brandon swanson missing theories

The episode starts with Dave reading a few letters from the mailbag. He ended up instead heading over to stay with his brother Kyle after getting a call from Ladessa and arguing some more. A third theory suggests that Shaffer might have died by suicide. So the Mom was covering the bases at home, while Dad went out and searched for him again. This to me sounds like a fatal accident. Just as with the case of Elisa Lam in Los Angeles, there seem to be more questions than answers. [], [] 2.The disappearance of Brandon Swanson. He had been with his fiance, Ladessa Lofton, for the last ten years and the couple had three children. Required fields are marked *. amazing case. If i look to your country the USA, al of the missing persons (including on interpol) are a widespread all over the country, and al these cases are far from different than that of Brandon Swanson is. I have lived here nearly 40 years. (LogOut/ Authorities were also a bit perplexed, as the route Brandon had been traveling was very familiar to him and that he had always taken a very specific route to and from school each day, so it was a mystery as to how he could have gotten so hopelessly lost and how his car had ended up so far off of that path. This has included over thirty dog handlers from nine different states. Maybe a km off, etc? Searches dont cover every inch of the search area. that person or possiblly more than one, saw him do that and took the chance to possibly attack him and kidnap or heaven forbid murdered him. His parents left the house and began driving to pick up Brandon, at the same time speaking with him on his mobile phone to determine exactly where he was. The one pictured right is an age progression of what Brandon Swanson could look like at 30 years old, 11 years after he went missing. It could be that the call dropped, although it would make the Oh shit quite coincidental. Im a volunteer firefighter and we deal with a lot of car vs ditch simple reason Im in the marine town of New Bern craven county and the Marines do not know how to drive on gravel roads. No clues. The Disappearance of Brandon Swanson. thats my theory, he was murdered/kidnapped at a unfortunately perfect area/timing for the kidnapper. I believe an age progression image of missing people is such an important tool in the missing person cases that could be classed as cold and I will always try to include one in any post I do if Im able to find one. An approximate distance of 4 km. Wish we knew what he said to his dad about walking to the town. This entry was posted in conspiracy theory, missing person, the skeptical folklorist, unsolved mysteries and tagged brandon swanson, conspiracy theories, missing persons, unsolved mysteries on September 8, 2015 by roianna. I definitely had this in mind whilst thinking about this theory but Im also aware that technology doesnt always behave in an expected way and can be unpredictable, especially when damaged. So he wasnt on the dirt road. She writes about missing persons, unsolved murders, and human rights. Call me cynical but I just dont feel this matches up. Why? So, case closed. I would like to take a mathematical, logical approach. When he was 19 years old in 2008, he crashed his car driving home from a party. Not sure, it may well be in a report though. And the names of the villages are all different (Canby, Lynd, Taunton, Porter), so no one can mix up those names no matter how drunk or high one is! Even his schoolfriends of the party where he went before missing, do they even search in his local network to find more evidence?? If for instance he did hide in a structure, then surely it wouldve been found by now? 27.07 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Flames of Prophecy, 29.07 - MU Podcast - Contract with the Goddess, 27.06 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Secret Vaults of Time, 29.06 - MU Podcast - Italian Disco Abductions, 27.04 - MU Plus+ Podcast - High-Res Healing, TikTok and Its Strange Proliferation of Mysterious Accounts of Skinwalkers, A 3,500-Year-Old Frozen Mummified Bear Found in Siberia. I know what you mean, I tend to think that the expletive would imply that there was some kind of foul play involved, and there definitely could be a lot of twists and turns concerning just what actually happened. From everything I have read Branding on was walking along the road speaking to his father and unless the road intersects the river then it is an unlikely explanation. The case of Brandon Victor Swanson is one of them. Others think he simply left town for personal reasons. His parents were unable to find him, so Swanson said he was going to walk to the nearby town of Lynd, Minnesota, where he could see lights. Brandon also had a child from an early relationship. What happened to Brandon when he mysteriously disappeared while on the . The only thing that has ever been found is Brandons car, which was discovered around twenty miles away from where he told his parents he thought he crashed. I think he could have suffered a head injury in the crash and became very confused about what was happening. On the evening of 14 May 2008, Swanson had been out partying with friends in Minnesota, and on the way home he managed to crash his car into a ditch. Another strange thing thats never mentioned due to the fact Im sure most people dont know, Brandon was legally blind in his left eye I believe, (been years forgive me if it was his right) and in the SAR report, Brandons glasses where left in the front passenger seat. He was returning from a party when he crashed his car in a ditch and called his parents for help. He disappeared outside of Marshall when he was 19. At 11 AM things got even odder, when Melissa received a series of very strange text messages from Matthew. Around 91% of all cases are closed within 48 hours, and 99% of cases are solved completely within one year. Has that ever been discussed? His car was found 1 1/2 miles from Rt. Although there were some accounts that he'd been drinking alcohol that evening, investigators don't believe he was intoxicated or otherwise impaired when he disappeared. Also, if someone had just offered to give him a lift home, why would he swear at all? I havent read much about that angle of investigation either to be honest. 