, to Bethsaida, while he himself sent the multitude away. David Noel Freedman, The Anchor Yale Bible Dictionary (New York: Doubleday, 1992), 991. The distance is about 19 miles from the river. About halfway up the hill is the towerlike structure mentioned earlier. On the sands along the shore from el-Mejdel to `Ain et-Tineh these shells are so numerous as to cause a white glister in the sunlight.The main formation of the surrounding district is limestone. open map. Judas of Gamala (Ant., XVIII, i, l) is also called Judas of Galilee (ibid., i, 6). The discovery was made by that archaeological genius, that master of archaeological discovery in our time: the bulldozer! Black basalt blocks form the base of the synagogue at Capernaum (Luke 7:5) Jesus travels round Galilee. Or something. Rooms known as pastophoria, which played an important part in the ritual and the liturgy, flank the apse. Cana: 32.744999: 35.339758: Capernaum: 32.88033: 35.573307: Distance: 26.51 km: This two-terraced structure, consisting of a memorial, or landmark, tower and a chapel above, undoubtedly was thought to mark the very site of the miracle that cured the demoniac. He who feared His arrival now dreaded His departure. In addition to the domestic uses of oilin foods, as well as in lampsvials of holy oil were often given or sold to pilgrims. Mark 1:16 Passing along by the sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and Andrew the brother of Simon casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen. JOHN. However, check out this map: Gadara itself or anywhere relatively close to it is still quite a distance a number of miles/kilometres. All three Synoptic Gospels (Mark 5:120; Luke 8:2639; Matthew 8:2834) mention the swine miracle, although with variations. De Situ Terrae Sanctae, a 6th-century account written by Theodosius the archdeacon describes Bethsaida's location in relation to Capernaum, saying that it was 6 mi (9.7 km) distant from Capernaum. It was taken by Antiochus the Great when in 218 B.C. The street terminated at the courtyard in front of the church. There is scarcely any doubt that the scene of the miracle on the poor demoniac, and of the subsequent possession of the swine, must be looked for on this spot. No trace of the name Bethsaida has been found in the district; but any one of the sites named would meet the requirements.To this neighborhood Jesus retired by boat with His disciples to rest awhile. The rest of the mosaics were laid earlier, probably shortly after the church was built at the beginning of the sixth century. Further, if the Gospel of Mark embodies the recollections of Peter, it would be difficult to find a more reliable authority for topographical details connected with the sea on which his fisher life was spent. The prosperity of the sixth century abruptly ended with the Persian invasion in 614 A.D. During one such storm, Jesus slept while sailing across to the Gadarenes (Mark 5:35-41; Matthew 8:23-27; Luke 8:22-24) and when he awoke the sea was suddenly becalmed. Now there is no question that Capernaum was on "the other side," nor is there any suggestion that the boat was driven out of its course; and it is quite obvious that, sailing toward Capernaum, whether at Tell Chum or at Khan Minyeh, it would never reach Bethsaida Julius. Decaplis, LUKE. Gergesa, also Gergasa ( in Byzantine greek) or the Country of the Gergesenes, is a place on the eastern ( Golan Heights) side of the Sea of Galilee located at some distance to the ancient Decapolis cities of Gadara and Gerasa. Brill, 19942000), 204. Next, we reach the mouth of Wady Semak, in which lie the ruins of Kurseh, probably representing the ancient Gerasa. The hot springs, as noted above, are in the bottom of the valley to the North. Settlers in the valley thereafter confined themselves to the area immediately on the shore. If you know the geography of the Sea of Galilee at all, its almost entirely surrounded by hills, some of them pretty steep. Mark 7:31 Again he departed from the borders of Tyre and Sidon, and came to the sea of Galilee, through the midst of the region of Decapolis. It is therefore significant that only the Fourth Gospel speaks of "Bethsaida of Galilee. Was Marks knowledge of the Decapolis shaky? He says the "soil is so fruitful that all sorts of trees can grow upon it."3. The distance line on map shows distance from Nazareth to Capernaum between two cities. Even if Judas were born in Gamala, and so might properly be called a Gaulonite, he may, like others, have come to be known as belonging to the province in which his active life was spent. Drains in the street reflect a high standard of living, as do the pottery and various other small finds such as coins and decorated glass vessels. Although the ruins of this settlement, known as Tell el-Kursi, can still be seen, the site remains unexcavated. The site chosen is located exactly opposite Capernaum, from which Jesus sailed on the day of the miracle. In the early Roman period, an important urban settlement with a safe anchorage stood here. du Talmud, 45).Centuries of neglect made a sad change in the plain. GERASA, GERASENES ( , ). He gave it a free constitution. The city of Gadara is represented today by the ruins of Umm Qeis on the heights south of el-Chummeh-the hot springs in the Yarmuk valley-about 6 miles Southeast of the Sea of Galilee. The abundance of fish at each place furnished a good reason for the recurrence of the name.W. Ewing, "house of fish," Bethsaida, the name of two cities on the shore of the Sea of Galilee. 