34 pict 3 idle jet size

Changing the jetting in the carburetor to produce a richer mixture helps overcome those shortcomings. Price: $ 399.95. All information should be verified prior to use. I'd avoid Chinese stuff on eBay. There is an pilot (idle) jet on all carburetors too - these are normally left at 55 for most carburetors (28, 30, H30/31 and 34 series), on any engine size (since it's only feeding the engine at small throttle settings anyway). The numbers are: 231 168 015, and 043 905 205 L in the second line. Pull it back tight (with the idle screw against the lowest step on the cam) and snug down the screw (takes three hands. Try the X125 main before you try the X127.5 -- I'm using a 30PICT/2 carburetor on my 1600cc DP engine, and it works fine with the X125. The modern H30/31 carburetor replaces the 28, 30 and 31 series carburetors and can be used on 1200cc, 1300cc, 1500cc and 1600cc engines with appropriate jetting. Others are upset by a backfiring, or smoke belching monster. This valve closes when the key is off, preventing "Run on". On some models (the H30/31 for example) it is angled slightly towards the back of the car. 21.00 (Excl VAT) 25.20 (Incl . does anyone have a link to a graphic that explains where it is on the carb? Dave jetted his new carburetor as follows: main jet - X130; idle jet - 55; air correction jet - 80Z. and 34-3 carb. But we continue to endeavor to answer email inquiries as best we can. If it's working, you'll hear a clicking sound as the relay pulls in. Note: The main jet feeds fuel, so larger numbers mean richer mixtures, but air correction jets feed AIR, so larger numbers mean leaner mixtures). The emulsion tube mixes air from the air corrector jet with fuel from the main jet, and controls the mixture from the discharge nozzle at all engine speeds that the main jet is working. The larger size 65 idle jet helped the 30PICT/3 and H30/31 carburetors overcome the very lean main jet at idle and low speeds, and thus help to reduce the "bogging" problem. So you want to upgrade the engine, are willing to do an exhaust change, maybe some more displacement, but don't want dual carbs, right? I don't think you'd honestly notice the difference. This carb is designed to remain compatible with SVDA distributors, and fits the stock air filter. The tiny drills are available from specialty tool shops, some large hardware shops and a few VW shops. I've seen a German jet kit for it but the main jet is 130 the idle is 65 the accelerator and emulsion are both 60. Most 34PICT/3 carburetors don't need this though -- usually the larger main, and then maybe blocking the air bleed hole in the throttle plate, plus maximizing the squirt from the accelerator pump is enough. Leaks would certainly be an issue - I don't know how the threaded part would be sealed. The fuel flow through each jet is determined by the airflow which creates a low pressure area near that jet. This reduces the fuel flow back towards stoichiometry -- that is, it prevents the carburetor going over-rich at higher speeds/airflow. All Solex carburetors tend to run lean at high power settings (high rpm and open throttle). To finish the job we re-jet the carb and circuits to work with the additional airflow, and you have a dream carburetor for slightly hopped up engines, and/or engines with more displacement. This will result in most of the fuel running through the idle jet - it supplies some fuel up to about 2500rpm. $7.99. There are three (or four) removable jets. If your car is having a problem with spitting/sputtering/cracking, this is an indication of the fuel/air mixture being too LEAN. It's interesting to note that everything we've seen on the air correction jet talks about the effect becoming noticeable at about 4000+ RPM, but that's not the case. If I can't iron it out with the high speed jet I'll start on the idle jet. Pilot jet cutoff valve: 3: Carburetor upper half: 15: Gasket: 27: Circlip: 4: Float needle valve: 16: NOTE-the Pilot Jet Valve may already have been replaced with the Brass #55 Idle Jet. Float needle valve and gasket (4 & 5) (See note below.) As indicated previously, the VW engine actually runs better at fractionally rich settings (ideally 13.8:1 rather than 14.5:1 according to Bob Hoover who did lots of testing), but they are usually jetted a little leaner than that, so the X127.5 is really a minimum jetting for the 1600cc engine. Carbs help Solex 32 34 Z2 Overclockers UK Forums. to the back of the engine, in an angle) is a: g f 50 and the other: g f 50. You have to take the top off the carburetor to see it (careful taking this one out -- it's about an inch long and has the emulsion tube attached underneath). > Servicing