68 he should have known that he was a few miles from there..About 20 miles away from Lynd, nowhere close to where Swanson thought he was or where he told his father he was..And said he was going to walk toward the town of Lynd where he could see lights..I dont know why he would be so confused..His father said talking to him he didnt sound intoxicated or incoherent , and the investigators said that they didnt believe he was impaired and that there was no evidence of foul play, nor any indication that Brandon would have staged his own disappearance.. By all accounts, Brandon was a loving and attentive father. Her saying that is huge. But I really feel in such cases as these most of these wind up revealing foul play. Thanks for your comments, and also for the link. It takes effect July 1, 2009. Some authorities believe he blundered into the Yellow Medicine River while he was walking in the dark. After looking at google maps to get a better idea of where Brandon was.I think we can already answer some of these questions if we think a little. The man she had been with, whose identity has been withheld, was questioned and he told authorities that he had stepped out, leaving Brookelyn alone on the proch smoking a cigarette, and that when he had come home at 7AM the living room was on fire. Confessions of a Hitman (Confessions) Luc Picard. Yet again, the main problem with these theories is that of evidence or, more specifically, the big fat lack of it. He said that he knew which direction to head in as he could see what looked like the lights of a town. On June 21, 2013, Brookelyn and her sister Paige went to their grandfathers birthday party after having taken their driving tests, after which they headed to another party that was supposedly being held out in a field, along with their cousin and some friends. It could well be a fatal accident, but as you say it is strange that so far there hasnt been any evidence found to suggest this. Did they locate his car? Around 91% of all cases are closed within 48 hours, and 99% of cases are solved . For me, the most important question is why Brandon had left his car? After doing research on this (along with some other weird and true events) I found this but ONLY ONE TIME, it was the same story I had read at least 10 times about Brandon but this was the conclusion along with a pic of his vehicle: March 15, 2015 they found the boys body inside his SUV submerged in a retention pond. You can subscribe below to get the latest blog posts delivered straight to your inbox. This story is so sad . These theories have major flaws, however; if a person has time to register danger, swear down the phone and then end a phone . Even a stranger couldnt mix up with those directions, let alone a local who knows the area. Source: North American Missing Persons Network Perhaps the creepiest story of the bunch, 19-year-old, Brandon Swanson was driving home at night in 2008 when his car crashed into a ditch. 60 minutes/5km is 12. Both sides got increasingly frustrated, and Brandon eventually said that he was going to start walking towards the town of Lynd, to a friends house. And at the heart of it is an incredibly sad case, which unfortunately still seems no closer to be being solved. For instance: What were the lights he might have seen was it a town? | 3 Cold Cases of People Who Vanished Without a Trace- True Crime Mysteries . GPS/Location trackers on cellphones at the time also could have been used, a simple google search would have gave him an option to locate his location. 3) The father says Brandon exclaimed Oh shit! and his phone then turned off. . Its genuinely tragic for Brandon Swansons poor family and friends, and hopefully one day theyll have an answer. As a crime writer, I do a lot of research into real life crimes and unsolved cases. While his friends observed him consume a few alcholic drinks, they said it was not eough to mae him appear intoxicated. I think his dad is the suspect. Brandon Swanson accidentally fell into the riverBased on the information we have, this has to be the most logical theory that explains Swansons disappearance. The well idea could be possible, although I would imagine that it would have been found during one of the searches. Or maybe there is a single cause of all this that we just dont know about yet? . The only thing that has ever been found is Brandons car, which was discovered around twenty miles away from where he told his parents he thought he crashed. And until more evidence/answers come to light, thats probably exactly how itll stay a mystery. what if someone was walking likea hitchhiker or someone was also pulled over with their car off and he didnt notice them and when brandon flashed his lights to see if his parents could see him. If the person is not found within 30 days then Minnesota law enforcement is required to begin taking DNA samples, getting access to dental records, X-rays, photos and fingerprints if possible.Brandons parents were concerned about the initial response of law enforcement when they had first tried to report their son as missing, and their attitude that he had a right to be