2, Tyndale New Testament Commentaries (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1989), 158. Kursi disappeared entirely until a bulldozer rediscovered it more than a thousand years later. In most cases they have gone, leaving not even their names with any certainty behind; but His memory abides forever. These differences caused copyists of the gospels to perform no end of monkey-business with the sentence there are 3 variants for each of the synoptic gospels.2 Were looking at a genuine problem that was recognised very early. All scripture quoted from The Holy Bible: New Revised Standard Version (Nashville: Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1989), If you want to get into the detail see Bruce Manning Metzger, United Bible Societies, A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament, Second Edition a Companion Volume to the United Bible Societies Greek New Testament (4th Rev. The distance line on map shows distance from Jerusalem to Capernaum between two cities. The structure itself consists of two parts. On the upper terrace of the hill is the structures second element: a small chapel paved with a colorful mosaic floor. "The advent of the railway has stirred afresh the pulses of life in the valley. An excellent account of the ruins is given in Thomson's LB, III, 558.There is nothing above ground of older date than the 2nd and 3rd centuries of our era; but there is no reason to doubt that the Greek city of Gerasa stood on the same site. The settlement was quite well planned and carefully organized. All three Synoptic Gospels mention this miracle, Matthew writes about two possessed men instead of just one, and only some manuscripts of his Gospel name the location as Gergesa, while the other copies, as well as all versions of Luke and Mark, mention either Gadara or Gerasa (see Mark 5:1-20, Luke 8:26-39, Matthew 8:28-34). It is mentioned in some ancient manuscripts of the Gospel of Matthew as the place where the Miracle of the Swine took place, a miracle performed by Jesus who drove demons out of two possessed men and into a herd of pigs. The air cleared, and the wide welter of foam-crested waves attested the fury of the blast. , Tags: Water:The middle portion is supplied from `Ain el-Madawwerah, a copious fountain near the western edge of the plain, round which a wall has been built, to raise the level of the water; and from the perennial stream, Wady er-Rubadiyeh, which drives a mill before starting on its work of irrigation. So, Matthew is aware that on the face of it Marks account doesnt work. The names of many ancient places have been lost, and others have strayed from their original localities. PLACE. All three of these New Testament variants have solid textual support. In front of the prayer hall, a narthex, or porch, separates the hall from the large open forecourt, or atrium, mentioned earlier. Only the mosaic in the baptistery can be dated with certainty. The figure of a ship frequently appears on its coins: conclusive. When they arrive on the shore he gets out and is met by two demoniacs/a guy called Legion. Thus Gamala, on the eastern shore, was within the jurisdiction of Josephus, who commanded in Galilee (BJ, II, xx, 4). I just think that in this case theres a better explanation. The natives use it for all purposes, esteeming it light and pleasant. If Capernaum were at Khan Minyeh, then the two lay close together. When we excavated this structure in 1980, we discovered that this was the very site of the miracle, as fixed by Christians in the mid-third century. Both Gerasa and Gadara were cities to the east of the Sea of Galilee and the River Jordan. Like, not even the alphabet. Almost from the beginning of Christianity, the area around the Sea of Galilee has been a major focus of Christian pilgrimage, a focus second only to Jerusalem. (Ant., XIV, iv, 4; BJ, I, vii, 7); from which it would appear to have declined in Jewish hands. Although the miracle goes under the name of the Gadarene swine, it seems that the name Gerasenes is nearer the mark, as this was the land of Geshur in ancient times. "One may call this place the ambition of nature;. gad'-a-ra (Gadara): 1. It throws out a rocky promontory into the sea, and beyond this are the ruins of Khan Minyeh, with `Ain et-Tineh close under the cliff. (2) Bethsaida of Galilee, where dwelt Philip, Andrew, Peter (John 1:44; John 12:21), and perhaps also James and John. Why would he do that? Rows of columns separate the central nave from the aisles on either side. The warm water from copious springs runs into a little bay of the sea in which fishes congregate in great numbers. But as we have seen above, the "want of precision" must also be attributed to the writer of John 6:17. Performance & security by Cloudflare. Capernaum area. From the late fifth to the early seventh centuries, all four sides of the compound had entrances. But from their mute testimony we gather that the lake in the valley which is now so quiet was once the center of a busy and prosperous population. The ruts worn in the pavement by the chariot wheels are still to be seen.That there was a second Gadara seems certain, and it may be intended in some of the passages referred to above. Many New Testament manuscripts refer to the "Country of the Gadarenes" or "Gerasenes" rather than the Gergesenes. And that doesnt fit the description were given of the stampede at all. After Jesus heals him/them, the demons are sent into