Keihin carburettor>07.78 . Takes less than five minutes, then another five to put the new one in and put the top back on the carburetor. It should not need to be bigger than that with a vacuum distributor (009 distributors need richer mixtures). The idle jet should be a size 55, and power jet size 65. Center-mounted carbs need a somewhat richer (larger) idle jet, since the carburetor is so far from the cylinders and the fuel condenses on the way there (so make sure your manifold pre-heater is functional). Any auto supply store can sell you a little T-shaped adaptor that will fit on the terminal, with three "wings" (if you will) to which the three black wires can be attached. See details. Dave uses his small needle-nose vise grip to hold the end of the cable to the throttle lever while tightening the screw with his other hand). Go ahead and remove it -- after 30 years it will have been moved several times already. On the subject of ongoing jet changes, I re-installed the 60 idle jets (1600cc weber 34 ICT blah blah) and lo & behold, the light throttle and off . From memory the 205L distributor has both vacuum and centrifugal advance and should work fine. Now I have installed a newer Solex Brosol 30/31 carburetor (the Brazilian one), in good shape. Just make sure the hole size is correct for your engine size and distributor type (009 distributors need richer carburetor mixtures). If it is any lower the choke may be staying on too long, or it may be stuck on and won't open at all. The performance would tell you some of the answer, but inexperienced folks using one might get themselves into trouble where using a fixed (normal) jet and changing it for a larger or smaller one would give you a known change in fuel flow. In the boxes of parts was a new manifold for the 34 Pict 3 carb. Each engine is a little different, but these jets will get you "in the ball park". In this video I share with you the Carburetor Idle setting; step by step for my 1971 VW super beetle 34 PICT - 3 Carb. Golf Mk1 > Volkswagen Workshop Manuals > Power unit > 34 PICT, Keihin carburettor and ignition system > Mixture preparation carb. Note: Dave found that NONE of the several top-to-body gaskets provided in the kit was the right size or configuration for his carburetor (he was possibly sent a kit for the earlier series carburettors). In most cases we are able to honor advertised price, but in the RARE case a substantial price increase occurs, you would be notified and given the option to cancel. Venturi size refers to the narrowest channel in the carburetor throat. Brosol/Solex Idle Jets .50. That terminal on the coil is just a convenient place to obtain power to these components. This is what causes the visible rich condition, and confirms the need to increase the jet size. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Size 45 Pump Tip for Weber Dcoe Dcom Dco Carburetor Jet 76801.45 at the best online prices at eBay! following diagram. So why worry about the jets? weber weber carburetors 34 ict 15290 racetep com Aug 22 2022 web 1 1 carburetor cover 31706 055 31 1 bush for fast idle control lever 12750 058 2 1 . Air is much less dense than gasoline, so that makes sense. Also make sure the accelerator pump is set for full squirt, and is squirting straight down the throat past the opening throttle plate - not splashing on anything on the way. May 13, 2014 @ 5:57 am. A clean plug with a light grey/tan look means the mixture is about right. I have checked my idle timing with the vacuum line disconnected and plugged, also checked high idle (5 @ Idle & 32 @ High Idle). Status: Offline. Rob wrote in this regard - See our article on Reading Spark Plugs. I haven't run enough through the tank to get a real idea about consumption yet, but since I don't notice any huge difference in performance I'll probably be going back to the X125 soon. Run about 100 miles and then look at the tail pipe. Quality Parts and Tech Info for Classic Aircooled Volkswagen Enthusiasts. Rob's 30PICT/2 carburetor had a 125Z air correction jet (correct for a 1500SP - and worked on a 1600SP too). Brosol/Solex Idle Jets .40. Ethanol in Gasoline/Petrol results in less energy per litre/gallon, so you need MORE of it to keep the mixture in balance. Unsere Bestenliste Feb/2023 - Detaillierter Produktratgeber Die besten Vw aux in Bester Preis : Vergleichssieger. Some engines (mine, for example) like to run a tad rich, in which case an X130 main jet may . It must be jetted differently for the different sized engines, so that fuel flow will match the airflow characteristics, and they usually arrive jetted way too lean - an emission thing. Where many people run into problems is that they don't understand that the idle jet is the circuit that they do most of their driving on (2000-2500 RPMs). 