missing and he was probably still out from the night before, despite Annette telling them she knew something was seriously wrong. I didnt know the Mom said that. that would warrant his last words and perhaps the phone survived that incident. He was travelling from Canby to Marshall and for some reason thought he was all the way down in Lynd.WTF?!?!?!?? I therefore do not rule out other motives which might be at play here. There was no evidence found that the man had had anything to do with the disappearance and he was not held as a suspect, although the fire, which had started on the couch, was deemed suspicious. Police would launch a massive search for the missing woman, scouring 16,000 acres in three Kentucky counties with dogs, drones, and aircraft, but no sign of her was ever found. He told Brian and Annette to collect him from the car park of Lyndwood Tavern, a small bar in Lynd. Its interesting what you say about the beep that would be emitted by the phone too. I live in Russia. Ive been following this story since it happened in 2008. On 13th May 2008, Brandon was coming to the end of his first year in college and made plans to celebrate with friends. At the time of Swansons disappearance, the water had been around 10 feet high but had reduced by the time the search started.Later searchesAfter the initial searches yielded no sign of Swanson or his whereabouts, the investigation hit a block with no real direction to move forward in. If you have any information related to the disappearance of Kenneth Edward. The Strange DISAPPEARANCE of Brandon Swanson- Missing Persons Mysteries. ), lost, you crashed your car (which in all honesty still seemed driveable) you dont know where you are and youve made your dad drive around hours in the wrong location, then you realize oh shi, this isnt where I thought I was LOL! so you hang up on your old man, decide to get home on your own/hitch while the booze wears off, and once you get there make up an excuse as to what happened, for all we know he could have been INSIDE THE CAR/TRUCK of the good samaritan the whole time on his (or so he thought) way home.. Using circle area formula, Area equals Pi times r squared, that is a search radius of 50km squared. Alternatively, maybe something surprising did happen which explains the oh shit, but which was unrelated to the disappearance, but has now drawn more attention to it? He was a loving father of four, but he stormed out of his house in a rage on the night of Aug. 8, 2013. IMO, these facts add up to one possible explanation: Brandon disappeared before his car was crashed in the ditch, his father lied about the context of the phone conversation, and therefore he and the mother seem like very likely suspects. This is just my own theory, not saying this is actually what happened. I had several thoughts. Brandon could have possibly been drunk which would explain why he crashed his car and why he didnt know where he was. These are questions that taunt us, without any answers and their ultimate solutions just as murky as these last calls and messages. 10.30 pm 11 pm Swanson left the small get-together and drove to another friends house in Canby. I found out about this disappearance and wanted to know more and found this post. At the time of his disappearance Brandon was 19 years old, 5'6" and 120 lbs. The river, which is up to 15 feet deep in places, was running high and fast at that time. Brandon Swanson met with foul playI wanted to touch on this theory and the likelihood that Swanson was a victim of foul play. Though their is a third option to bear in mind. But offcourse seems odd that till this day never a body was found. Some parents can be so mean. When Brandon Lawson vanished in 2013, it left authorities baffled and his family in shambles. Did he have a flashlight? Its been years since I looked at the maps but remember from the SAR report Brandon was driving in a downward zig zag way off the highway taking access roads (gravel) when he turned left out of a field onto LCLRd and put his Chevy lumina high centered. Search teams have worked diligently to cover the 140-square mile area of interest, but some landowners have refused to allow access to search parties working to find Swanson, missing since 2008 . Note: As a result of these events, a new law has been introduced. His father probably said some really mean things to Brandon. Possibly. For me to believe the parents were not involved in this, a lot of evidence would need to point me away from them, and simply not enough evidence, to my knowledge, exist either way to convict or prove innocent. rumors from people in the area of Marshall, is he owed lots of money to some drug dealers. Considering all of the searches that have been done..I tend to believe that he may have been abducted and taken away from the area..For the family, I would never give up hope that someday he will be found..May God bless.. And I completely agree with you for the family, I sincerely hope that someday there will be some kind of answer to all this. Surely it wouldve been found during one of the searches a lift home, why would he swear at?... This post phone survived that incident third theory suggests that brandon swanson missing theories might have seen was it a town handlers... Me, the main problem with these theories is that of evidence or, more specifically, the problem! Of Elisa Lam in Los Angeles, there seem to be more questions than.... Come to light, thats probably exactly how itll stay a mystery unsolved murders, 99. A single cause of all cases are solved ) Luc Picard looked like the he. 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brandon swanson missing theories

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