a herd of pigs. Around 150 years later Origen comes along, and, knowing that Matthews attempted fix isnt watertight, relocates the event to Gergasa based on what is probably an ancient tradition. Distance between North District and Capernaum (9,93 km.) Lets be clear: I know zero greek. Mk 1:35-45 During the winter of 27/28AD, Jesus goes to the nearby villages of Galilee, preaching and casting out demons. Ronald E. Heine, Vol. The distance line on map shows distance from Tiberias to Capernaum between two cities. Why swap out one territory for another? On the basis of the textual evidence alone, we cannot determine which of these variants is . These demon-possessed pigs then run headlong into the lake and, presumably, drown. In any event, the "country of the Gergesenes/Gadarenes/Gerasenes" in the New Testament Gospels refers to some location on the eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee. The sixth century was unusually prosperous, and this monastery compound with its hospice was one of the largest ever built in the Holy Land in the Byzantine period. (iii) The East coast of the sea was definitely attached to Galilee in A.D. 84, and Ptolemy (circa 140) places Julius in Galilee. The pilgrimage sites associated with the swine miracle, as opposed to the urban settlement of Tell el-Kursi, were discovered quite by accident in the late 20th century. The rooms on each side of the prayer hall were used for auxiliary purposes. The surface is 680 ft. below the level of the Mediterranean. Therefore it was no contrary wind that carried them toward Capernaum and the "land of Gennesaret." Naturally the temperature in the valley is higher than that of the uplands; and here wheat and barley are harvested about a month earlier. Most of the sites in the area of the Sea of Galilee, like all the sites mentioned above, lie on the western shore, so it is natural that this side of the lake proved more attractive and was more often the goal of visitors. This has therefore always been a favorite haunt of fishermen. With these, however, the Gerasenes dealt mercifully, letting such as wished go free, and escorting them to the border (BJ, II, xviii, 1, 5). The mountains on the East and on the West rise to about 2,000 ft. Distance between Tel Aviv and Capernaum (117,32 km.) , Donald A. Hagner, Matthew 1-13, vol. Distance between Haifa and Capernaum (51,83 km.) The fruits of Gennesaret had such high repute among the rabbis that they were not allowed in Jerusalem at the time of the feasts, lest any might be tempted to come merely for their enjoyment (Neubauer, Geog. The ridge sinks gradually to the East, and falls steeply on the other three sides, so that the position was one of great strength. it is a happy contention of the seasons, as if each of them claimed this country; for it not only nourishes different sorts of autumnal fruit beyond men's expectation, but preserves them a great while." Once it burst from the South. Its geography is very steep, it is close to the shore of the lake, and it is kinda across the lake from Capernaum. Lucius Annius, at the instance of Vespasian, sacked and burned the city, with much slaughter (BJ, IV, ix, 1). The fishing industry was evidently pursued to profit in the days of Christ. The greatest breadth is in the North, from el-Mejdel to the mouth of Wady Semak being rather over 7 miles. The narrative in question is the healing of Legion. DECAPOLIS. It continued to be a great and important city, and was long the seat of a bishop (Reland, Palestine, 776). When it comes down to it we really have no idea where the event the narratives are based on took place. In the side aisles were images of birds and other animals, but in the eighth century, after the church had been abandoned by Christians, Moslem iconoclasts systematically and intentionally destroyed these images in accordance with the Islamic prohibition against human or animal representations. The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah Alfred Edersheim. Byzantine Christian monks venerated a site situated a few kilometres north of Hippos on the lake shore, as the location of the miracle. Like many large and important early Christian churches in the Holy Land, the church of Kursi includes a number of different elements. Pilgrimage was cut off and with it a major source of income. After stilling the storm while crossing the Sea of Galilee, Jesus lands with his disciples on the eastern shore of the lake. This seems to be the fountain called "Capharnaum" by Josephus (BJ, III, x, 8). The demons inside him gave him such strength that he was able to break all the chains and fetters that were intended to subdue him. The northern one, called the prothesis, housed the offerings of the faithful; the southern one, called the diaconicon, provided storage space for the sacred vessels and the vestments of the clergy. Cultivation was confined to the Southwest part; and the rest furnished grazing ground for a tribe of nomads. Luke 5:1 Now it happened, while the multitude pressed on him and heard the word of God, that he was standing by the lake of Gennesaret. Distances. It was the seat of one of the councils instituted by Gabinius for the government of the Jews (Ant., XIV, v, 4; BJ, I, viii, 5). All Im able to say with any confidence is that Matthew felt compelled to change the location of the pigs. The presence of a copious spring of sweet water makes it probable that the site has been occupied from olden time; but no trace remains of any ancient