737-144. There should be a light smooth coating of carbon on the rim of the threaded part, and a colour change on the outer electrode of grey (at the tip) to black (where it attaches to the rim of the threaded part), with the change of colour on the corner of the bend. These are setup for 12V electrics, and include the idle shut off valve. Dave bought a Pierburg model 34PICT/3 carburetor from Aircooled.Net, and none of the jets had the sizes stamped on them. It's a brass screw with a hole in the middle, extending straight down into the body of the carburetor. This will have the main jet supplying the fuel, and read the plug again. As a result, we have had to change our BACKORDER FULFILLMENT PROCEDURES. If the valve sticks in the open position, the idle fuel circuit will remain open, so if the engine is still turning it will still draw fuel through the idle jet, resulting in running on if there is a hot spot in one or more cylinders. **UPDATE*** WE ARE NO LONGER KEEPING LONG TERM BACKORDERS OPEN FOR LATER FULFILLMENT!! For example, when used on a 1300cc engine with a vacuum distributor, the H30/31 should usually have a main jet of X122.5 and an air correction jet of about 140Z; but when used in a 1600cc single port engine, it should have a 125 main jet and a 125 or 130 air correction jet. For a 1600cc dual port engine with any 30/31-sized carburetor and any vacuum distributor, the correct jets are idle size 55, main jet size X125 (just maybe X127.5 on some engines) and air correction jet size 125Z or X130 (with air correction jets - SMALLER mean richer, but only at higher speeds where they start to work). Because the aircooled engine runs hot anyway, the smaller jet in the carburettor can result in too much heat and burn the exhaust valves. Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by low_light_craig, Jun 9, 2017. low_light_craig. Our last contact with Keith was some years ago. If there are any blockages or crud it would be worth giving the carburetor a complete cleaning. That will make the car run a little rich at higher speeds (less air means more fuel) but it might help. Air correction 75 to 125 and these are changed. *** Supply-chain disruptions have hampered our ability to acquire/restock items reliably, and a lack of backorder ETA information is the frustrating "new normal" for our hobby. On the /3 and /4 carburetors - it looks like a bolt with a tiny silver plug in the center. It's important that you get it right. On the premise that the 1600cc engine likes to run just a tad rich, many people will change out the main jet for a size X130. The main jets also fit EMPI and Brosal Kadron 40/44EIS Carburetors. I'd go for a 130 main. If you have a proper vacuum distributor, it might be possible to make the main jet a little bit smaller (X125 is the next size down from X127.5), but this will not make very much difference in the fuel consumption. Free shipping for many products! Secure the fuel hose to the inlet nozzle on the carburetor with a new hose clamp. This is so you can move the carburetor back and forth a bit (front-to-back) to assure that the accelerator pump linkage on the right side of the careburetor clears both the fan shroud at the front and the alternator body at the back. But above about 50 mph, and especially after about 60 mph, the car starts to gradually lack power, so obviously the 140Z air correction jet is a little too large -- it's running the car leaner as the speed increases. If you do not hear this clicking sound, it's time to replace the idle cut-off valve. The fiddly bit is pulling the jet back through the hole. We are still processing and shipping orders from our warehouse as normal even while our site is offline. I think you are saying that the engine stalls (stops running) when you push the throttle pedal? On the twin port engines, it has to be used with a 30/34 adaptor, since the twin port manifold has a larger mounting flange than the single port manifold. We are now only fulfilling order requests only for items that we have in stock OR that we know can be acquired within a defined timeframe. It evolved from the 28 PICT which became the 30 PICT in 1968. Discussion in 'Mech Tech' started by low_light_craig, Jun 9, 2017. That's fine for modern cars with engine computers which can adjust the mixture on-the-run, but what about our old fixed-jet carburettors? In most cases you can just leave the power jet alone. Jun 10, 2013 (Edited) cactu4r said: I've got a recently rebuilt 1600 DP, 34-pict-3, DVDA, and I am having the hardest time getting the engine to idle. . Using a new gasket, install the carburetor on the intake manifold flange. The trouble is, at full power/full throttle this extra air produces a slightly too-lean mixture, so there is also a separate power jet on some models which adds a little extra fuel to the full throttle airflow just to richen it up to get the mixture back into balance. To compensate for this, an air correction jet is inserted in the fuel delivery circuit after the main jet, which starts to add air to the fuel emulsion as the airflow increases. I tested the operation of the vacuum advance / retard functions of the distributor by sucking on the hoses with the engine running and timing light on . Sorry! They might be available individually or in a set. I also have a stock carb rack but it appears to have water damage and one or more carb is seized. The back one (pilot?) If you have a 009 distributor (no vacuum canister on the side), the main jet should be about X130 or X132.5 and the air correction jet may be a little larger than normal -- 110Z or so -- to compensate for the dizzy's flat spot. Then video is intended as an example.. Do you know what size high speed jet you have? I think the original idle jet was a 50, but the replacement jet orifices (orifii?) That means that the jetting requirement for any VW using ethanol-added gasoline/petrol is different to those using straight hydrocarbon gasoline/petrol. The try the same test at a higher speed - a steady 55-60mph. Be sure to check your engine's fuel pressure and ignition system. The other one (pointing straight out to the right side of the car) is the power jet, which feeds additional fuel at high throttle/high rpm. As we learn more, we will include it here. The smaller jets WILL NOT work with the 009 distributor. However, the loss of power as you pass 60mph is noticeable with the 140Z, whereas there was lots more power for middle-higher speed acceleration with the 125Z. When using the 30PICT or H30/31 carburetor on a twin port manifold and any vacuum distributor, change the jets to X125 or X127.5 main, 55 idle, and leave the air correction at 125Z. Rob responded - Yes, that sounds like a rich mixture. So, I let it warm up, and set the timing to 32 degrees full advance. Some of you may be using this Carburetor. So a 34PICT/3 carburetor with an 009 distributor should be jetted with an X130 or X132.5 main jet, and an 80-100Z air correction. Re: 34 PICT 3 Adjustment Woes. The standard carburetor with standard jetting as originally furnished on your car is usually the most economical and dependable. The EMPI Brosol and Solex Replacement Main Jets are sold individually in sizes ranging from 112.5 to 170. The last three carburetors are more sensitive, and so the lack of vacuum advance on the 009 makes more of an impact. It worked quite well, although the idle wasn't very accurate. Nothing is exactly that linear of course as the jets are all different sizes, but maybe it helps visualise the problem of keeping the fuel flow balanced at different rpm/airflows. The X127.5 jet on a 30PICT carburetor is fractionally oversize, and the X130 on a 34PICT is fractionally oversize. At a pinch you can use WD40 or similar, using the little straw to get into small holes etc, but these products do dry to a sticky residue, so are not ideal. None of these tests are definitive - just indicative. On the H30/31, the main jet is set at an angle and you have to remove the top and the float to get at it. PRODUCT AVAILABILITY can vary and short-term backorders are common. On the H30/31 carburetor, there are two brass jets on the right side (right is right of car). When using the 30PICT or H30/31 carburetor on a twin port manifold and any vacuum distributor, change the jets to X125 or X127.5 main, 55 idle, and leave the air correction . Sound as the relay pulls in X130 on a 34PICT is fractionally oversize and. Vw shops Feb/2023 - Detaillierter Produktratgeber Die besten VW aux in Bester Preis: Vergleichssieger jets also EMPI. Parts and Tech Info for Classic Aircooled Volkswagen Enthusiasts coil is just a convenient place to obtain to... Your engine size and distributor type ( 009 distributors need richer mixtures ) then video is intended as an..... Is intended as an example.. do you know what size high speed jet you have video is as! In 1968 secure the fuel, and power jet size to endeavor to answer email inquiries as best can... Then another five to put the top back on the H30/31 for example ) like run. In gasoline/petrol results in less energy per litre/gallon, so that makes sense which became 30... 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34 pict 3 idle jet size

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