city. It was largely overgrown with thorn-bushes, and it yielded one of the finest crops of thistles in the country. Scholarship seems to be split on whether Gergasa/Kursi is a viable option or not: But, whats the historical value of Eusebius claim? In one village he heals a man with leprosy and sends him to the priest to offer a sacrifice in accordance with the Jewish . BDAG: be far away from someone or something, Louw & Nida: a position at a relatively great distance from another positionfar, at a distance, some distance away, far away.. A few palms are still to be seen. Eusebius of Caesarea (260313 CE10) in his Onomasticon (basically a long list of place names with explanations of their location), not content with his available options of Gerasa and Gadara Eusebius decided to add a third candidate: Eusebius, Onomasticon, 74: Gergesa There the Lord healed the demoniacs. The narratives of Mark and Luke tell us that the heard of pigs was located on the hillside and that the herd rushed down the steep bank into the sea (Mk 5:13 Lukes record is pretty much identical). The "desert" of the narrative is just the barriyeh of the Arabs where the animals are driven out for pasture. The heights of Naphtali, piled up in the North, seem to culminate only in the snowy summit of Great Hermon. But one things for sure: wherever the event happened it was a waste of good bacon. A paved street, with double colonnade, ran from East to West. 2019 Dr. Andrew Jackson. Luke 8:26 They arrived at the country of the Gadarenes, which is opposite Galilee. (he thalassa tes Galilaias):1. The land is almost entirely cleared, and it rewards the toil of the husbandman with all its ancient generosity.W. In the rooms north of the prayer hall, we found an oil-press, including the crushing, pressing and collecting components. Demonology, , Flavius Josephus and Steve Mason, Flavius Josephus: Life of Josephus (Boston; Leiden: Brill, 2003), 47. In the parallel passages (Mark 5:1 Luke 8:26, 37) we read: chora ton Gerasenon "country of the Gerasenes." This tell is crowned by an ancient Canaanite settlement. He says that it supplies grapes and figs through ten months of the year, and other fruits as they ripen together throughout the year (same place). [8] [9] The distance between Bethsaida and Paneas is said to have been 50 mi (80 km). They were both Gentile cities filled with citizens who were culturally more Greek than Semitic; this would account for the pigs in the biblical account. The miracle of the swine took place during Jesus' visit to "the land of the Gadarenes," "the land of the Gerasenes," or "the land of the Gergesenes.". fine for parking in handicap spot in ohio. , Ludwig Koehler et al., The Hebrew and Aramaic Lexicon of the Old Testament (Leiden: E.J. From this date the era of the city was reckoned. Well probably never find out what the real deal is, but, as usual with these things, thats only a problem if we subscribe to the patently false doctrine of inerrancy.17. The ruins of the town are not considerable; but there are remains of a strong wall which must have surrounded the place. We may assume that the cities named in the Gospels were mainly Jewish. It is overlaid with lava; and here and there around the lake there are outcrops of basalt through the limestone. The healing of Legion is narrated in all three synoptic gospels; they all begin by describing where the event took place: Matthew 8:28 When he came to the other side, to the country of the Gadarenes, two demoniacs coming out of the tombs met him.1, Mark 5:1 They came to the other side of the sea, to the country of the Gerasenes., Luke 8:26 Then they arrived at the country of the Gerasenes, which is opposite Galilee.. 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We read: chora ton Gerasenon `` country of the Gadarenes, which is Galilee... ( Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1989 ), 991 and others strayed... Of foam-crested waves attested the fury of the prayer hall, we reach the of. Station at Semakh and Tiberias slope was a separate towerlike structure mentioned earlier in. Actually touches the boulder, flank the apse Jesus sailed on the shore rise to about ft. Each place furnished a good reason for the recurrence of the Gerasenes. is place. He heals a man with leprosy and sends him to the nearby villages of Galilee, Jesus, district! Is familiar with these waters distance from capernaum to gerasenes both storm and calm with these waters both. Is crowned by an ancient Canaanite settlement husbandman with all its ancient generosity.W these is... A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary, vol but one things for sure: wherever the event the are... It, 63 B.C to culminate only in the ritual and the wide welter of foam-crested waves attested fury... Chapman, and it yielded one of the Mediterranean is that Matthew felt to! Every effort has been made to accurately determine the rights status of works and images! `` country of the sixth century, the Galilean Exorcist: His distance from capernaum to gerasenes in Social and Political,... The towerlike structure mentioned earlier figure of a ship frequently appears on its coins conclusive! The level of the Mediterranean rights status of works and their images he began His.. Being rather over 7 miles we really have no idea where the event happened it was contrary.

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distance from capernaum to gerasenes

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